Davis A&M Family Newsletter
April 6, 2022
Principal's Message
Davis Students & Families,
It is finally spring, and warmer days are on their way. In addition to better weather, we're also excited for our fourth quarter. Davis teachers spent last week preparing another round of engaging academic activities as well as planning opportunities for our school to come together as a whole for learning and for fun.
This week will be welcoming students back by recognizing their academic and personal successes during quarter three. In grade level assemblies we will also provide school updates concerning the dress code policy and building procedures. As the year comes to a close, we want to keep our attendance high to ensure that all students end the year strong. Please continue to communicate student absences with the school.
Finally, state testing returns next week. Students will receive testing letters indicating which tests they are scheduled to take. Students who do not test on the designated days will have asynchronous learning at home.
If you have questions about any of the announcements, please call the school at 216.838.2500
In this Newsletter, you will find information about:
- OST & Make Up TESTING: Next week
- Class of 2022 Update
- College Now Update
- Counseling Corner: Student Opportunity
- F.I.R.S.T Robotics Update
- Schoology Pointers for Parents
- After-School Academic Support - EVERY DAY
- Community Resources & Announcements
- Update Contact Information with Davis A&M
- Year-Round School Calendar Dates
We have OST testing and SAT make up exams coming up this month. Students will receive a letter that details the specific tests they need to take. Any student who does not have a test or a make up test scheduled will have an asynchronous day instead of reporting to the school.
Tuesday, 4/12/22
- ELA II OST - ALL 10th graders and some 11th graders
- Government, US History, Biology, Algebra, Geometry OST Make-Ups
Thursday, 4/28/22
- ALGEBRA 1 OST - Mr. Durban's Algebra Class & some 10 graders
- Government, US History, Biology, Algebra, Geometry OST Make-Ups
- SAT make-up day
Class of 2022 Update:
Upcoming Class of 2022 Dates:
Prom- June 10th
Senior Week- June 13-16
Senior Trip/Cedar Point: June 15th
Graduation- June 17th
College Now Update from Mr. Markusic
FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, AND JUNIORS: Your LAST chance to participate in the impact! program is coming up! The spring session of impact! at CPL-Main begins Monday, April 11 and runs through Friday, June 10. During the program, we go over math, grammar, and reading content and discuss college and career topics. Students who complete the program are eligible for a $200 stipend, receive an honor cord to wear at graduation, and may be able to attend an overnight college visit in the summer. You/your student can register at www.tinyurl.com/impactS22, or you can meet with Mr. Markusic to register.
Sign Up for Impact
Improve your chances to receive more scholarship money by increasing your SAT scores with College Now’s SAT Prep Course!
There is no cost to participate, and students will receive SAT math and reading test prep, a $200 stipend upon completion of 30 days of participation and an increased SAT score, bus tickets, and field trips.
April 11th - June 10th
Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 7:00 PM, Friday 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Louis Stokes Wing - Cleveland Public Library 525 Superior Avenue, Cleveland 4411
To learn more or to register, visit: https://tinyurl.com/impactS22 or call 216.635.9438
Counseling Corner: Student Opportunities
F.I.R.S.T Robotics Update - Competitions & Events
The weekend of March 26th, Team 8222, The RoboAviators, competed in the FIRST FRC Buckeye Regional Competition at The Cleveland State Wolstein Center! The team put their engineering, coding, marketing, and strategy skills to the test against veteran teams all over the region.
Thank you to the teams sponsors: NASA Glenn Research Center, The George Gund Foundation, The Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and FIRST FRC!
Schoology Pointers for Parents
Schoology is the online platform on which students and parents can see class announcements, assignments, resources, and grades.
If you would like a few pointers about Schoology, here are some helpful videos to view:
Setting Up Your Parent Schoology Account click here
Need Your Login information - Email
Setting Up Parent Notifications in Schoology click here
- How to Check Your Student’s Assignments & Grades in Schoology click here
After-School Academic Support
Support is available EVERYDAY 3:15 - 4:15 in the 5th floor atrium. Snacks are provided.
Encourage your student to stay after to stay on top of schoolwork, get organized, receive extra help on assignments, complete make-up work, or complete homework.
Community Resources & Announcements
Fresh Produce Market - Thursday, April 14th
The market is open to all Davis A&M students, families, and community. Please spread the word.
Bring a bag or box to carry away your fresh goods.
When: Thursday, April 14th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: Davis A&M High School (1440 Lakeside Ave)
** DRIVE UP LOCATION: Front Lakeside Parking Lot
Resources for Primary Care
Greetings Davis Families!
This is your Family Support Specialist, Ms. Molton, and I wanted to inform you about the Primary Care services located in our community. If you haven't been to a doctor's visit in a while, need a physical examination, have COVID related concerns or just want to have a check up, you can visit these locations listed. If you have any additional questions or need support with making an appointment, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you. I can be reached at 216-538-7709 or by email at tmolton@davisam.org.
Program Locations:
Signature Health - Primary Health Care
21100 Southgate Park Blvd. Maple Heights, OH, 44137
(216) 663-6100
24200 Chagrin Blvd. Cleveland Ohio 44122
(216) 831-6466
NEON- Community Based Primary Care
12100 Superior Ave. Cleveland Ohio 44106
15322 Saint Clair Ave. Cleveland Ohio 44110
Contact our Family Support Specialist, Ms. Molton, for more information or if you have any questions. 216-538-7709 / Tmolton@DavisAM.org.
Stay Connected With Davis
A lot of important messages from the district and the school are being announced. Make sure your contact information is updated so that you receive the latest information.
*To update your address or phone number, please call the school. 216.838.2500
*To receive our school texts, please email LBowen@DavisAM.org with your cell # and your student's name
Year-Round School Calendar Dates:
- 15th: Good Friday - No School - CMSD Facilities Closed
- 26th Student-Parent-Advisor Conferences - from 3:15 - 6:45
- 27th: Student-Parent-Advisor Conference - from 12:20 - 3:15
- Half-day for students
Quick Links
Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School
Email: info@DavisAM.org
Website: DavisAM.org
Location: 1440 Lakeside Avenue East, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: 216-838-2500