Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
AM Session: 8:00am - 11:10am
PM Session: 12:05pm - 3:15pm
Full Day: 8:00am - 3:15pm
Sunnyside Full Day: 7:50am - 3:05pm
Day Care: 7:00am - 5:00pm
March 10 & 11-No School
March 14-18-No School for Spring BreakMarch 22-Policy Council
March 23-Sunnyside Exploration Place
March 24-Parent Meeting
March 30-Late Start
Letter from the Principal
Well--it's been a cold walk into the building the last few weeks! Thank you for your patience and hard work helping get your students to class in the frigid cold.
As we head into March we hope the weather will begin warming up--but we are absolutely sure that things will be heating up in the BBEC/Sunnyside classrooms. Soon, we will have Spring Break and the School year will be over in a flash.
We hope that families enjoy the chance to celebrate Read Across America and Dr. Seuss Day. Our kids and staff love dressing up for these events. Never lose an opportunity to read your kids!
Please be aware of upcoming enrollment dates if your child is transitioning to Kindergarten next year. We have posted these on our FaceBook page, as well as through classroom announcements.
We know that the last three months of school will bring exciting changes for all of our students. As always, thank you for the privilege of working with your children!
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
We still have spots for qualifying children!
Come and learn about all the community resources to keep your family safe.
Thursday, Mar 24, 2022, 05:00 PM
Dodge City Civic Center
Policy Council
The February Policy Council Meeting took place on February 15th, 2022. The Policy Council members voted to approve the following:
- Head Start Grant 2022-2023
- Allocation Method for 2023
- Community Assessment
- 2022-2023 Poverty Guidelines
They also approved permission to apply for the following grants: Kansas Early Head Start Home Visitation, Kansas Early Head Start Child Care Partnership
Preschool Aged At Risk Grant.
The next meeting will be March 22nd, 2022 at 11:30 am. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, contact your classroom teacher or family advocate for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Miss Melyssa
The First Session of Parent Connection Groups will begin late March and continue into April. See the section below for more details and how to register. Thank you for your input to get these started!
I will be sharing videos straight from Conscious Discipline Facebook Page weekly. Check out these great tools to share with your child.
Join me for many great ideas for your child's Social Emotional Learning. Please click on the Parent Sign in to let us know how you are learning with your child. Google Site HERE This Site will continue to be updated as the Parent Connection Groups get going. Please sign in as a way to show your participation and for any follow up needed.
You will find videos of read-a-louds, fun ways to teach rhyming and connecting and so much more! Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family. Teachers continue these lessons in the classroom as well.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you wish to visit about to best support your child.
Sending you Well Wishes during this Winter season~ Miss Melyssa
Parent Connection Group Sessions will begin soon! See how to register below
See the attached flyers to give you more details.
The link to register will be live from March 4th -8th.
Well Wishes!
~Miss Melyssa Walker
If your phone number is correct in the school database, you should have already received messages from Bright Beginnings. Please make sure your number is updated in our system by checking with the office staff.
You can receive the messages via text or you can download the app from iTunes or Google Play. If you need help receiving these messages, you can speak to your classroom teacher or the office staff to get you started.
Click here for more information.