Haymarket Happenings
September 2022
Dear Parents,
The first two weeks of school have been a wonderful "normal" transition back to school! We truly appreciate everyone's patience and partnership as we work together for sake of our students. Getting back into the "school-mode" can be difficult at times. Here are some tips to get back in the groove:
- Make a plan - after school activities are great thing for students and families alike! Make sure to schedule adequate time for not only homework, but also family time.
- Scale back screen time - setting a weekly limit for time spent watching TV, playing video games, etc. is hard, but it will ultimately help our students become more well-rounded. Maintain a firm rule that homework (reading!) and chores come first.
- Establish a reading time and routine
- Reestablish bedtimes for school - we are tiring them out at school with all the learning so make sure they are ready for the next day with plenty of sleep.
- Make a backup plan - things happen...ensure you have back up help in case there is an emergency while you child(ren) is/are at school.
- Celebrate accomplishments - find a place to put your child's school work that they are proud of. We highly recommend to praise writing as it equates to success in all subjects!
- Get ready the night before school - getting ready in the morning can be stressful. Think about what your child can do to prep for the morning the evening before (set out clothes, make lunch, pack snacks, etc.)
Lastly, we continue to have events and meetings to keep our community involved and engaged. Please be on the lookout for emails, texts, social media posts, and more so you can prepare. We would love to see you at our events! Speaking of events, mark your calendar for our Back to School Nights in October.
- Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30pm - Kindergarten and 1st Grade
- Wednesday, October 12th at 6:30pm - 2nd and 3rd Grades
- Thursday, October 13th at 6:30pm - 4th and 5th Grades
- Parent Advisory Council Meeting: Tuesday, September 6th at 6:30pm (via Zoom)
- Book Fair: September 19-23 (Family Night on Wednesday, Sept. 21st at 6:00pm)
- Spirit Wear Sales: September 12-23
- PTO Meeting: Wednesday, September 14th at 6:30pm (in-person/Zoom TBD)
- PTO Movie Night - September 16th
- Chocolate Fundraiser Ends: September 20th
- Grandparents Breakfast - September 20th
- No School: Monday, September 26th
Back to School Packet Reminder
The annual Back to School Packet, where parents/guardians can review emergency cards, update contact information, and complete annual policy reviews and acknowledgments, is now available in ParentVUE. All families should complete the Back to School Packet by Friday, September 16, 2022. The information you provide will allow school staff to ensure your student's safety this school year.
- Log into the ParentVUE app or the ParentVUE website using your ParentVUE User Name and password.
- Once logged into ParentVUE, click the Online Records button at the top of the screen.
Parent Advisory Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 5077 8417
Passcode: 438271
Tue, Sep 6, 2022, 06:30 PM
School Breakfast/Lunch
- $1.50 per student
- K students will eat in the cafeteria with supervision until further notice
- All other students will have a "grab and go" breakfast option
- $2.50 per student
- If a student wants more, the cost is $4.00 (on top of the $2.50 they already paid). If students don't have money on their account, they will not be permitted to get more.
- Milk is $1.00. Same as above...if they don't have money on their account they will not be able to purchase it.
- There are NO a la carte options. This means that students can only purchase a whole meal, not just sides and not just the main course.
Free Lunch Application
- Please apply here - https://pwcsnutrition.com/
Student Numbers
- Please continue to work with your child(ren) to memorize their lunch numbers
PTO Meeting
Wed, Sep 14, 2022, 06:30 PM
Attendance Reminders
If you have to notify us that your child is not going to be here, is coming late, or is getting picked up early, please alert not only your child's teacher, but also the office. Depending on schedules, teahcer may not be able to check email until their planning times and they are often is meetings during those times as well. Calling the office is best and we can relay the message to the teacher, or you can email Mrs. Maire in the office directly at mairel@pwcs.edu.
Dear Parents and Families:
Get Ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place from September 19th-23rd at Haymarket Elementary:
This year, say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child’s digital payment account.
Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
If you are interested in volunteering for our Fall Book Fair, please contact Mrs. Zenoniani at zenonire@pwcs.edu. Thank you!
Happy reading,
Mrs. Z and Mrs. Fisher
Watch DOGS Coming Soon!
Many Dads have asked...yes we will have Watch DOGS again this year (Dads Of Great Students). There will be an informational gathering in mid/late September...more information to come!
PE Class Updates
Anything longer requires a doctor's note and the assumption is that they can't participate in active recess activities either (please let the teacher know).
Safe Shoes Reminder
- make sure your child has safe shoes on during PE days (if not deemed safe then PE teachers will have the student observe the activities and possibly complete another SOL driven assignment)
HOT (Higher Order Thinking) Questioning Chart
As we continued to push our students to think at higher levels, we urge everyone to use the question stems below when working with your child...whether it be math, writing, science, social studies, reading, or just situations, it is useful to get to our students to think differently. If we ask low level, basic questions, they will give us low level, basic answers!
Put it on your fridge as a reminder...students can use it also!
PWCS Calendars
Due to current supply chain issues with paper, the Communications Department will not be printing the 2022-23 School Guide and Calendar.