Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-March, 2022
Bee Informed
District Re-Opens Discussion About Redistricting and Facilities
Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option for the 2022-2023 School Year to Begin April 1, 2022
The Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option will be available to all Medina City Schools’ students who wish to attend an elementary or middle school other than the one they are assigned within the school district during the 2022-2023 school year. This option is based on enrollment numbers, as well as space and staff availability. Class assignments are made only to those grades that are at the District class size less one.
Intradistrict Open Enrollment requests will be accepted through the Medina City Schools website beginning Friday, April 1, 2022, by visiting www.medinabees.org and clicking on the Student Registration tab in the green bar at the top of the website then to the link to Intradistrict Open Enrollment. Requests will be accepted via online submission only Friday, April 1, 2022, through Thursday, May 26, 2022, for the 2022-2023 school year. Parents will be notified in writing of their child’s acceptance/non-acceptance no later than the second week of August 2022. Assignments may be revoked in reverse order of date received (last in, first out) if enrollment figures no longer allow for additional classroom space.
Parents whose children are approved for this Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option are responsible for transporting their own children to and from the school.
As a matter of information, Medina City Schools does not allow students from other school districts to enroll in the Medina City School District under the Intradistrict Open Enrollment Option. However, Medina City Schools does allow students to leave the District to attend another district.
For more information, please contact the Office of Registration at 330-636-3100 or email at rottingl@medinabees.org.
Medina High School Names March Students of the Month
Medina High School has named seniors Alex Holthouse and Sydney Kindrat March Students of the Month.
Alex Holthouse
Alex is a remarkable student who is consistently a positive asset to the classroom. He is mindful of those around him, taking notice and acting when someone may need encouragement or an extra hand. Fellow students and staff will miss his creative talents and fantastic sense of humor when he graduates from Medina High School this year.
Alex’s class schedule consists of Advance Placement and Honors courses. Alex scored a perfect 36 on the ACT, is a National Merit Finalist, and earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award, Summa Cum Laude his freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Alex is a four-year member of the MHS Science Olympiad team, co-captain for his junior and senior years, a marching band section leader, Honors Symphony Band member playing alto sax, a member of the Starduster Jazz Band, Key Club, and Spanish Club. In addition, he was the Penguin Bowl captain his sophomore year and again as a senior and has regularly participated in the Ohio Math League.
Alex will complete his Boy Scout Eagle Scout rank before the end of the school year. He also serves as vice president of St. Matthew’s Church Luther League youth group in his spare time. Alex is planning on attending college, majoring in aerospace engineering. Alex is the son of Mike and Kristina Holthouse.
Sydney Kindrat
Sydney is hardworking, kind, and thinks outside the box. She is always willing to put in the work needed to maintain her rigorous academic schedule, always choosing a challenge over the easy path making a clear plan to reach her goals.
Her class schedule consists of Advance Placement and Honors courses. She has earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award, Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Sydney is a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club, Latin Club and was a member of the 2020-2021 Junior Leadership Medina County class.
Sydney competes in equestrian dressage and jumping competitions. She also works at several area horse farms, training and caring for horses, and volunteered at Valley Riding for several years. She also volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor.
Sydney is planning on attending college, majoring in Animal Science, and continuing her education to become a veterinarian. Sydney is the daughter of Michael and Lisa Kindrat.
Alex Holthouse
Sydney Kindrat
Medina City Schools Celebrates Hall of Fame Inductees
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, friends, family, and colleagues of nine Medina City Schools Hall of Fame inductees gathered to celebrate their accomplishments during an induction ceremony held at Weymouth Country Club. The evening was emceed by Medina City Schools Foundation president Nancy Valentine. The event was sponsored by the Medina City Schools Foundation and the Medina High School Student Council. Inductees honored that evening from the Class of 2019 were Bill Biegel, Lori (Koenig) Hawkins, Donny Roys, and Roger Smalley. From the Class of 2020, Taylor (Burke) Gilman, Richard Doyle, Dr. J. Bradley Garner, Dave Knight, and Mitch Lehman.
The next Medina City Schools Hall of Fame Induction is slated for Fall 2023.
About the Medina City Schools Hall of Fame
The Medina City Schools Hall of Fame recognizes Medina High School graduates who have made significant contributions or have provided extraordinary service to their community or chosen field. Also recognized are non-graduates who have served as positive role models for Medina City Schools’ students and have significantly promoted and supported the District.
