College and Career Newsletter
Visalia Unified/ October 2020
We find ourselves already in the month of October, and it feels as if the days are flying by faster than ever. Our high school seniors find themselves incredibly busy making decisions on colleges, contemplating if they will aim for a certificate program, a bachelor's degree, or perhaps someday, become a medical doctor or lawyer with an advanced degree. College visits and meetings with admissions representatives also fill the days; although this is occurring virtually this year, it still adds to the excitement. It may feel that the future world of college starts in that last year of high school, as students eagerly fill out their applications, but in reality, it started long ago in the early years of elementary school. Research has found that the earlier parents and educators start college conversations with students, the more likely students will attend and complete college.
When my oldest child was applying to college, it was a whirlwind of applications and college visits. Her two younger brothers, ages 8 and 10 at the time, were sitting front seat to witness this rite of passage. The boys would find adventures at each college visit and proudly wear t-shirts to display their sister's college logo. Now fast forward, and my youngest is a senior and neck-deep in college applications. It was never a question of would he go to college, but more of which college would he choose. Witnessing his sister's journey opened his eyes to his choices at a young age. It gave him a connection between what he was learning in school and where it would take him in his future. By the way, he wants to go to his sister's alma mater UCSB.
So, to our elementary parents reading our newsletter, wondering why this is arriving in your inbox: I invite you to take advantage of this strange year where events that our high school students typically partake in person are now in the form of webinars. Here is your opportunity to expose your child to their future world and give them the ammunition to dream of what could be! We invite you and your children to join any webinars, even if they are only in first grade!
Best wishes,
Paige Loverin, MA, PPS
Visalia Unified College and Career Readiness
Ignite Your Curiosity!
Ignite Your Curiosity will be a monthly series of webinars for students and parents to hear from various industry leaders. Each month a new industry themed panel will help your child explore career possibilities.
This month's theme is Law and Justice. On Monday, October 19, at 6:00 PM, we welcome the following professionals:
Chris Gomez, Esq: Koch, Degn and Gomez; former US Marine-Russian Cryptologic Linguist
Curtis Harris, Esq: Department of Justice Civil Rights Divison; former ACLU Litigation Fellow
Bailey Loverin Esq: Jones Day Law Firm
To join us for the event, please register by Clicking Here! The week before the event, you will receive an email containing the webinar link. We will also be recording the event and posting to our website: https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/vusd-ccr/
Ignite Your Curiosity: The Elementary School Edition!
Click here to register for the event! The week before the event, you will receive an email containing the webinar link. We will also be recording the event and posting to our website: https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/vusd-ccr/
Seniors: Do you need help with your UC Application?
UC Application Center
The UC Application provides help and support throughout each section of the application. Applicants can view answers to their commonly asked questions on each page of the application by clicking ‘Help’ on the top navigation bar. Additionally, applicants will see blue ‘i’ icons throughout the application. By clicking on the blue ‘i’ icon, applicants will see a definition, explanation, or more context for a question. Lastly, students needing further assistance can contact the UC Application Center via phone or email. The UC Application Center is available, Monday – Friday, 10 am – 6 pm (Pacific Time).
- (800) 207-1710 (within the U.S.)
- (925) 298-6856 (outside the U.S.)
- ucinfo@applyucsupport.net (Email)
Seniors: Do you need help with the Common Application?
Thursday, October 1st – 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Click here to register!
Financial Aid and Scholarship Tip of the Month
Seniors: It is starting to look like scholarship season, now is the time, if you haven’t already, to join your school’s scholarship remind app and follow the scholarship webpage. Also, visit VUSD’s College and Career website to explore the scholarship search engines on the Senior 2021 page. CLICK HERE
Redwood: Scholarship Page for current scholarship opportunities: https://sites.google.com/a/vusd.us/redwood/products-services
Join the RHS Scholarship Remind: Text @RHSSS2021 to 81010
Golden West: Scholarship website: https://ca02205931.schoolwires.net/Page/12375
Remind: @GWscholar to 81010
El Diamante: Scholarship Webpage: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEJGkfoFKI/3SOK5zL5v6wuDf1ceDoPFQ/view
Remind Link: https://www.remind.com/join/2021miners Text Classof2021 to 81010
Mt. Whitney: Scholarship Page: https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/mwscholarships/home
Remind Link: text @mwscholars to 81010
VCIS: Scholarship Page: VCIS Scholarships
Remind for the class of 2021
VTEC: Scholarships can be accessed through our Schoology Course Page for Seniors or by visiting our scholarship website https://www.vusd.org/domain/3959
Fresno State Webinar Series
The University of California would like to invite you to participate in an interactive virtual experience featuring all nine undergraduate UC campuses.
These unique events are designed to inform you about the educational experiences that await you at the world's premier public research university.
These events will provide information on admission, campus highlights, and programs and services to help students build a support network at UC. Campus representatives will be available to answer questions.
Taken from https://ucforyou.universityofcalifornia.edu/
University of the Pacific
Willamette University with Justin Strohmeyer
It is time to meet with Cal Poly!
Menlo College with Joey Martinez!
San Joaquin Valley College with Maria Zavala
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) with Sebastian Franco
Join him on Wednesday, October 28, at 10:00 AM.! Register for the webinar by clicking here.
Azusa Pacific with Thomas Chan
Join him Wednesday, October 28, at 2:30 PM by clicking here to register.
Stanford University
Take this opportunity to go on a virtual tour of the Stanford Campus.
University of California, Davis (UCD)
Cal Maritime
Cal Maritime is happy to announce that the times of our Virtual Visits have been adjusted to make participating more convenient for you and your family. our 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm sessions avoid school conflicts for students and allow parents or guardians to participate after work if desired. It's one of the many ways we are adapting our outreach services to the current schedules of families until we go back to offering in-person campus tours and events for prospective students.
Northeast Public Universities
Join us for a special virtual event, Northeast Public Universities At a Glance, with University of Delaware, Binghamton University, Stony Brook University, University of Maryland, University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University, University of Connecticut, and Rutgers University.
Learn about each university’s academic programs, student life, and the application process. You’ll be able to provide questions to be answered in advance of the event and hear them answered live.
Friday, October 2
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET