Chief Charlo Elementary School News - Summer 2023
Have a SAFE and FUN Summer!! We will see you all back here the end of August. Kindergarten begins 08/29. Grades 1-5 will not start until 08/30.
We are sorry to announce that Chief Charlo is NOT a Summer Meal site this year. See below to find out where Summer Meal sites are available.
Kindergarten Registration will continue to happen throughout the summer. Visit the MCPS Administration Office at 909 S Ave or register below.
MCPS Music Camps are still open. Register below for the August Beginning Band and Orchestra Adventure.
Chief Charlo Blacktop Painting - Please join us in refreshing the painted games on the Chief Charlo Blacktop on June 23rd, 9:00am-4:00pm. The Chief Charlo PTO will provide snacks, beverages and lunch! Older children and siblings are welcome to join in and help also. Please wear painting clothes and bring knee pads or a gardening pad to kneel on if you need one! To volunteer your time, sign up here. If you would like to contribute painting supplies please reach out to Mindy Glenna at 406-544-8390 or Michelle Reilly at 406-880-6383.
MCPS instrument rental for beginner camp begins on Monday, August 14.
Summer Months At-A-Glance
June 12 - August 28 - Enjoy your summer break!!
June 23 - Chief Charlo Paint the Blacktop Event, 9:00am-4:00pm
Aug 29 - Incoming Kindergarten Parents see below for Fall first week of school schedule and click here for school supply list.
Aug 30 - First day of school for 1st - 5th graders. Click here for Chief Charlo's 1st thru 5th grade school supply lists.
Sept 28 and 29 - FREE MCPS Early Childhood Screenings (ages 0-5, non-Kindergarten age), see Families in Transition section below for more details.
Fall Kindergarten Start Information
Lost and Found Items Being Held Over to Next School Year - Everything Else Was Donated
The month of May was filled with Field Trips, Music Performances, Plays and Field Day
* Kindergarten Hatched Chicks, Visited Turner Farms, and Learned about Plants from Farmer Sarah in our School Garden
* 1st Grade Visited University of Montana, Bonner Park and finished with a cool treat from Dairy Queen
* 2nd Grade Visited the PEAS Farm and had a Musical Performance for the Grownups
* 3rd Grade Practiced and Practiced in order to shine during their debut of 'A Kid's Life'
* 4th Grade Visited Frenchtown Pond and Learned about Lewis and Clark's Expedition
* 5th Grade Wrapped Up their Elementary Years with sun, treats and Showing Off Their Newfound Band and Orchestra Skills
SOOO much fun was had at Chief Charlo's annual Field Day Event!!
Thank you to our Community Partner, Scheels, for their generous $500 donation!!
Chief Charlo Yearbooks order taking place NOW
* (Product image is representative of the yearbook for this school but may not represent the final yearbook design)
Missoula Community Meal Sites
Helpful Summer Tips
We know summer can be a fun time, but it can also be hard for some kids with lots of unstructured time and without a consistent routine. Here are some great summer safety tips, screen smart tips, helpful ways to praise and encourage your child(ren) to try new things, lots of FREE summer reading programs and activities around the Missoula area, as well as opportunities to help out in our school garden over the summer.
Summer Reading Opportunities with PRIZES
Read ANY 8 books from home or library to win a FREE book.
Return completed reading logs to Level Two staff any time until August 31.
Win prizes for READING!!
Junie B Jones Kids Club
LIBBY helps with FREE access to books over the summer
Read with Libby
Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from your local library for free! Libby is the newer library reading app by OverDrive, loved by millions of readers worldwide! Click here to learn more.
Chief Charlo Library
Summer Garden Program
FREE Local Summer Family Fun Activities
Families in Transition (FIT) Program
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program is here to assist Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between those families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
728-2400, X4983
Missoula County Public School Information
Locate your individual school's Native American Specialist and learn about resources available to your child.
Current Board Members:
Heather Bomb, President:
Mindy Glenna, Co-Vice President:
April Miller, Co-Vice President:
Amy Mill, Treasurer:
Elyse Johnson, Secretary:
Meeting Schedule: We meet the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month in the school's library. Meetings start at 6:00pm. FREE childcare always available.
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!!