Those considered for induction into the Medina City Schools Hall of Fame fall under one of five categories: Academic/Career/Life Accomplishments, Athletic Accomplishments, Cultural/Performing Arts, Major Contributions to the Medina City Schools, and Special Honorary Achievement. The Hall of Fame Committee is now accepting nominations for the Class of 2022. To complete a nomination, please visit www.medinabees.org/departments/communityrelations/hall of fame.
Garfield Elementary Staff Member Receives Distinguished Service Award
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Cheryl Gow, paraprofessional at Garfield Elementary, was presented the highest honor bestowed upon a Medina City Schools staff member, the Distinguished Service Award.
During the presentation, Superintendent Aaron Sable had this to share about Cheryl in the presence of her family and colleagues. “Cheryl began her career as a paraprofessional approximately 14 years ago when she applied for a position at Garfield Elementary School. Back in 2008, she would have little idea of the challenges the work would involve.
As a mom and community member, she had volunteered and worked with children for years. However, her first assignment at Garfield was as the primary support for emotionally at-risk fourth and fifth-graders which required a great deal of understanding, patience, and empathy. Cheryl was a perfect fit for this work. During her time at Garfield, she has worked in both the ED unit with at-risk students and most recently with some of the most fragile population of students in the intensive needs unit at Garfield Elementary.
Cheryl never expresses frustration or annoyance with any given task. She consistently remains calm and supportive no matter what extreme behaviors a child might exhibit. She looks at each child as an individual getting down to their level working tirelessly to find out exactly what she can do to help them be successful. Cheryl is extremely professional, soft-spoken, and unassuming. She sets an example for all staff members at Garfield demonstrating what it looks like to always put the needs of children and the school above her own interests. She is always concerned about the well-being of her students focusing on their safety, comfort, and success at school.
Medina City Schools is fortunate to have Cheryl as a staff member. She serves as an example of what it truly means to Bee Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to take on some of the challenges of working with the many incredible students that attend Medina City Schools.”
Medina High School Students Celebrated For Their Commitment to Serve Country
On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, four Medina High School students were celebrated for their commitment to serve their country during an Armed Forces Commitment Celebration at Brunswick High School. From left to right: Medina High School Principal, Dr. Elisa Tedona, Phillip Kay, Nathan Guynn, Donald (Jason) Darrell, Hunter Ulry, and Superintendent Aaron Sable.
Fifth Grade Students at Garfield Elementary Collaborate in "Shark Tank" Activity
Below are a few videos of kids interacting with Mr. Heath and the high school students to share their work and gain feedback on how to improve their prospective business. Thank you to Mr. Heath and his students and to the fifth-grade team working hard to make learning exciting and meaningful for their students.
Kindergarten and New Student Registration is Now Open
Immediate Openings for School Bus Drivers, Food Service Staff, and Substitutes
Ella Canavan's Recycling Club Hosting Supply Recycling Drive
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, May 16, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, June 20, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, July 18, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, August 15, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, September 19, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, October 17, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, November 21, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, December 19, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
The Board of Education meetings are open to the public. Location may be subject to change. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel, MedinaTV Facebook page, and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
Medina High School Student Council Hosts Middle School Leadership Workshop
On Friday, February 25, 2022, Medina High School Student Council hosted a Middle School Leadership Workshop for over 90 leaders from Medina High School and Claggett and Root Student Councils. Medina High School members Lexi Davis Romin, Bryn Heath, and Kaitlyn Pierce helped organize the event and lead the large group in energizers, team-building activities, and discussions.
The night was filled with the following leadership labs, which focused on many elements of Portrait of a Bee and essential skills students could practice:
Lab 1 – Mental Health: Break Before it’s Broken
Discussion leaders: Delaney Fogle, Lauren Kadlec, Olivia Sullin
Lab 2 – Time Management: Minute to Win It
Discussion leaders: Ella DiCola, Samantha Boyland, Haley Black
Lab 3 – Perseverance: Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Discussion leaders: Lauren Rudd, Alex Henry
Lab 4 – Communication: Communication Station
Discussion leaders: Piper Jackson, Sophie Machalec, Olivia Czarnomski, Ella Spangler
Lab 5 – Confidence: Confidence is Key
Discussion leaders: Liv Harman, Keilani Medley, Emma Spangler
Lab 6 – Teamwork: Better Together
Discussion leaders: Madelynn Emrikian, Sophie Schoch, Hayden Henry
Student Council advisors Mrs. Calaiacovo, Mrs. Komar, Dr. Brantner, Mrs. Marsala, Mrs. Gabrielsen, and Ms. Stacho worked hard to bring this event together to create a memorable evening for up and coming young leaders.
