Fryelands Falcon Flyer
March 23, 2023
From the Principal
Dear Fryelands Families,
March is National Reading Month
Attached to the newsletter this week is a list of Instant Words that was developed by Edward Fry from the Rutgers University Reading Center. The reason for calling these words “Instant Words” is that a student must learn to recognize them instantly in order to achieve fluency in reading, writing, or spelling. The first 10 words make up about 24% of all written material; the first 100 words make up about 50%, and the first 300 words make up about 65% of all words written in English.
How to use the Instant Word List
Write them on index cards and have your child practice learning them. Start with 10-20 cards each night and add 10 more word cards to the pile after they master the first group. Keep adding more words, just practicing for 5 minutes each night, and it will improve their word recognition significantly!
Memory game. Write each word on two index cards and turn them over on a table. Play a memory game with your child trying to find the two that match. As each player takes a turn, they also say the words. Help them if needed. In order to get a memory match they have to find the matching two word cards and be able to say the word, too.
Have students practice writing the words. They can even make the index cards to use later by writing the instant words. Remember to start with only a few words per night and adjust as needed.
Have them practice spelling the instant words. Remember to start with only a few words per night.
Read books together and see how many times they can see the instant word on the page or within the story. It’s about spending time together and reading together, both are important!!!
It’s all about short practice opportunities every day. In just 5 minutes, every day, you will see a lot of growth from your child.
Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences are March 27-30 for ALL families
All conference sign-ups are online through Family Access
Please sign up online or email or call your child’s teacher this week. We would love to share your child’s progress with you.
Tuesday, March 28th, will be our late night and when we have interpreters.
It’s time to register for kindergarten for 2023-2024
All Monroe elementary schools offer all day, every day kindergarten at no cost to families. Students attend from 8:55 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. State law requires incoming kindergarten students to have received current immunizations by the first day of class and be age 5 by August 31, 2023 to enroll for the 2023-2024 school year.
New families may register online for the current year. Learn how here.
Families with children currently enrolled can log into Family Access to enroll additional children.
If you cannot access the online registration packet, you can obtain the paper packet at any school office or at the District Administration Office, located at 14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe.
We are Seeing an Uptick of Students with a Stomach Virus at School
What to Do:
#1 Stay Home when experiencing symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting
#2 Hand Washing at Home and School:
It is critical that students, parents, and staff wash their hands often.
Proper hand washing includes covering all parts of the hands, including fingernails, with soap; rubbing lathered hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds; thoroughly rinsing hands with water; and drying hands with a paper towel.
Supervise the handwashing of young students to ensure that hands are thoroughly washed. Hand-sanitizers are not an acceptable substitute for handwashing because they are not as effective
Wash hands after using the restroom, changing diapers, sneezing or coughing, cleaning up vomit or diarrhea, handling soiled items, or helping students in the restroom.
Wash hands before eating, preparing or serving food, or feeding children.
#3 We are disinfecting those classrooms where we are seeing more incidents
Thank you for bringing your students to school on time and prepared for learning each day. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at presleyj@monroe.wednet.edu or at 360-804-3400.
Jeff Presley
3/24: Early Release Friday - School dismissed at 2:25pm
3/24: MPS Foundation Online Auction
3/27-3/30: Conference Days - School dismissed at 12:55pm
3/30: PTA Spirit Night at Jump Rattle & Roll 4-7pm
3/31: Early Release Friday - School dismissed at 2:25pm
4/3-4/7: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4/11: PTA General Meeting 3:45pm
4/14: Early Release Friday - School dismissed at 2:25pm
March is:
- Music In our Schools Month
- Youth Art Month
- Women's History Month
- National Nutrition Month
- Irish American Heritage Month
Reminder: Today is the last day to schedule your parent teacher conference online through Family Access
Spring conferences will be held the week of March 27th-30th between the hours of 1:15pm and 4:05pm. We will have a late night on Tuesday, March 28th until 7:00pm.
If you are in need of an interpreter for your conference, please let your teacher know as soon as possible, we will have interpreters available on Tuesday, March 28th.
Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up through Family Access
Once you have applied for Family Access (see below) and have received your password, you can schedule your conference. Below are directions on how to schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference.
To access Conference Scheduler, select Conferences from the Family Access menu.
- Click All Conference
- Click Select a Time to pick a time slot for a student’s class
- Click Select to the right of the desired Conference Time Slot
- The Select Time Slot dialog box will appear. A warning will be displayed if a time conflict exists. Click Back to select another time if there is a conflict. Or, click Save.
- Repeat steps for each student.
If, after a conference is scheduled, the date or time need to be changed, follow these steps.
