Tiger Tales
Lombardy Elementary School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 9
Tuesday, September 10
State Election Day (School Closed/Offices Open)
Wednesday, September 11
Thursday, September 12
Friday, September 13
Monday, September 16
- Flag Football Begins (Back field after school until 4:30 PM)
Tuesday, September 17
Wednesday, September 18
Thursday, September 19
- Open House @ 6 PM (Parking is available in the parking lot and the rear field. Please report to the cafeteria for a brief message from Mr. McDermott)
Friday, September 20
- MTSS Kickoff for students
Morning Announcements!
PTA Fundraiser @ Chuck E Cheese 3-9 PM
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 03:00 PM
Chuck E. Cheese, Silverside Road, Wilmington, DE, USA
Computer Kids Club
Computer Program (STEAM) ~ Designed for grades K-5
Lombardy Elementary ~ Wednesday 3:45-5:00 p.m.
In this program your child will learn computer skills while they enjoy educational and FUN activities. Students learn TYPING skills, CODING and ART tools making MINECRAFT & ROBLOX characters and enjoy science, math & engineering activities. Students design a Google Slideshow in this session!
FALL program 2024- (8) meeting dates
September 25 October 9, 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20
*DO NOT RETURN the Registration FORM to the School
*DO: SCAN & EMAIL the completed form below to computerkidsclub@aol.com
or TEXT a picture of completed form to 302-438-1318
OR MAIL form with check payment to:
Computer Kids Club, P.O. Box 246, Kirkwood, DE 19708-0246
Enroll ONLINE (paying with credit card); Go to PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/ComputerKidsClubDE
(in the notes SECTION INCLUDE required details on form below)
REGISTRATION FORM-Lombardy Elementary-FALL 2024
COST: $190.00 for 8 meeting dates
Deadline to register: September 20th or until full
Questions? E-Mail Ms. P. at computerkidsclub@aol.com or text/call 302-438-1318
These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Brandywine School District. The Brandywine School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in this flyer. Permission to distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement of the program by the school district. The Brandywine School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action or claim filed arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments or awards.
First Day for Kindergarten
2024 Attendance Challenge
Dear Families,
Welcome to the new school year--it's an exciting time for everyone! We're excited for a great year of learning and growth for all of our students!
This school year, the Brandywine School District is adopting the 4 Or Less = Success school attendance campaign to promote good student attendance. Good attendance means coming to school on time and staying all day, every day, which is key to every child’s success. After all, students must be present to learn!
All absences, whether excused or not, add up. Chronically absent students are more likely to read below grade level, have lower math and reading test scores, repeat a grade, and drop out of high school.
What you can do:
- Talk to your child about how going to school every day will help them do well in school and achieve their hopes and dreams.
- Keep an attendance chart at home to track absences.
- Recognize your child for attending school every day.
- Find a relative, friend, or neighbor who can take your child to and from school if you can’t.
- Set up medical appointments for weekdays after school.
- Make attending school every day a priority unless your child is truly sick
For more information and resources, visit www.brandywineschools.org/4orLess
The Brandywine School District wants all children to attend school each day so they can be successful in the future! We will be sending more information, materials, and tips about attendance throughout this school year. Please join us in making school attendance a priority so that we can help all of our children learn, achieve, and succeed.
School Nurse Information
Green emergency cards are coming home! Please take a few moments this weekend to fill out and return the student emergency cards. The three homerooms with the highest percentage of returned forms will win a prize!
Online Absence Forms
1) All cases of absence or late arrival
2) Requests for early dismissal
3) Notification of extended absence
To make this request process easier for our BSD families, we've created an electronic form. When you hit "send," the information you provide will automatically be sent to the attendance secretary at Lombardy Elementary School.