Columbia Crest Academy
Monday, August 22, 2022
Welcome Back, Rainier Families!
It is with renewed energy that I look forward to the 2022-2023 school year. We are beginning the year in a normal fashion and it feels good. We have filled our teaching positions with people who are excited to be at Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy. We are hoping to hire one more teacher this month. If you have any contacts who may be interested in our secondary math position, please share this link. By the end of August we will be prepped and shiny and ready to open our doors to our wonderful, energetic students.
As school ended I planned a wonderful trip to the east coast to be with my sister and her family. Being an aunt is its own special role and I love it. I spent the last two weeks of July in Brandywine, Maryland. I enjoyed bonding with my nieces who are 3 and 1 (her new baby was born on August 6th). While there I was so impressed by how quickly my three year old niece was able to navigate my android phone (her parents have iPhones) and knew to push "Skip Ads" to get to her alphabet video on YouTube. Little ones have such powerful brains and it is so rewarding that we get to be part of their learning development. I also had to make another personal decision and that involves returning to being Allison Burslem. Please let your children know my new name.
Our theme for the year is, “Learning lights the way”. As in the past, we will create special activities around this mindset. Last year was tough. Even so, many good things happened. With being able to focus even more on learning and things that are good for kids, it will be an even better year.
Please get involved in PTO! We welcome this support group back and we look forward to offering other ways you can volunteer and be involved. More information will be coming out very soon with ways you can be involved this school year.
Follow Columbia Crest on Facebook and Instagram.Our Student Council also made an Instagram Account for our ASB Activities.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Principal Burslem
Special Time with my Nieces this Summer
Leadership Camp 8/15 & 8/16
Kinder Camp 8/15 & 8/16
Important Protocols
First Day of School
Supply Lists
Our Preschool-8th grade school supply list is on our website and posted below.
✏️: https://bit.ly/CCAsupplies
22-23 Calendar
Meet our Teachers
September Event Calendar
Open House Night
Bus Route Information
Wondering how to view your child's pick up and drop off bus times?
- Two weeks before school begins, the 22-23 route information will be available on Ride360.
- Register for Ride360 today on the website.
- Routes are setup for 1st-12th grade students. Special Services, Kindergarten and Preschool students are being added soon.
- When you register you will need your student’s 7 digit Student ID number that typically begins with 2 zeros. Please access Skyward Family Access for your child’s ID number.
- Once you've registered on the site you may download the app. Traversa Ride 360™ is a mobile app for Apple® and Android® devices.
- You can expect to receive direct messages regarding changes, delays and notifications specific to your child's route and stop. You may also directly message the Eatonville School District Transportation Office.
22-23 School Hours
Please note the first Wednesday Late Start will begin on Wednesday, September 14th. Schools will operate on a one hour delayed start time to allow staff to engage in Professional Learning.
Student & Parent Handbook 22-23
This will be available for families to digitally sign on Skyward, Family Access beginning on August 30th.
Individual Picture Day
- We hope every student can be pictured on Tuesday, September 13th to ensure everyone is in the yearbook.
- Picture Retake Day is scheduled for November 4th.
- To preorder pictures, please use the Picture Day ID on the graphic below at this site: http://mylifetouch.com
School Theme for 22-23
Coming Soon
You will receive information soon regarding:
Free Lunch Information
Specific information from your child’s assigned teacher
Back-to-School Forms
Kindergarten Enrollment is Open
Now enrolling all students for the 22-23 school year in Preschool - 8th Grade. 🗻🙋♂️🙋♀️🗻
🚌🚌Students may ride one of our direct buses that picks up students as far as Graham and near Roy. 🚌🚌
🤝💛Our school has a family style atmosphere full of tradition and kindness. A place where all students thrive.🤝💛
🌲👀Curious about this unique location for your child's schooling next year?🌲👀
📲Message us to schedule a tour.📲
🌐Link to enrollment forms: https://bit.ly/ESDenrollment.
👍(Please share this status for us.)👍
Middle School Athletics
Football (7-8 Grade) Football September 6
Cross Country (6-8 Grades) September 7
Girls Fast Pitch Softball (6-8 Grades) September 7
Wrestling (6-8 Grades) NOV 14 - JAN 25
Girls Basketball (6-8 Grades) NOV 14 - JAN 17
Boys Basketball (6-8 Grades) JAN 30 - MAR 21
Girls Soccer (6-8 Grades) JAN 30 - MAR 21
Track & Field (6-8 Grades) MAR 27 - MAY 30
- Girls Volleyball (6-8 Grades) MAR 27 - MAY 30
Participants cannot practice without a valid Sports Physical or Parent and Student Registrations. Parents must log into Skyward family access and complete the Parent registration. Students must register through their own skyward access separately. Eligibility rules require that students have a valid sports physical on file in the office that remains valid through the end of the season for each distinct sport. Coaches will make contact with registered participants as we get closer to start dates.
The 4 requirements for participation are:
1. Sports Physical (valid for two years from exam date)
2. Parent Registration (must be completed in skyward before first practice)
3. Student Registration (must be completed in skyward before first practice)
4. ASB Fee (paid in the EMS middle school school main office after August 23, 2022 but before first game/match)
- SKYWARD FAMILY REGISTRATION: http://family.eatonville.wa-k12.net/
Practices begin immediately after school each day at approximately 2:45pm and end on each coach’s individual schedule. All participants should bring a water bottle to practice to ensure participant safety and proper hydration.
Important Information
Principal: Ms. Allison Burslem
Secretary: Mrs. Kim Davis
Counselor: Ms. Deb Noble-Perry
Main Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Principal Burslem
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu
Location: 24503 Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
Phone: 360-641-1700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org