Rattler Nurse Connect
November 2021 - Edition 9
Happy Thanksgiving!
School of Nursing Student - Florida Classic Game MVP Fall 2021
Pre-nursing LLC Students - Fall 2021
Healthy Cooking Event
Undergraduate Nursing Programs
RN-BSN Fast Track Program - Enrolling for Spring 2022 NOW!
Enrollments are open for SPRING 2022! Learn more by visiting our website or contacting our Office of Student Affairs at (850) 412-7067.
Experiential Learning and Coaching/Remediation
Spring Semester Volunteers Needed!
Planning for the Spring 2022 Semester Skill Refresher has begun. The Experiential Learning team will host a nursing skills refresher event. These activities enhance studentsβ nursing skill performance and promotes critical thinking.
If you would like to volunteer with this event, contact Mr. Tacuma Womble at tacuma.womble@famu.edu
Introduction & Warm Welcome to Our New Nursing Advisor!
Graduate Nursing Programs - NEW DIRECTOR
FAMU School of Nursing offers a high-in-demand Adult Gerontology and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner education completely online. Study to become a Nurse Practitioner in only five (5) semesters or less and begin to make a great impact in your advanced professional nursing career in no time. Our convenient student-centered curricula are designed for part-time or full-time study, with multiple admission cycles throughout the year. The program provides a solid foundation and support for success even as you work full-time. Choose to start your NP journey in a career that makes a difference for adults across the lifespan and rewards you professionally. We are now accepting applications for our Spring 2022 start date. Apply today at https://www.applyweb.com/famug/index.ftl (NEW LINK!). For more information about our graduate program, contact Dr. Lisa Gardner via email - lisa.gardner@famu.edu or call (850) 599-3017.
New Position Openings: FAMU School of Nursing is Looking for Energetic, Dedicated People
1. Graduate Faculty (x2)
2. Online Graduate Faculty - Mental Health Health; Nurse Practitioners
Click here to visit the FAMU Human Resources Website
Special need:
3. Subject Matter Experts (SME) - Course development/Course revisions (Adjuncts). All specialities needed!
- Contact Ms. Farlin if you have interest is serving as an SME at annie.farlin@famu.edu
*Please share this information*
* * Stay Connected * *
Connect. Engage. Strike.
Email: nursingdocs@famu.com
Website: https://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?a=nursing
Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA
Phone: 850-599-3017
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/famuschoolofnursing/