Falcon Flyer
Belong. Inspire. Grow.
Straight from the Hardt
Hello Ridgeline Families-
So great to be heading into a beautiful weather weekend! Perfect way to end a great week.
On Monday we had the honor of inducting over 200 Ridgeline students into National Honor Society! It was great to have so many families present for the celebration.
Doing a little digging I found out we had more students eligible with a 3.5 or higher GPA that didn’t apply or missed the application deadline. Hope to get them inducted next year to recognize their effort and commitment to learning.
We have a great leadership opportunity coming up for students from all grade levels. We’re looking for Class Officers to elect now to lead us through the 22-23 school year. We’re making announcements and applications are available at school via the QR code posted around the commons.
I’m highlighting this for parents so you can remind and encourage your child to complete the application if they have an interest in grade level leadership.
We take our Mission seriously here, Belong. Inspire. Grow. I’ve never worked in a school or organization with youth where they know and can internalize the mission.
Just this week Mr. Rehkow shared a Public Service Announcement created by students, for the students at Ridgeline. The topic was the dangers of drug use. The message was very clear on how it affects relationships, ability to reach your goals, and your ability to Grow into a happy/healthy person. This was all done through the lens of B.I.G and I’m proud to see our students connecting their lives to our school mission to support their fellow classmates. Another example happened when I met with four very inspired 8th graders from Selkirk. These students are the “core four” responsible for putting together the Selkirk yearbook. They were so proud of what they accomplished they wanted to share it with me…the high school principal! They had done their homework and told me their story and how the yearbook is a very important tool to show how personal connections, recognizing individual and group accomplishments, and acknowledging how much students have grown over the year are the very essence of Belong. Inspire. Grow. I wasn’t just impressed, I was moved by their story.
The future is bright when we can connect with our Falcon Family beyond our walls!
Make it a great weekend! --Mr. Hardt
Ridgeline HS Marching Band Meeting- April 26th at 7pm
Tuesday, April 26th @ 7:00pm in the Ridgeline HS Commons, Mr. Parker will share some details about the expectations, the schedule and the steps to get involved as a member of the 2022 Ridgeline Regiment. There is no commitment if you come hear the spiel. Just a lot of good information, access to early-registration and a chance to connect and reunite with friends and families that had such an amazing inaugural year this past fall.
We would encourage you to bring your own device; laptop, chromebook, iPad, etc. The registration form is a little cumbersome to use on a cell phone. We expect to have a few devices available to loan out during the meeting; you do not have to decide right away, but for those who are ready to commit, you can get everything done that night if you like.
We are looking to bring in more band kids, orchestra kids and colorguard kids. But we are also looking for two trained piano players that will play an intricate role in the 2022 production. So if you know some piano players, encourage them to consider learning more about 2022 Regiment.
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Here is a tentative schedule for the coming season:
Ridgeline High School Proudly presents "Once Upon a Mattress" Musical
Ridgeline High School Proudly presents "Once Upon a Mattress" May 13, 14, 18, 19, 20.
Doors open at 6:30 Curtain at 7:00
💻 Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased at https://ridgelinehighschool.ludus.com/16628
Hygiene Kits for the Homeless
Mrs. Unland & Mr. Schilb's classes making hygiene kits for the homeless!
Boys Golf
Second GSL was played at The Creek at Qualchan. Boys played strong through some tuff pin placements. Owen Packebush finished 4th with a 75 leading the Falcons to a team placement of T5. Next GSL will be Tuesday the 26th at Latah Creek.
Boys golf went down to play in the Palouse Ridge Invite. They were able to place 5th as a team through some tough winds, and Tanner Smith tied for 10th with a 76. Next match is next Tuesday at Latah Creek.
JV Girls Golf
The JV girls golf team finally had decent weather for their second tournament of the season at Trailhead golf course, with a remarkable 4th place finish by Kaydin Renken.
Girl's Softball
They are working hard and doing a great job building a program.
Congrats to Savannah Smith for hitting the first ever Ridgeline Fastpitch Softball Home run Thursday, April 21!!!
Congratulations to our 2022-23 Falcon Cheer Squad!
Congratulations to our 2022-23 Falcon Cheer Squad!
