The Cardinal Connection
February 14, 2023
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
February 13th-February 17th: Black History Month Spirit Week
February 16th: PTA General Body Meeting at 6 PM
February 17th: Black History Month Presentation
February 20th-24th: Winter Break No School For Students and Teachers
Black History Month Spirit Week...
PTA General Body Meeting Tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 16, at 6 p.m.
Special Black History Month Performance of H Street Oral History Project by Mosaic Theater Company
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Upcoming PTA Committee Meetings
Camp Fair Planning – Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 8:15 pm (weekly through early March)
Events and Fundraising – Monday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m.
ECE (Early Childhood Education) – Monday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m.
Advocacy/Facilities – Tuesday, March 7, at 5:30 p.m.
Communications – Wednesday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m.
Upper Grades – TBD
All are welcome to participate in committees. If you would like to attend one of the committee meetings or receive updates from any of these groups, please email jowilsonpta@gmail.com to be added to that email list.
Grab and Go with the JOW PTA!
Teachers' Wish List
Show our teachers some love by purchasing items from the 2022 J.O. Wilson Classroom Teacher Wishlist. Please support our teachers with the items they need to engage our students in fun and enriching activities.
Camp Fair – Save the Date — Saturday, March 4
Anxious about what to do with your kids this summer? After a two-year hiatus, the PTA is bringing the D.C. Camp Fair back to J.O. on Saturday, March 4. Learn about summer camp options across D.C. — everything from day camps to sleep-away options! This event is open to the public, and families across the D.C. area are welcome to attend. You get to speak directly to camp organizers about their amazing summer programming. This is one-stop shopping for all your summer childcare needs!
This event serves the D.C. community while raising money from camp organizers to support our J.O. community. Look for a link to sign up soon to volunteer to help during the camp fair!!
Open House Schedule – Please help spread the word!
J.O. Wilson will be hosting in-person open houses for prospective families in the coming months. The next open house is scheduled for March 16 at 6 p.m.
Attendees will get to:
Meet Principal Brunson as well as other administrators and teachers
Learn about the incredible programming offered
Tour the school
Get answers to their questions
There’s no better time to become a Girl Scout!
Families of girls in grades K-3 are invited to join our Girl Scout Troop start-up!
When: Today and March 1 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Learn about the GS Promise and Law, do crafts, sing songs, and learn all about being a Girl Scout!
Parents are invited to attend as well! For more information and to sign up, contact Annette Rollins, membership specialist, at 202-274-3321 or arollins@gscnc.org The membership fee is $25.
Use this link to sign-up, pay the fee or request financial assistance. In the search box, type J.O. Wilson and click +sign to create a family account.
Show Your JOW LOVE!
We want everyone to know how much we love J.O. Wilson! Join the “I Love J.O.” campaign by recording a short video featuring you or your Cardinal telling us why you love J.O. Wilson, and send it to Mr. Bellamy at Sean.Bellamy@k12.dc.gov. Don’t want to make a video? Send pictures of your Cardinal engaged in school or school-sponsored activities to jowilsonpta@gmail.com.
Videos and photos will be used on the school’s website and social media platforms.
Report to Parents: Creative Ideas to Show Teacher Appreciation
Cardinal Families,
It's IMPACT AID survey time and we need your support. As you know, Impact Aid Surveys help to bring financial resources to DCPS schools. The window to complete your survey runs until April 30, 2023. Please use the links below to complete your survey in your preferred language.
Here are the survey links:
1. English: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_English
2. Spanish: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Spanish
3. French: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_French
4. Amharic: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Amharic
5. Vietnamese: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Vietnamese
6. Chinese: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Chinese