Medina High School Student Council shares leadership activities with middle school Student Council students during the recent Leadership Workshop.
Medina High School Debate Team Finishes Season Strong
The Medina High School Debate Team recently participated in the State Championship Tournament, finishing with its most outstanding record in the 19 consecutive trips to the tournament.
Medina finished with semifinalists in the qualifying division and finalists in the open and novice divisions in Congressional Debate. In Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Medina finished with semifinalists in the open division. In Public Forum Debate, Medina had semifinalists in all three divisions. In Extemporaneous Speaking, Medina finished in the final round in the novice division. As a team, Medina won its 11th School of Excellence in Debate award given at the State tournament to the school from each of the seven districts in the Ohio Speech and Debate Association (OSDA) with the most winning rounds among the various debate events. There are 147 teams in OSDA.
A.I. Root Middle School Students Qualify for State Power of the Pen Tournament
Assistant Athletic Director to Receive NEOIAAA Middle School Athletic Director of Year Award
Mason Harper, Assistant Athletic Director, has been selected to receive the NEOIAAA Middle School Athletic Director of the Year award. This award is presented to an association member in recognition of service, leadership, and involvement at the local level as a 7th and 8th-grade athletic administrator.
Harper will be formally presented with this award during the NEOIAAA Annual Awards Banquet on April 24, 2022.
Middle Schools To Offer After School Homework Help Program
Medina City Schools middle schools are pleased to announce that an after-school homework help program will be open to all middle school students in need of homework assistance. This new program began Tuesday, March 1.
If you would like your child to attend homework help session(s), or if your child’s teacher contacted you with a referral for homework help, please complete the sign-up form below.
Claggett Homework Help Sign-Up Form
Root Homework Help Sign-Up Form
Homework help is provided at both Claggett and Root middle schools every Tuesday-Thursday from 2:45-3:45. Transportation home is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Students will need to be picked up promptly at 3:45 PM.
Homework Help Expectations:
Students will be asked to sign in when they arrive.
Attendance will be taken. Parents will be contacted if the student is absent.
Students may bring their own drink/snack. These will not be provided.
Homework Plan:
Students must come prepared with assignments to complete. If they finish their homework early, they should have a book ready and can read for the remainder of the session or can work on MobyMax.
Student Behavior:
Students must be willing to work for the entire hour. If a student causes disruption or demonstrates inappropriate behavior, the student will receive a warning and parents will be contacted by the program coordinator. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the student will not be permitted to participate until the start of the next quarter. Then the process will start again.
If you have any questions, please contact the homework help coordinator, Connie Stopke, stopkec@medinabees.org.
Medina County District Library to Host Author/Artist
As part of the Medina County District Library's One Community, Many Stories campaign, on Friday, April 22 at 7:00 pm at the Medina Performing Arts Center, they will be welcoming Robin Ha, graphic artist and author of Almost American Girl.
Almost American Girl is a graphic novel memoir for teens and adults about a Korean-born, non-English speaking girl who is abruptly transplanted from Seoul to Huntsville, Alabama, and struggles with extreme culture shock and isolation until she discovers her passion for comic arts. The book was an Association for Library Services to Children Honor Book. Robin will speak about her experience and the process of creating a graphic novel and comic arts.
Former Canavan Students Help Brighten the Halls
Medina High School and former Canavan students Emily Piehler, Samantha Kermes, and Maddie Kessler started a mural before COVID put everything on hold. Recently, the three girls were able to complete the project. "They are amazing hard workers that I truly enjoyed working with after school painting," said Jessica Deyling, Canavan art teacher. They were very grateful for Mr. Condit letting the students come in to continue to brighten the halls of Canavan.
