Lyons Ledger | Issue 1
November 2022

Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, Nov. 22: All-District Parent-Teacher Conferences. No school for students.
- Wednesday, Nov. 23, 11AM: Thanksgiving Kickball Round 2 at LCC
- Wednesday, Nov. 23 through Friday, Nov. 25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
- Monday, Dec.12, 6PM: 9th Grade Parents & Families Informational Meeting
- Monday, Dec. 12, 7PM: MS/HS Winter Concert
- Thursday, Dec. 15, 7PM: LES Winter Concert
- Monday, Dec. 19 through Friday, Dec. 23: Winter/Holiday Spirit Week
- Friday, Dec. 23: MS/HS Pep Rally
- Monday, Dec. 26 through Friday, Dec. 30: Holiday Recess. No school.
View the district calendar at lyonscsd.org.
A Message from Chris Taylor, LES Principal
Fall is in full swing here at Lyons Elementary School. All of our LES Cubs are experiencing creative and academically-engaging lessons using Autumn, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving themes. Students experienced Veterans Day assemblies (pictured) with Ms. Passero and Mr. Blask and the hallways continue to be filled with energy and excitement for learning.
We are happy to report that the Lyons Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (LES PTA) is working hard to reimagine the association. They are attempting to get more teachers, families, and community members to submit membership forms and join the LES PTA. Monthly meetings are currently taking place to plan for future events. The LES PTA will be working closely with our student council to plan exciting events for the months ahead. The PTA hopes to launch their reimagined Home and School Association in January, so be on the lookout and join us!
Parent-Teacher conferences will take place this month as well. Teachers and students are eager to share student successes and inform families about the outstanding teaching and learning that has taken place during the first marking period. As we walk through classrooms each day, we see excitement, creativity, and positive academic achievement. We are so proud of the accomplishments we have seen and we can’t wait to see continued development during the second marking period.
Our final “Fall Happening” at Lyons Elementary School that we would like to share is the start of Band and Chorus. Mrs. Barringer and Ms. Taylor have been working hard to develop our LES musicians, and they are proud to report that both music programs have increased enrollment this year. Holiday concerts are right around the corner, so please join us for the fun-filled showcase of talent.
LES Students Celebrate Red Ribbon Week
Mrs. Spencer's Kindergarten class poses with a tree they decorated with a red ribbon. Red Ribbon week is a nationwide drug-abuse prevention campaign that takes place each year from October 23–31.
Mrs. Williams' Science Students Present to the Board of Education
On Tuesday, November 8, Mrs. Melody Williams' sixth grade science students presented to the LCSD Board of Education.
Mrs. Williams explained: "Each of our science units begins with an anchoring phenomenon and the students spend the unit going through a scientific process to be able to discover and explain the science behind what they saw. In this unit, they watched a Mr. Bean video clip showing a one-way mirror in a police station. From there, the kids used box models to investigate the parts of the system and designed/completed experiments to uncover what was important and what was actually happening. They let their curiosity lead them to test different scenarios, studied how light interacts with different materials, experimented with lenses and did research on what happens after light goes into our eyes and what a one way mirror looks like magnified super close.
By the end of the unit, students were able to apply their knowledge of light and matter to explain the one-way mirror, but also many other releted phenomenona connected to the question, 'why do we sometimes see something different when looking at the same thing?' At the board meeting, students were using the knowledge they had discovered to show off the 'magic' of a one-way mirror and then explain the science behind that percieved visual trick."
Great job, Mrs. Williams' class!
Halloween Parade at LES
A Message from Katrina Henderson, MS/HS Principal
The first 10 weeks of school have brought us much to be proud of at the Middle/High School. This month we will be celebrating nearly 300 students with greater than 90% attendance so far this school year. Students are working on fun and engaging educational projects, participating in clubs, athletics, and the after-school program.
Students have participated in several college visits, informational nights, and college & career café events where students have been able to learn more about various opportunities post-graduation (pictured). Winter sports seasons are underway after a successful fall athletic season. Students are excited about the holiday-themed events and competitions planned including hallway decorating, Holiday Spirit Week, and the winter pep rally. We hope to see you on Monday, December 12th at 7:00 pm for our Winter Concert!
October Students of the Month
Class Highlight: Forensic Science
Mrs. Clancy's Forensic Science students have been rolling 10-cards and dusting and lifting latent prints.
Upgrades Made to Fields
Thank you to LCSD Groundskeeper, Danny Wilkinson for upgrading our fields this fall! Our modified baseball and softball fields have new sod, and clay has been added to the Varsity softball field.