Superintendent's Report
March 28, 2022
Congrats to all the students, staff, and administrators involved in this year's Mini-THON. The students did an amazing job raising funds and it was a blast to be a part of the evening's events.
Kudos to all involved!
Digital Media Students place in PIAA Event!
Congratulations to IHS Digital Media Productions II students Caroline Albert, Alexandra Ball, and Arden Neiderhiser who were chosen as the RUNNER UP $500 winner of the 2022 PIAA’s “Don’t Let Pain Become a Killer” :30 PSA Video Contest
As part of the 2022 “Don’t Let Pain Become a Killer” campaign, the PIAA once again teamed up with the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General to fight OPIOID ABUSE by encouraging Pennsylvania high school media production studios and students to create a :30 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (PSA) VIDEO that raises awareness of opioid abuse in our communities as part of a contest.
After receiving hundreds of entries from hundreds of high schools and students across Pennsylvania, managing partner Market Street Sports Group along with the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN) and the PIAA reviewed finalist entries and declared Caroline, Alexandra, and Arden’s entry as the RUNNER UP $500 winner of the 2022 PIAA’s “Don’t Let Pain Become a Killer” :30 PSA Video Contest
These IHS Digital Media Productions II students’ winning PSA will be played during the 2022- 2023 statewide telecasts of PIAA State Championship broadcasts on the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN) and also displayed on the videoboards at various PIAA State Championship venues including GIANT Center in Hershey, PA.
IHS and IASD would like to congratulate Caroline, Alexandra, and Arden on their winning PSA video along with their teacher Mr. Erik Puskar, IHS Digital Media Production I, II, and III teacher and coordinator
Lastly, IHS and IASD also commend the following IHS Digital Media Production II and III students who also submitted their own video entries as groups or individuals into the 2022 PIAA’s “Don’t Let Pain Become a Killer” :30 PSA Video Contest:
IHS and IASD would like to congratulate Caroline, Alexandra, and Arden on their winning PSA video along with their teacher Mr. Erik Puskar, IHS Digital Media Production I, II, and III teacher and coordinator.
Changes to Synchronous Learning in 2022-23
Dear Families,
As we are preparing for the 2022-2023 school year, the Board of Directors has decided to make some significant changes to our remote synchronous learning options in the District as more families are returning to in-person learning. This decision is based on multiple factors including, but not limited to, a continued decline in positive COVID-19 cases.
Starting in the 22-23 school year, synchronous learning (IDEAL+) will not be available for incoming kindergarten students as well as those students who will be in 1st grade for the 22-23 school year. For grades 6-12, we will no longer offer synchronous learning, as we had only 4 students who were enrolled in 100% synchronous learning. We are currently reviewing the rest of our numbers as they relate to grades 2-5 synchronous learning and will inform families accordingly if any changes are made. Traditional (asynchronous) IDEAL will still be provided to all students when that mode of instruction is deemed appropriate.
I recognize how difficult it has been for many of our families over the past two to three years and thank you for all of your patience, grace, and compassion displayed thus far. Indiana is an amazing place and that is because of the great staff, students, and families that comprise our great community.
Health and Safety Plan Updated
On March 28, 2022 the Indiana Area School District Board of Directors updated the required District Health and Safety Plan. You can visit our website to locate the plan and review it at your leisure. See below for some highlights regarding the changes.
The District will continue to supply COVID-19 information to the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) as required, but will no longer be able to serve as the lead investigators for contact tracing for the DOH.
Families should continue to report positive student cases of COVID-19 to the school.
The District expects that all individuals will communicate with their primary care physician in order to receive medical advice that is specific to their personal health conditions.
Individuals who are identified by the DOH as close contacts and are asymptomatic will not be required by the District to quarantine as we will continue to implement our previously approved mask to stay procedures.
While we are required to have a Board-approved plan, we have increased the thresholds to when masking would be required at the substantial plan. Currently, the plan requires us to mask once we reach 10-15 cases at IHS and the Junior High/Ike. At the elementary schools, our current plan requires us to mask once we reach 5-8 cases. The Board has decided to increase these numbers to an infection rate of 2.5% in each school which translates to the following:
Ben Franklin and East Pike: 12 active cases
Horace Mann: 5 active cases
Jr. High/Ike & Sr. High: 25 active cases
Finally, effective immediately, I will not be issuing a weekly update regarding the number of active cases in the District. Families can visit the COVID-19 dashboard for additional information regarding the number of active cases.
In closing, we are pleased that the cases have subsided significantly over the past several months. Thank you for your continued support, grace, and patience. The past several years have been difficult for so many families for so many different reasons. We are appreciative of all you have done to assist us through these unprecedented times.
School News App
Please consider watching the video below to learn how you can download an app that will bring our latest news to your smartphone. As you know, we try to communicate frequently and effectively with our families.
Ways To Stay Connected
Location: 501 East Pike Road, Indiana, PA, USA
Phone: (724) 463-8713
Twitter: @IndianaAreaSD