Weekly Update

Saint Paul Catholic School Mission Statement
St. Paul Parish is committed to handing on the faith to its children and toward that end, we shall provide our students with a Catholic education which is dedicated to preparing them academically and spiritually for life's challenges.
La parroquia de San Pablo se compromete a transmitir la fe a sus niños y con ese fin, proporcionaremos a nuestros estudiantes una educación católica dedicada a prepararlos académica y espiritualmente para los desafíos de la vida.
Saint Paul Families,
I will officially be back in the office starting Tuesday, July 25th. Until then, if you need to contact me or someone at the school, you can call the school office at 765-662-2883 or the parish office at 765-664-6345 and leave a message.
Be brave for Christ,
Mrs. Weimer
Last Year Report Cards and Student Papers
If you did not pick up or receive your student's report card in June, you have a balance on your account. Arrangements need to be made to pay the balance before the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
Beginning of the year Appointments
Complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
This includes:
- Preschool Diocesan Grant
- Preschool CCDF and ON My Way Pre-k
- Indiana Choice Scholarship
- SGO Scholarships
- Fr. Roberts Memorial Financial Assistance
All financial assistance MUST be completed before the first day of school. DO NOT WAIT TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Please bring:
- 2022 Tax Forms (1040 front and back)
In Need of Saint Paul Host Families
Host Families
I am in need of a couple families from each grade interested in being a Host Family for our new Saint Paul families. Being a Host Family will complete your required 10 GIVE Hours for the 2023-2024 school year! If you are interested, please email me at vweimer@parish.dol-in.org.
Here are some of the duties of a Host Family:
- Attend the New Family Meeting on August 2nd at 6PM
- Be available to answer questions throughout the year.
New Family Meeting- Wednesday, August 2nd at 6PM
New Students Preschool-8th Grades
I want to welcome all new families and students joining Saint Paul. I will be hosting a new family meeting on Wednesday, August 2nd at 6:00PM in the school cafeteria. It will be a time to ask questions, meet other new families joining the Saint Paul Family and get to know the school a little more.
Items to bring:
New Preschool Students
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
- Updated Vaccination Record
- Student Physical within the last 3 months
- Home Language Survey Form (in the school office)
New Kindergarten Students
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
- Updated Vaccination Record
- Home Language Survey Form (in the school office)
New 1st-8th Grade Students
- Signed Transcript Form (in the school office)
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
- Home Language Survey Form (in the school office)
2023-2024 Saint Paul School Calendar
Attached is the 2023- 2024 Year Calendar. Please note the following:
- August 2nd @ 6:00PM- New Family Meeting
- August 8th @ 6:00PM- Preschool and Jr. High Back to School Night
- August 9th @ 6:00PM- Kindergarten-5th Grades Back to School Night
- August 10th- 1st Day of School (2PM Dismissal)
2023-2024 Saint Paul Mass Calendar
Attached is the Mass calendar for the year. Students are required to wear the Mass Day Uniform on Mass days. Please keep this calendar handy and check daily!
Saint Paul 2023-2024 Student Supply List
We are blessed again this year to have Parishioners from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Carmel donating school supplies for Saint Paul Students Preschool-8th grades!
Students are responsible for the items on the attached list. Please bring to Back to School Night or on the 1st day of school.
*** Please take time to have your child, or the whole family, write a thank you note to the parishioners at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. You can bring them to Back to School Night or drop them off in the office the first week of school.
- Jumpers and Skirts have to be ordered through SchoolBelles
- School Code: S1776
Hoosier Jiffy Print
- You can order shirts or take a shirt to Hoosier Jiffy Print off Kem Rd.
- They can be embroidered, or heat printed.
5th-6th Grade Band
After many discussions, we have decided to let the 5th and 6th grade students decide between taking beginning band with Mrs. Drummond or Choir with Ms. Frecker. Students in 5th and 6th grades HAVE TO CHOOSE one or the other. Students participating in band need to either have their own instrument or rent one. We have a small supply of school instruments (first come, first served).
Quinlan and Fabish is the company that we will be getting our instruments from. You are free to buy, borrow, or rent from somewhere else. Your student tried several different instruments, and they decided on which one they liked and sounded best on. You can either sign up online at Quinlan & Fabish Music Company - Homepage (qandf.com) or you can go to their store in Muncie anytime during store hours.
Online ordering- To find Saint Paul you can type in St Paul Parish School, Marion, IN or Julie Drummond.
7th-8th Grade Band
Students in 7th and 8th grades may choose band as an elective. If so, students need to have an instrument of their own or rented. All 7th and 8th graders will take choir with Ms. Frecker.
GIVE Hours
Saint Paul Catholic School believes that the education of students is a partnership with families. We encourage family involvement through the Growing In Volunteer Excellence (GIVE) program. This program is an opportunity for each family to help in accomplishing a common goal – the preparation of students academically and spiritually for life’s challenges. Each family is to complete 10 volunteer hours between July 1st and June 15th annually. Hours completed should be recorded on this form and turned in to the school office within two (2) weeks of the time given.
If you want to get a head start on your 2023-2024 hours, here are some ideas:
- Saint Paul Host Family
- Organizing School Supplies
- Cleaning the Stage
- Classroom Set Up and Furniture Moving
Safe and Sacred Training (Safe Environment Training)
Everyone who works with young people and/or vulnerable adults shares the responsibility of creating safe environments. We are all charged with treating life with the respect and dignity given to each of us by our God.
Nora Reynolds is the main contact for safe and Sacred Training at St. Paul.
- This year, volunteers who have not completed the training 2 week before the event will not be able to attend. NO EXCEPTIONS
- It is your responsibility to make sure your training is up to date. It expires every 3 years.
All STAFF, CLERGY, RELIGIOUS & VOLUNTEERS WHO WORK DIRECTLY WITH CHILDREN must register and complete the diocesan safe environment training program every three years.
- The program is designed to be respectful of the topic and your time.
- The site is accessible anytime and, on most computers, mobile devices and smartphones.
- If you need technical assistance there is a button at the top right corner of almost every screen where there is a “live” person to assist you.
- You may also contact Technical Support by calling toll-free 888-804-9643