What's the Buzz?
Upcoming Events
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (info on how to subscribe here), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.Nov. 16 & 17: Book Fair - available until 3pm
Nov. 17: Fall Play/Dessert Show
Nov. 17: 9 am Mass - led by Grade 8
Nov. 20: Bills Season Pass dress-down
Nov. 21: HSA Thanksgiving luncheon
Nov. 22-24: NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Recess
Nov. 26: ADVENTure to Christmas - 10-11:30am in the gym
Nov. 27: School resumes
Nov. 27: Bills Season Pass dress-down
Nov. 30: 9 am Mass - led by Grade 6
Nov. 30: In-person parent/teacher conferences, 3-6pm
Dec. 1: NO SCHOOL- Zoom parent/teacher conferences - 8-11am
Dec. 3: First Sunday of Advent
Dec. 4: HSA Meeting
Dec. 6-8 SMS “Merry Moose” Christmas Shop
Dec. 8: 9 am Mass - led by Grade 5
Dec. 8: Virtue Certificate Recognition - following Mass
Dec. 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 8: 11:30 am Early dismissal
Dec. 8: HSA Family Movie Night
Dec. 13: Christmas Concert - 6:30pm
Dec. 22: 11:30am Dismissal
We'd love to have you help out during lunch
As the weather starts to change, some of our students would rather stay inside. In order to accommodate students who want to stay inside and others that would like to go outside, we will need to have three adults present for safety. Please consider helping out.
Thank you so much to those who have been able to volunteer and help out in the lunchroom. It is such a blessing to have dedicated family members who are willing to help out!
A Note from the Cafeteria
Lunch orders for the week of 11/27-12/1 are due by noon on 11/20. Please remember that this is a hard deadline and the link is disabled at noon.
Have the best Advent yet! Interactive activities, crafts and games are all planned to make this a family morning of fun as we begin the season of Advent. Bring your family to the St Mary's gymnasium on Sunday, November 26 between 10:00am - 11:30am. Stations will be set up for families to visit at your own pace. Walk-ins are welcome but sign up is preferred so we can best plan for attendance. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054CABA72FA7FD0-adventure#/
Do you have a mind for numbers?
Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Ups
Pay close attention to the day you sign up for. Thursday 11/30 after school will be in person conferences and Friday 12/1 will be online through Google Meet.
If you would like to meet with one of the special area teachers, please email them personally to set up a conference time.
Today was the last day to send in items for our November service project, thank you for your generosity! We are still in need of monetary donations to help offset the cost of shipping the items to Germany for the “Wolfhounds”, 603rd Air Operations Platoon. Each box cost $19.20 to ship and we have collected 21 boxes. If you missed sending in any items or would also like to send in a monetary donation to help, please enclose cash or a check made out to “St. Mary School” in an envelope marked “Wolfhounds Shipping” and send in with your student.
This year we have decided to offer a Christmas shopping experience for our students. The “Merry Moose” shop will be open Dec. 6-8, and feature affordable items that your child(ren) can purchase for their siblings, parents, friends, etc. Younger students will have the opportunity to shop with an older student as a “buddy” to assist them, or you may shop with your student during the HSA Family Movie Night on the evening of Dec. 8. A flyer will be coming home in backpacks soon, but in the meantime we are in need of parent volunteers to help make the shop a success! Please sign up here if you are able to help.
As a part of 8th grade religion, Mrs. Leong has been working with our 8th graders to develop their own service projects. Students are required to identify a need, make all necessary contacts, clear dates with school, determine participants, manage volunteers, and many other skills needed to run a successful service project. Projects are getting underway. Some will be schoolwide, while others may just involve the 8th grade or the small group.
Michael, Lucas, and Aiden met with Mr. Don to discuss what needed to be done around campus for a fall cleanup. They discussed the areas of greatest need, what tools they would need, and picked a date. On Tuesday, the 8th grade tackled the yard work and did an amazing job. Thank you students for showing good stewards of God's earth!
2023 Meat Raffle a success!
Our annual school Thanksgiving lunch is on Tuesday, November 21, 2022
Save the date for a festive night with friends in the school gym watching the animated 2018 version of “The Grinch”. Pizza, water and snacks will be available for purchase, please plan to join us! More information will be coming home on how to RSVP for this event soon.
St. Mary School
Email: office@stmaryschoolswormville.org
Website: stmaryschoolswormville.org
Location: 6919 Transit Road, East Amherst, NY, USA
Phone: 716-689-8424
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StMarySchoolSwormville/