Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
November 1, 2021
a note from the principal
Hello Easley families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend and a safe and fun Halloween if you participated in the festivities.
Arrival Time - Something to Consider
Students can arrive to school as early as 7:15 AM and the instructional day begins promptly at 7:45 AM. For those thirty minutes, students are able to go to the library, catch up on work, talk to and get help from their teacher, get support from a specialist, work on iReady or other computer programs, read the morning message and visit with their friends as they get ready for the day ahead. This time of day is generally a really pleasant and enjoyable time in the classroom for students and it often sets the tone for the remainder of their day. I'm sure you know how it feels when you are running late and trying to get to an appointment or meeting and are flying in just in the nick of time as compared to arriving a few minutes early, sipping on some coffee, gathering your thoughts and materials, and then heading into the meeting or getting your day started. Our students who arrive with just few minutes to spare, and even worse those who come in after the bell, often experience that same level of angst and stress. Another thing to consider is students who arrive at 7:15 AM everyday, receive two and a half hours more of school and teacher time each week than those who arrive at 7:45 AM. Of course, you need to do what works for your family but please consider getting your child to school before 7:40 AM so they are able to benefit from the morning arrival environment and activities and get their day off to a great start.
***The staff on duty cannot stay out at the carline past 7:45 AM as they have classes to teach. This week they will be heading back inside at 7:45 AM. As always, if your child arrives after the 7:45 AM tardy bell you need to park and walk them into the building and sign them in in the front office. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Early Dismissal
We've recently noticed an increase in students being picked up for early dismissal very close to our dismissal time at 2:15 PM. While we understand that afternoon appointments are often unavoidable and necessary, we are asking that you pick your child up for early dismissal no later than 1:30 PM. The the end of the day is a very hectic time in the front office and is a busy time in the classrooms. I understand emergencies come up from time to time but as a general rule, please try and keep 1:30 PM as the latest time for early dismissal.
Easley Night Out - Nuvo Taco Take Out!
You can get Nuvo Tacos this week while supporting Easley. Click this link to order a family taco pack by Tuesday night at 8:00 PM and you can pick it up at Easley or Aldersgate on Wednesday afternoon or evening. Please see they flyer below for more information.
Student Injuries
Parents, we've recently seen an uptick in students arriving to school with injuries or broken bones suffered outside of school. If your student suffers an out-of-school injury that is significant enough to limit his or her participation inside of school -- namely in Physical Education or Recess activities -- please be sure to clearly communicate any "doctor's orders" to your child's classroom teacher. Providing a copy of the doctor's note helps our school staff monitor your child for safety & adherence to medical restrictions while on campus. This is especially important if your child's participation in school activities is going to be impacted over multiple days or weeks. Your partnership and communication on these matters is greatly appreciated!
Returning Student Registration Letter
A letter has gone home regarding Returning Student Registration. Please know that your child is already registered. This is a district expectation so we can get updated contacts and other necessary information. If you have any questions, please contact Leah Rubow.
November 12th - Mental Health Awareness Day
Please be reminded their will be no school on Veteran's Day, November 11th, or on Friday, November 12th.
PTA News: Update/Membership
To purchase PTA memberships or make a donation, please visit: https://easleypta.memberhub.com/store
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here. The current monthly promotion is free shipping on orders over $60.
Duke Concessions
Duke Football Concessions have been a big fundraiser for Easley in recent years and we are partnering with them again this year. Typically, we bring in about $10,000 for the season. Sara Harrell is the PTA chair/ stand manager for this fundraiser. The time commitment for most games is approximately 6 hours. Game times that have been announced are listed with times. Times TBA will be posted as soon as possible. It's it usually am mix of parents and staff who work the games and it really is a pretty fun time and a great way to connect with other parents and staff members. If you are interested in working a game, you can sign-up HERE.