We are so excited to cheer on our teams 📣
Hailey Hale
Kennedy Simonowski
Aliyah Spence
Jillian Persicke
Jules Poignand du Fontenioux
Gracie Wohl
Hayden Bennett
Reese Burgus
Bella DeLaRosa
Belle Frazier
KJ Haneke
Lola McKay
Kate Mulligan
Skyah Olson
Lydia Hatch
Callie Jeppson
Brooke Hansen
Lexi Thompson
Jade Livingston
Elyssa Goldsberry
Congratulations to DECA & FBLA students!
Congrats to these FBLA State Qualifiers as they compete this weekend!
Congratulations to Charley Palm & Alexis Aitken as they head to DECA Nationals!
Class of 2023 Parent College Planning Night
Class of 2023 Parent College Planning Night
April 28th 6:30-7:30pm
College preparedness, applications, FASFA, Scholarships and an open Q&A!
Grade Level Class Officer position for the 2022 - 2023
Attention Ridgeline Falcons
Do you want to run for a Grade Level Class Officer position for the 2022 - 2023 school year? Look for the application QR codes in the commons starting Wednesday, April 20th. Applications are due April 27th. See Mr. Conrad in room G101 for more information.
A few of our RHS Link crew members went to help our Pack Leaders at Selkirk Middle School 💚
National Honor Society Ceremony- April 18th
Congratulations to all 236 newly inducted members of Honor Society. We are all so very proud of your accomplishments.
Falcon Pottery Students: Turning Mud Into Something Amazing!
Falcon Artists
Our Falcon painters have been creating some pieces with beautiful sunsets and beach scenes to practice blending colors and creating texture with brushstrokes
1st annual Ridgeline & Central Valley High School Multicultural night
Our 1st annual Ridgeline & Central Valley High School Multicultural night was a success!
💚 Join Diversity Club and experience the cultures around you!
Teen Board Member- Ronald McDonald House Charities- Chase Youth Award
Chase Youth Commission awards
AND THE WINNERS ARE...Each year, the Chase Youth Commission celebrates incredible students (and an adult) whose courage, compassion, creativity, community involvement, leadership and personal achievement inspire us all.
The Chase Youth Commission awarded Kaydin Renken, Romy Robinson & Owen Gingras as they serve on the Ronald McDonald House of Charities board.
Booster Club
Hello Falcon Families!!
Your Booster club is nearing the end of our first year and next month at our "Annual Meeting" we will be holding elections for all Board member positions. The positions include; President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The position descriptions can be found on the school website under the RHS Falcon Booster tab under Parent/Student resources. It may also be found under the athletics tab.
The concession stand is still open and our last home event will be on 05/05/2022. Below is the sign up genius if you would like to help support this effort. It is not hard and can be a fun time!!
We are also making plans to celebrate our great Falcon staff during Teacher Appreciation Week beginning 05/02/2022.
If you are interested in helping with this event please send an email to rhsfalconboosters@gmail.com
We are also partnering with the ASB planning a Spring dance on 06/04/2022 and again if you are interested in helping please send an email to rhsfalconboosters@gmail.com
We would love to have your involvement!!!
Next Booster Club meeting is 05/24/2022 6:30 PM at the Fieldhouse Pizza in Liberty Lake
This is the annual meeting and Board Elections will be held. Come get involved for your kids!!
Youth Leadership Spokane
Youth Leadership Spokane is now accepting applications for high school students grades 10 – 12 for the 2023 class. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about their community, network with industries and organizations, have some great volunteer opportunities, and meet students from all over the Spokane region. The commitment is only one evening a month, and it is a great resume-builder. We want some Ridgeline students representing!
Summer School Registration
Falcons are you looking for a Summer job?
Are you looking for a summer job? Attend the CVSD Student Job Fair! Have your resumes ready to bring with you!
Thursday, May 12th from 1:00-3:30pm
Ridgeline High School Commons
See Mrs. Demarest in Room E202 with any questions or email at kdemarest@cvsd.org
From the Attendance Desk
Reminder- School starts at 7:45am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. School starts at 8:15am on Thursday. We are starting to see more and more students arriving to school at or after the posted start time. This is causing students to be late to 1st period. It's really important that whether a student drives to school or is dropped off, they arrive with enough time to be in class and ready to go at 7:45 (M,T,W,F) or 8:15 (Th) depending on the day. Please talk with your students about the importance of being to school and classes on time.
If your student is absent from school please call our attendance line at 509-558-3801 to excuse their absence.
Go Falcons!
Business Office Hours
Business Office Open Hours:
7:15-7:45 am
10:40-12:30 pm
2:00-2:30 pm