The Heritage Herald
September 24, 2021
Hello HMS Families,
Please make sure your child gets enough sleep and eats breakfast at home or at school. Also, it is very important for your child to charge their Chromebook every night and bring it to school every day. Please help them out with this. While our middle schoolers are getting older, they still need our help and reminders.
As always, please call the HMS main office with any questions.
Mrs. Malone
Principal, HMS
Devious Licks
Parents, please talk to your children and explain that if they are caught damaging and/or stealing school property, fighting, and inappropriately touching students or staff, they will be suspended and face additional consequences that theft, destruction and assault warrant. Please click here to read more.
The fact is, the overwhelming majority of HMS students are "doing the right things". We are incredibly fortunate for this. We continue to encourage these students to not be by-standers and to report information regarding inappropriate behavior to their parents, teachers and admin.
IAR Testing
Also, please make sure your child charges their Chromebook overnight and brings it to school each day.
Progress Reports ~ October 8, 2021
If you have questions about your child's grades and assignments, please reach out to the teacher via email. Click here for a list of all teacher email addresses. If you do not have email, feel free to call the school (708-458-7590) and leave a message for the teacher to call you.
If your child is experiencing any COVID symptoms, PLEASE keep him/her home and call the school for further guidance.
Additional Information:
Please be aware if your child has any of the following symptoms Covid-19 should be suspected and your child should NOT attend school until you have spoken to the school nurse. If your child presents to school with any of the above symptoms you will be called to pick up your child immediately. You will then be given instructions on how and when your child may return to school.
· Fever (100.4 or higher)
· New onset of moderate to severe headache
· Shortness of breath
· New cough
· Sore throat
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· New loss of sense of taste or smell
· Fatigue from an unknown cause
· Muscle, or body aches from and unknown cause.
If a student has had contact with a COVID positive person, they must be kept home, and the building nurse notified. If any student while at school discloses, they have been in contact with a COVID positive person you will be called to pick up your child immediately. You will then be given instructions on how and when your child may return to school.
In our efforts to keep everyone safe the nurses will be diligent in following up on any student who presents to school ill. We understand keeping your child home may have its difficulties, however it is the only way to keep our community safe.