Global Learning & Engagement
Weekly Newsletter
Updates for Monday, August 14th - Sunday, August 20th
If you would like to promote an event from your club or organization, please submit your request to Michelle Wynn at mwynn@uca.edu by Thursday, to go out in the following week's newsletter.
IMPORTANT!! DUO Enrollment - Take Action Today!
Please refer to your email from UCA Information Technology on July 13th. The University of Central Arkansas is rolling out Duo Security, a friendly and secure way for you to log into University-related applications. You will need to set up your account with Duo so you can start logging into MyUCA, or you will not be able to access your email or Blackboard!
If this is the first time you are reading about this requirement, please see our Duo Security FAQs for more information.
Fall 2023 Parking Permits
Students - Don't forget to register online for your 2023 Fall parking permit. This is done at the beginning of each Fall semester and currently must be redone each year for new parking privileges on campus. Permit applications can be submitted at anytime online, and the permit can be picked up at UCAPD.
Insurance Reminder
Check your email regarding insurance for Fall semester.
Jul/Aug Dining Hours
Hours will change August 18th