The Connection
May 19, 2023
Website upgrade, June 1
We are migrating to a new website provider, June 1st. Please do not be alarmed if the website is running slow, or you get an 'under construction' message if you try and log on to annaisd.org on
June 1. Everything should be back up and hopefully running smoothly on June 2. We hope you enjoy the new look.
We appreciate your patience as we will continue to update the new website throughout this summer.
Coyote Crossing
Coyote Crossing is our annual school registration verification process for returning and new students where you will complete the following:
Complete online registration forms
Bring required documents (if not able to complete at home)
Complete Child Nutrition Free & Reduced Program Form
Sign up for bus transportation
Other steps to prepare for school (as they apply)
Each family has the option to complete the registration process online and electronically submit your documentation to your child’s campus. If you are unable to complete the registration process online, you will have the option to visit your home campus to complete registration and submit any documentation.
Online Registration Opens
Thursday, July 13
In-Person Registration
Monday, July 17
8 AM - Noon
Tuesday, July 18
4 PM - 8 PM
Attendance Zones 23-24
School Zone Finder (click here for interactive map)
How to Find the Attendance Zone for your House:
- Click near your address to display your attendance zones or
- Type your full address in the search bar at the top of the screen or choose the “Find My Location” icon.
The maps below are a guide. If your address or future address falls near the District boundary, you may wish to contact us at 972-924-1000 to verify attendance. AISD does not accept out-of-district or in-district transfers. This includes requests for transfers between Slayter Creek and Clemons Creek Middle Schools.
The District does allow employees who live in other districts to enroll their children in AISD..
Student Services
With summer quickly approaching, youth across Texas are eager for their break from school. Here is a list of activities across the state that are available this summer. With activities focusing on art, nature, science, and more, these ideas are accessible to youth and mentors in every corner of Texas.
Youth Leadership Summer Academy
Are you looking for an exciting and challenging way to grow as a student leader? Look no further than Tomorrow's Leaders Today's Summer Leadership Academy!
As a high school student (upcoming 9-12 grade), you have a unique opportunity to develop your leadership skills and build a strong foundation for future success. You can do just that by participating in Tomorrow's Leaders Today's Summer Leadership Academy.
During this program, you will work with experienced mentors, engage in leadership workshops, and collaborate with other motivated students from your community. In addition, you will learn skills such as communication, problem-solving, and team-building, all of which are essential for success in any career or field.
Beyond the practical skills you will learn, Tomorrow's Leaders Today's Summer Leadership Academy will also allow you to grow personally and professionally. You will gain confidence, build relationships with your peers, and explore new ideas and perspectives.
Take advantage of this incredible opportunity! Join Tomorrow's Leaders Today's Summer Leadership Academy and take the first step towards a bright and successful future by registering using the QR Code on the flyer.
From the Chief's desk
See something, Say something
The Anna ISD police department has a new TIP email address. If you hear or see something suspicious, please email the Anna ISD PD at safetyandsecurity@annaisd.org. This email is a one-way communication tool; you will not receive a response.
Additionally, you can download the iWatch Texas app. The tips on the app are anonymous and will help keep schools safe and secure by alerting the appropriate personnel of any potential threats.
Parent and Student Resources
Plan to Get Involved & Stay Connected
- Register to be a volunteer at your child's school. Volunteer Application.
- Visit the Parent University to learn about Anna ISD. Parent University
- Join your school PTA or Booster club. AISD is grateful for the support of these parent leaders.
In the know: In addition to this eNewsletter, which typically comes twice a month, there are other ways to keep up with all the great things happening in Anna ISD:
- Ensure your information is current with your school, so you receive text message alerts, phone calls, and emails.
- Visit our website annaisd.org
- Follow AISD and your campus on social media. Facebook Twitter Instagram
- Download our mobile app
Make sure to wear your College, Career, or Military shirt.
May 24............................Last Day of School/Early Release
May 25............................Graduation