News from Claggett PTO
This March-May, Claggett Middle School PTO will be partnering with Savers Inc., a for-profit organization, where you can donate items to a non-profit, Claggett PTO, who will get paid per pound for donated goods. Attached is a list of items that can and cannot be donated. If you have items that you would like to donate, they can be dropped off at Claggett Middle School Friday, April 8, 22, 28, and May 13 from 7:00 AM-8:00 AM and 2:00 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, April 9, 23, and May 14 from 9:30 AM-10:30 AM and Wednesday, May 18 from 9:00 AM-10:00 AM.
Medina City Schools Foundation Launches Its 2021-2022 Membership Drive
For your contribution, MCSF will send you a thank you and a car magnet showing you are Supporting the Hive. If the Foundation "Thanker Bees" spots you with the magnet, we will give you a gift (e.g., a voucher, coupon, or merchandise) from one of our "Thanker Bee" corporate sponsors that are already supporting the Hive like A. I. Root Candle Company, Dairy Queen among others.
Your membership is important to helping the Foundation sustain valuable programming such as the Tutoring Center, scholarships, and staff grants. Won't you consider joining today?
Online Ticketing Through Hometown Ticketing
Medina High School Drama Club Presents PUFFS, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years of Magic and Magic
For seven years a certain boy wizard went to a certain school for wizards and conquered evil. This, however, is not his story. This is the story of the Puffs... who just happened to be there too-- It's a tale for anyone who has never been destined to save the world.
The Medina High School Drama Club will be presenting PUFFS, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years of Magic and Magic, a play by Matt Cox with music by Brian Metolius. Its fourth and final show of the school year will come to life on the middle auditorium stage on April 22 & 23 at 7 pm and April 24 at 2 pm. PUFFS is a fast-paced humorous romp through Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic. This play is rated PG 13 for some mild language, darkness, noisy spell-casting, buttery beverages, and wizard affection.
One of the things that makes this show especially delightful and challenging is watching eleven actors play over 50 distinct characters. Over 70 Medina High School students are involved in the cast and crew including Andrew Falkosky (Wayne Hopkins), Graham Dennis (Oliver Rivers), Gabi Ilg (Megan Jones), Colin Barberic (Narrator, or as I like to call him, The Narrator), Lukas Dove (Ernie Mac, A Certain Potions Teacher, Real Mr. Moody, and eight others), Allison Custer (Hannah, First Headmaster, Professor McG, and five others), Trynter Stiles (J. Finch Fletchley, Fat Friar, Clumsy Longbottom, and six others), Elaynah Toncar (Leanne, Ginny, Helga, Frenchy), Madison Reed (Sally Perks, Hermeoone, Blondo, and others), Livy Douglas (Susie Bones, Harry, Colin, Myrtle, and others), and Owen Newman (Cedric and Mr. Voldy).
Tickets will be available for sale beginning on April 4, 2022. Purchase your reserved seats early through the QR code below or the Performing Arts Center website. Tickets are $5 for students and senior citizens and $10 for adults.
A.I. Root Middle School's Builders Club Makes Blankets for Project Linus
Medina High School Latin Club Attends 2022 Ohio Junior Classical League Virtual Convention
On March 11 and March 12, 2022, eleven members of the Medina High School Latin Club participated virtually in the Ohio Junior Classical League Convention. These eleven students included sophomores Tye Ochendowski, Noah Banner, and Aidan Haggard; junior Kaitlyn Horner; and seniors Abbi Acurio, Alyssa Ferrari, Abigail Hovorka, Lily Ivey, Jessica Kancler, Miranda Vela, and Nailah Williams. During the competition, Medina Latin students earned over 30 individual awards and club honors.
Special congratulations go to Tye Ochendowski who finished in first place in both the Level I Latin Grammar and Reading Comprehension tests; to junior Kaitlyn Horner, who brought home four first-place ribbons for her Colored Pencil, Mixed Media, Oil and Acrylic, and Textile entries; and to Nailah Williams who earned first place for her Pencil Drawing.
