Burbank Bulletin
June 21, 2022
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
This week’s Bulletin will close out the school year. With the closure of each school year, I am reminded of the fragile nature of time. Sometimes, we find ourselves speeding to the end. The end of a school day, the end of a work day, the end of a week, the end of a school year, but isn’t it the journey that matters most? It’s between the beginning and the end where the living takes place. Truly.
Enjoy each and every day. Whether it be in school, out of school, or during vacation, time passes. In the end, really, all we have are our experiences and the relationships we share with one another. Time is fragile and the journey is precious.
As we step into the summer, I wish our community a wonderful, well-deserved respite. Rest, go to the beach, hike, swim, bike, read, play, sleep in, go to the movies, eat ice cream (of course!), spend time with one another, and, most importantly, enjoy each and every day.
When our students return to school in the fall, they will be in excellent hands under Mr. O'Shea's leadership and Mr. Grant's steady hand. Please be on the lookout for communication from Mr. O'Shea in early August with information about back-to-school events, including our popular Cookies with the Principal event for our incoming 6th grade families. Until then, enjoy the warmth of the summer days ahead, and the change of pace the months of July and August have to offer. (Sneak in some summer work listed below, too!)
With infinite gratitude,
Dates to Remember
August 31: First Day of School for Students!
September 5: Labor Day, No School
September 6: Primary Election Day, No School
September 15: Picture Day, LBMS and MRE
September 16: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
September 22: Open House, Time TBA
Trimester 3 Report Cards
Trimester 3 report cards will be available for online viewing through PowerSchool Parent Access today, June 21st. You will be able to view all information that is included on our traditional report card through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you do not currently have access to the Portal, and you would like access, and/ or you would like a hard copy of your child's report card, please contact Judy Ursuliak, jursuliak@nrsd.net, for assistance.
To access your child's report card, log in to PowerSchool, navigate to Grades and Attendance. There you will see attendance details and letter grades. Choose the Standards Grades tab to view standards grades and comments.
If your student receives Special Education or EL services, you will receive a separate email with the trimester 3 progress reports attached.
The Nashoba Regional School District is committed to providing high quality instruction and feedback on progress toward grade-level expectations. If you have any questions regarding this year’s standards-based reporting process or what additional expectations comprise the reporting standards, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher directly.
Extend Your Learning Through the Summer - Summer Work & 2022 Back to School Supply Lists
Similar to years past, we have provided students with summer work to keep their learning intact through the summer weeks. This summer, summer work for students entering grades 6-8 includes work for math and reading. Summer work may be found on your child’s grade level Google Classroom and on our LBMS Summer Learning Website.
Please click here to access our Summer Learning Website. Supply Lists are also available!
Books Available for Summer Reading
When: Beginning July 1st, Monday-Thursday, 9:00-12:00
Luther Burbank Award Recipients, Trimester 3
Pictured left to right: Sadie, Macy, Quinn, Melanie, Lucas, Avery
Interested in Substitute Teaching for the 2022-2023 Shool Year?
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: lfriend@nrsd.net
Website: https://burbank.nrsd.net/
Location: Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal