Tiger Tales
Lombardy Elementary School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Saturday Basketball at Brandywine High School
February 01, 2025
Girls play at 9:00am and boys play at 9:45.
National School Counseling Week
Lombardy School Counselor: Madison Curry
Monday, February 3
- American Heart Association Kickoff
Tuesday, February 4
- Report Cards Sent Home
Wednesday, February 5
- PTA Meeting 6:30 PM in the Library (Zoom Link: https://bsd-k12-de-us.zoom.us/j/91016918616?pwd=2SbUra95k1fsWyL3e0Fvza7spExpn4.1 )
Thursday, February 6
- Read My Shirt Day: Wear a shirt with words on it.
- 5th Grade Field Trip
Friday, February 7
- Big 3 Assembly
Girls on the Run Spring Team Signups
Starts Monday, February 24, 2025
Practice Time: 3:45-5:00 PM (Monday's and Thursday's)
Registration documents are located below.
Questions? Contact: maria.fleming@bsd.k12.de.us
Lombardy Robotics Team
Congratulations to Robotics Team Glitch Tech 2.0 consisting of Charlotte Bader, Elise Dalton, Kate DiSibio and Mason Knoff on their Second Place finish at Friday’s Robotics meet here at Lombardy! Four of the five teams ended up in the top 10 ten at the end of the night! Lombardy shined at another exciting event!
3rd Grade Trip to the Natural History Museum
Friday MTSS Reward for Students: Laser Light Show
Spelling Bee Winners! First Place: Scarlett Moore Second Place: Charlotte Bader
Lombardy Families....We Need Your Feedback
The Lombardy team would like to find out what you know about MTSS, or Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Please take one minute to fill out this brief, six question survey.
What is MTSS?
Multi-tiered systems of supports, known as MTSS, are a framework meant to support students in achieving their best possible academic and social-emotional outcomes. MTSS models include three tiers of instructional and other kinds of support, so that all students can make progress by getting the kind of education that meets their needs.
In theory, each student’s needs should be addressed by one of the MTSS tiers. If the tiered system proves inadequate, MTSS should help educators identify which students might need special education services.
After School Yoga February 24-May 12 (Grades KN-3)
American Heart Association Principal Challenge
Hello, Lombardy Elementary students and families! I
am excited to share with you that I’ve accepted
the American Heart Association’s Principal’s
Challenge. I’ve committed to:
being prepared to save a life by
learning Hands-Only CPR
learning how to take care of my
heart and brain
and raising funds to help kids
born with special hearts
I’m really excited and want every one of our
staff, students and families to join me. You
can by completing Finn’s Mission on the AHA
Schools App or heart.org/schools.
Learning how to save a life, take care of our
hearts and brains and help kids with special
hearts all at the same time! How does that
I am so excited for us all to help create a
community of lifesavers.
Let’s do this!
School Kickoff Assembly
Our school is getting ready to kick off the American Heart Association's Kids Heart Challenge (KHC) on February 3rd! Join today to make a difference in the fight against heart disease and stroke.
Register online and complete Finn’s Mission to learn Hands-Only CPR.
- Download the AHA Schools app and Register today!
- Start Finn’s Mission to complete your challenges and change lives!
We're going to make a huge impact together!
P.S. Check to see if your employer has a matching gift program—it could double your donation! Follow the steps and forward the confirmation to MatchingGifts@heart.org.
Readathon (January 31-March 2)
Link to signup for PTA Parents Night Out
Lombardy Robotics
Congratulations to Robotics Team Dino Nuggets consisting of Cyla and Amilya Hand, Aubree Ryan and Gabriella Tate, on their First Place win at last Friday’s Robotics meet at Claymont Elementary! It was the first meet of the year for all the Lombardy roboteers and it was an exciting and fun night!
Lombardy Cheerleaders
Computer Kids Club Winter Session
Computer Kids Club Winter Session
Computer Program (STEAM) ~ Designed for grades K-5
Lombardy Elementary ~ Wednesday 3:45-5:00 p.m.
In this program your child will learn computer skills while they enjoy educational and FUN activities. Students learn TYPING skills, CODING and ART tools making MINECRAFT & ROBLOX characters and enjoy science, math & engineering activities. Students design a Google Slideshow in this session!
Winter program 2025- (8) meeting dates
Feb. 26 March 5, 12, 19, 26 April 2, 9, 16
*DO NOT RETURN the Registration FORM to the School
*DO: SCAN & EMAIL the completed form below to computerkidsclub@aol.com
or TEXT a picture of completed form to 302-438-1318
OR MAIL form with check payment to:
Computer Kids Club, P.O. Box 246, Kirkwood, DE 19708-0246
Enroll ONLINE (paying with credit card); Go to PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/ComputerKidsClubDE
(in the notes SECTION INCLUDE required details on form below)
REGISTRATION FORM-Lombardy Elementary-Winter 2025
COST: $190.00 for 8 meeting dates
Deadline to register: February 20th or until full
Questions? E-Mail Ms. P. at computerkidsclub@aol.com or text/call 302-438-1318
Student Name:
Teacher & Grade:
Parent/Guardian AND Emergency Contact (ID req. at pickup)
Phone/Email/Text OK?
Special Needs or Allergies? Will your child go to Boys/Girls Club after computer class? _______NOTE: LATE FEE: There is a 5-minute grace period at pickup. A $1.00 per minute late fee applies beginning at 5:00 p.m. Policies on our website: computerkidsclub.com*We have online classes in coding, typing, art & more. Register on OUTSCHOOL.com. These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Brandywine School District. The Brandywine School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in this flyer. Permission to distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement of the program by the school district. The Brandywine School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action or claim filed arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments or awards.
New Lombardy Staff Members
Online Payment System for Field Trips
We’re excited to announce that starting January 1, 2025, our school will transition to an online payment system for all field trips. This change will streamline the payment process, making it more convenient for families to sign up and pay for upcoming trips securely from any device.
Please see the attachment for instructions on how to use the new system. We believe this will enhance your experience and help us better manage our school events.
Thank you for your continued support!
Reminder about am/pm drop-off and pick-up
Walkers: To ensure the safety of all our students, we want to remind everyone that only children who are walking to and from school should be considered walkers. Families who drive their students should use the designated car line for drop-off and pick-up. Please do not park in the parking lot and walk your child to the building. This causes a disruption to the traffic flow and is dangerous.
Parking on Simon Road: The Weldin Park Civic Association has asked that we refrain from parking on Simon Road when dropping off or picking up your children. Parking in this area can create safety hazards and disrupt traffic flow for the residents in this community. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep our school community safe!
Car Line: Please make sure you follow the flow of traffic in the car line. Take an immediate right at the car line sign and follow the flow of traffic to the back of the school. Please be patient and cautious as you drive around the rear of the school. We will get your children in/out of the building as quickly and safely as we can.
School Nurse Information
Green emergency cards are coming home! Please take a few moments this weekend to fill out and return the student emergency cards. The three homerooms with the highest percentage of returned forms will win a prize!
Online Absence Forms
1) All cases of absence or late arrival
2) Requests for early dismissal
3) Notification of extended absence
To make this request process easier for our BSD families, we've created an electronic form. When you hit "send," the information you provide will automatically be sent to the attendance secretary at Lombardy Elementary School.