Club awards included an “Excellent Rating” for the Club Banner and a “Good Rating” Rating for the Club Scrapbook. Individual honors include:
- Abigail Acurio: Jewelry, 6th place; Traditional Photography, tenth place;
- Noah Banner: Derivatives Test, ninth place; Latin Literature Test, eighth place; Roman History Test, ninth place; Drawn Poster, fourth place; and Woodworking, fifth place;
- Alyssa Ferrari: Ceramic Pottery, seventh place; Jewelry, third Place; Pencil Drawing, third Place; and Traditional Photography, fourth place;
- Aidan Haggard: English Oratory, fifth place; Latin Recitation, second place; and Latin Literature, ninth place;
- Kaitlyn Horner: Colored Pencil, first place; Mixed Media, first place; Oil and Acrylic, first place; Textiles, first place; Woodworking, second place; Watercolor, fourth place; Ceramic Pottery, sixth place;
- Abigail Hovorka: Constructed Poster, fifth place; Mixed Media, fourth Place;
- Lily Ivey: Latin Literature Test, second place; Textiles, sixth place;
- Jessica Kancler: Constructed Chart, ninth place;
- Tye Ochendowski: Latin Grammar (Level 1), first Place; Reading Comprehension (Level 1), first Place; Derivatives Test, ninth place;
- Miranda Vela: Pencil Drawing, seventh place;
- Nailah Williams: Pencil Drawing, first place; Ceramic Pottery, eighth place.
Kaitlyn Horner, Watercolor, 1st Place, A Feather for Hera
Miranda Vela, Pencil, 7th Place, The Birth of Venus
Nailah Williams, Ceramic Pottery, 1st Place
Club Banner, “Excellent Rating”
Akron Children's Hospital Offers Nurturing Families Program
SAVE THE DATE: Medina City Schools Foundation Presents Magic Gives Back
Century Cycles and Medina City Schools to Host Bike to School Kick-off Party
Thank you to the sponsors of this event: Armstrong, Corkscrew Saloon, Cool Beans Cafe', Courthouse Pizzeria, Drug Mart, Kiwanis Clubs of Medina, Mellion Orthodontics, Roto-Rooter, and Subway.
Kids First Medina Offers Decorative License Plate
Kids First Medina is a group of volunteers that help to provide a voice to community members, families, and students of Medina City Schools to help shape educational opportunities for our students.
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Safe Sitter Essentials Classes
Free Youth Physicals Offered
See What is Happening Around the District on Flyer Central
Registration for 2022 Summer Enrichment Program Now Available
The Summer Reinforcement Program (SRP) is starting its 49th year in 2022. The three-hour sessions will be held starting Monday, June 13, 2022, and end on Friday, July 15, 2022—from 9:00 am to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. The classes will be held at Blake Elementary School, 4704 Lexington Ridge Road, Medina, OH. The school is located off Route 3 South and also off Route 57.
The Summer Reinforcement Program is a tutoring program open to any child, age 3 to 14 years, in Medina County. It is a classroom-setting program with tutoring emphasis on Math and Reading. There are no new materials introduced—only reinforcing and re-teaching basic classroom skills. Speech Therapy is a part of the program. The goal is to maintain the academic skills of kids over the summer months.
The tuition fee for the 5-week program is $400.00* (*optional speech services – additional $50). Payment of $100.00 is due upon registration to hold a place. The balance of the tuition ($300) is due on the first day of the program. There is a limited amount of financial assistance available. Classes fill quickly, and classes will be closed prior to the deadline if enrollment is full. For additional information, please click on this link. To register, please click here.
Boosters Corner
One of the major objectives of the Medina Athletic Boosters is to help student-athletes achieve their dreams and provide the elements they need to make it happen. Here are just a few of the things the Boosters are doing in the next month:
- Ken Dukes Scholarships – Scholarship forms are available now on the Medina Athletics website (www.medinaathletics.com) for the Ken Dukes Scholarship and the Sammy Gorfido Scholarship. At least six $1000 scholarships will be awarded to senior student-athletes who have committed themselves on the athletic field, in their school, and in the Medina community. The Sammy Gorfido scholarship is awarded to an MHS student-athlete who has played for the Battling Bees and shown that something special or has overcome the odds to make their mark.
- New Hurdle Carts – Last year the boys’ and girls’ track teams and the Medina Boosters bought new hurdles to use for the track season and Medina Relays. This year, they have come together again to purchase new hurdle carts to help quickly and efficiently put away hurdles during a meet and store them out of the elements. Special thanks go out the Standard Welding for the help in making the carts.
- Spring Athletic Programs – The spring’s Athletic Program will be available in April to highlight our spring teams as well as all the sponsors of Medina Athletics. Anyone interested in buying one of this spring’s programs should see their team’s coach or parent representative or look for them at the concession stands of our major events.
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1