Proviso East High School Newsletter
October 6th, 2023
Please Continue To Monitor Your Students Progress Via PowerSchool
1. You may find it easier to access PowerSchool using a laptop or desktop computer to create your Parent Account.
2. Please avoid creating duplicate student accounts. If you forget your credentials after creating an account, click on the Forgot Username/Password link on the bottom of the sign in page.
3. If you are unable to access your account please email chobbs@pths209.org for assistance.
4. If this is your first time signing into PowerSchool, the Proviso East High School access code is QQXK
Keeping Our Students & Staff Healthy
- We prioritize the health of our school community. We ask that you support us in this effort by allowing students who feel unwell to remain at home. With ongoing spread of illnesses such as COVID, Flu, and cold viruses, it's important that we work together to maintain a healthy and safe school environment. Here is a list of common symptoms to look out for:
- Fever
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Congestion or runny nose
- Loss of taste or smell
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Cough
Please keep in mind:
- Communication is key! Please notify the school if your student is unable to attend. This can be done by contacting our attendance office at (708) 344-7000.
- It is essential that your students is symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
- The Loyola School Based Health Center offers free flu vaccines. More information about our SBHC can be found here https://www.loyolasbhc.org/services.html and below.
Bus Transportation Code: TMXC
Parent Resources
🎓✏️Academic Resources
Students have big plans and big dreams for their postsecondary journey. Many students dream about going to college. Others plan on starting a business or joining a trade. But a dream is not enough. College and career plans don't just happen; students have to work to make it a reality. And completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA) is an important first step.
Did you know that all students are required to complete the FAFSA? Here is some important information about the FAFSA.
The 2024-2025 FAFSA is Changing
As a part of the FAFSA Simplification Act, the 2024–2025 federal process for requesting financial assistance will be changing.
Here’s what we know now:
The FAFSA is opening in December 2023 instead of October, the original opening date.
Up to 20 different colleges can be listed on the online FAFSA and have information sent to them (in prior years, only ten colleges could be listed).
Due to a change in the methodology used to determine aid, a Student Aid Index (SAI) – rather than an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) – is used to measure your (and, if applicable, your family's) ability to pay for college.
The new need analysis formula no longer factors the number of family members attending college into the calculation.
Separate criteria to determine eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant Program, linking eligibility to family size and the federal poverty level, make program funds available to more students.
Revisions to several of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid are required, including a new interface to directly receive federal tax information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – this change is made possible by the Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act (FUTURE Act).
What can you do now to prepare?
Sign-up for a Federal Student Assistance (FSA) ID
How to sign-up for an FSA ID
Watch this video:
Sign-up for an FSA ID here:
If you have an FSA ID and need assistance to access it, watch this video:
2.Determine if you are eligible for the Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP)
The Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid allows qualifying undocumented students who are not otherwise eligible for federal financial aid to apply for Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) grants to attend eligible Illinois colleges, universities, and career education programs. The pre-screening questions in this application will help determine whether or not the student is a qualifying undocumented student eligible for federal financial aid.
Our schools are prepared to support students through college and career exploration and planning to make an informed postsecondary choice. Students can reach out to their counselor for more information.
The Digital PSAT is coming in October 2023!
The Digital PSAT testing window is from October 2 through October 31, 2023. Each Proviso campus will have assigned dates for grades 9-11 students to take a practice SAT. Juniors will take the NMSQT to enter into the National Merit Scholarship program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships.
To prepare your student for testing, please see the links below or scan the QR code to the right.
Khan Academy APP: College Resources
Khan Academy is a valuable academic resource for students. This platform offers free access to students worldwide who are interested in high quality interactive exercises in various subjects like math, science, history, and more.
If you or your student are looking to get a head start on college prep, follow this link to learn more about the LIFE SKILLS section. You will find tips on what you should be doing to prepare for college, a timeline for when you should be preparing and some amazing tips from college admissions professions and students!
What's Happening In Our Community💙
📷Proviso East Pirate Moments📷
Mantener saludables a nuestros estudiantes y personal
Priorizamos la salud de nuestra comunidad escolar. Le pedimos que nos apoye en este esfuerzo permitiendo que los estudiantes que no se sientan bien permanezcan en casa. Con la propagación continua de enfermedades como el COVID, la gripe y los virus del resfriado, es importante que trabajemos juntos para mantener un ambiente escolar saludable y seguro. Aquí hay una lista de síntomas comunes a los que debe prestar atención:
- Fiebre
- Dificultad para respirar
- Dolor de garganta
- Fatiga
- Congestión o secreción nasal
- Pérdida del gusto o del olfato.
- Náuseas o vómitos
- Diarrea
- Tos
Por favor tenga en cuenta:
¡La comunicación es clave! Por favor notifique a la escuela si su estudiante no puede asistir. Esto se puede hacer comunicándose con nuestra oficina de asistencia al (708) 344-7000.
Es esencial que sus estudiantes no tengan síntomas durante las 24 horas antes de regresar a la escuela.
El Centro de Salud Escolar de Loyola ofrece vacunas contra la gripe gratuitas. Puede encontrar más información sobre nuestro SBHC aquí https://www.loyolasbhc.org/services.html y más abajo.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy es un recurso académico valioso para los estudiantes. Esta plataforma ofrece acceso gratuito a estudiantes de todo el mundo que estén interesados en ejercicios interactivos de alta calidad en diversas materias como matemáticas, ciencias, historia y más.
Si usted o su estudiante buscan obtener una ventaja inicial en la preparación para la universidad, siga este enlace para obtener más información sobre la sección HABILIDADES PARA LA VIDA. ¡Encontrará consejos sobre lo que debe hacer para prepararse para la universidad, un cronograma de cuándo debe prepararse y algunos consejos increíbles de profesiones y estudiantes de admisiones universitarias!