Tiger Tales
Lombardy Elementary School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 10
Girls on the Run Practice
Tuesday, March 11
Wednesday, March 12
Computer Club
Thursday, March 13
Girls on the run Practice
Friday, March 14
Big 3 Winners
March 11 Garden Clean Out
The garden committee is looking for some adult volunteers to help prepare the garden for spring planting.
Who: Parents and students
When: March 11 @ 4pm
Where: Garden area in the back of school
Lombardy Robotics Wins Big at District Competition
The robotics team had a stellar night at their robotics match on Friday, February 28th at Lancashire! The group had a sweep of the awards, finishing with a 3 way tie for the 1st Teamwork Award, a 2nd Place Teamwork Award and The Coolest Robot Award. The five teams won six awards! It was an exciting night and the Team is ready for the final District Wide Extravaganza on March 15th at Talley Middle School. Winners included:
1st Place Teamwork Award Tie
Glitch Tech 2.0 (Charlotte Bader, Elise Dalton, Kate DiSibio, Mason Knoff)
Cheeto (Julianna Carr, Abby Murray, Levi Van Dahlgren, Brenden Woodruff)
Under Dog (Ivanna Lopez, Scarlet Moore, Elijah Pac, Joshua Tate)
Crash Bots (Ruslan Ali, Michael Johnson, Daniel Meyers)
2nd Place Teamwork Award
Dino Nuggies (Amilya Hand, Cyla Hand, Aubree Ryan, Gabby Tate)
Coolest Robot Award
Under Dog (Ivanna Lopez, Scarlet Moore, Elijah Pac, Joshua Tate)
Real Men Read (First Grade Event)
Buy Your Yearbook Here
2024-2025 Delaware School Climate Survey Directions
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
Included is a link to a survey about your child’s school. We are asking you to complete the survey to help us learn what parents and guardians think about our school. Your thoughts and opinions are very important. Through this survey, we will use your experiences and opinions to help us build on our strengths and work to make improvements.
The survey will only take about 15 minutes to complete and can be accessed by desktop, laptop, or mobile device. If you have more than one child in this school, please complete the survey with one child’s experiences in mind.
The Delaware School Climate Survey was developed by the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Initiative (a partnership between the Delaware Department of Education and the Center for Disabilities Studies at the University of Delaware). There is no identifying information on the survey, so no one will know how you individually answered any of the questions. Information from completed surveys will be used by the University of Delaware to make a report for our school.
When completing the survey, please do the following:
- Answer every question
- Mark an answer that best describes what you believe about the situation described
· Complete the survey by [April 11, 2025]
· Complete only 1 survey per child
Home-English Survey link for all enrolled schools: https://delaware.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9H9enF3fK60sVtI
Home-Spanish Survey link for all enrolled schools: https://delaware.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_39236hyAJ9crA3A
Mrs. Ciecko Wins Sylvan Learning Center Recognition
Mrs. Ciecko's Readers
Healthy Kids Running Series Grades KN-8th
School Nurse Information
Green emergency cards are coming home! Please take a few moments this weekend to fill out and return the student emergency cards. The three homerooms with the highest percentage of returned forms will win a prize!
Online Absence Forms
1) All cases of absence or late arrival
2) Requests for early dismissal
3) Notification of extended absence
To make this request process easier for our BSD families, we've created an electronic form. When you hit "send," the information you provide will automatically be sent to the attendance secretary at Lombardy Elementary School.