- Click View Scheduled Times to view all scheduled times
- Click Un-schedule to un-schedule a time slot
- The Deselect Time Slot dialog box will appear, click Save
- Click All Conferences to return to the All Conferences tab
- Click Select a Time to pick a new time slot
- Locate the new time slot and click Select
- Click Save
Family Access and How to Apply
Family Access is a communication tool between the school and families. You can view your student’s schedule, lunch account, enter attendance and see grades and assignments. Conferences are scheduled via Family Access. If you haven’t already signed up for Family Access, you can do so on the Monroe School District website: www.monroe.wednet.edu. Scroll down on the landing page and click the circular Family Access button on the left and complete the online application. Be sure to fill out the email information and grant permission for us to send your login and password electronically. When the application is complete, click on the submit button. You should have approval within 48 hours of applying. Please note if you have more than one student enrolled in the district, you only need to apply one time.
Women's History Month
Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women to United States history. From Abigail Adams to Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women’s history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States.
The actual celebration of Women’s History Month grew out of a weeklong celebration of women’s contributions to culture, history and society organized by the school district of Sonoma, California, in 1978. Presentations were given at dozens of schools, hundreds of students participated in a “Real Woman” essay contest and a parade was held in downtown Santa Rosa.
A few years later, the idea caught on within communities, school districts and organizations across the country. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation declaring the week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week. The U.S. Congress followed suit the next year, passing a resolution establishing a national celebration. Six years later, the National Women’s History Project successfully petitioned Congress to expand the event to the entire month of March.
The National Women's History Alliance designates a yearly theme for Women's History Month. The 2023 theme is "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories." This theme recognizes "women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media."
Don't miss out on getting a yearbook - presales end March 31st!
If you choose to send money in with your student, we can accept cash (exact amount only, we do not have change) or check made payable to Fryelands Elementary. The cost of the yearbook is $17.00.
5th Grade Parent Shout Out's for the Yearbook - Extended until March 31st
Attention 5th Grade Parents! Make your 5th graders 2022-2023 yearbook extra special with a free PARENT SHOUT OUT in the yearbook! Send your shout out message and ONE picture to
Julee Baca at bacaj@monroe.wednet.edu by Friday, March 31st.
Please limit your shout out to 50 words or less, so that we have space for all of our 5th graders.
Thank you!!
Thank you all for participating in the PTA Lucky Leprechaun Coin Drive
Our grade level winners were 1st grade and 3rd grade! They will be receiving a pizza lunch on Friday, March 31st!
MPS Foundation All In For Kids Auction
Each year, our schools' PTA puts together a "Principals Pick Basket" that raises funds directly for Mr. Presley to use for our Fryelands Falcons! Check out the S'more Summer Fun basket that our Fryelands PTA put together for this year!
MHS Softball Camp
Come meet and learn skills from the 2023 Monroe Bearcat softball team. The camp will consist of skills & drills designed for the growth and development of players in the 2nd through 6th grade. Players will be grouped upon their age and skill level.
- Camp staff: The camp will be run by the MHS softball players and coaches
- Cost: $35 includes camp t-shirt and prizes throughout camp
- What to bring: Glove, bat, helmet and water
- Make checks payable to: Monroe High School
- Mail to: Jennifer Garcia, 17001 Tester Road, Monroe, WA 98272
- Questions? garciaj@monroe.wednet.edu
*A confirmation email will be sent once registration and payment are received*
MHS Spring Break Baseball Camp
Monday, April 3rd 9:00-11:30am and Wednesday, April 5th 9:00-11:30am
CAMP DESCRIPTION: Please join us for the 2023 Monroe Baseball Spring Break camp hosted by the high school boys’ baseball program. The 2-day, 2.5 hour camp will consist of fundamental practice in throwing, catching, base running and hitting but will also consist of skills contests and fun games. The current boys’ baseball players will be our special guest coaches along with all of our Varsity coaches for this spring camp, and we are excited to have you join us for this fun event.
Camp is open to both Boys and Girls
CAMP STAFF: The camp will be run by the Monroe High School Baseball Players and Coaches
COST: $50 and includes a camp T-shirt (This is a fundraiser for the Monroe Baseball Program) Please Make Checks Payable to: Monroe High School
WHAT TO BRING: Water Bottle, baseball glove, helmet and bat (limited amount will be available if you don’t bring one, but please make sure to have your name on it!!!)
LOCATION: Monroe High School Baseball Field 17001 Tester Rd., Monroe, WA 98272
Online Registration Link: https://forms.gle/PZgqWQ6eVz5Y8agb9
Falcon Pictures from the week
Congratulations to all of our students who earned S.O.A.R. tickets last week! Keep up the good work!!!
TK ~ Abdulie, Aiden, Amari, Ana, Cezar, Cora, Ensley, Gael, Janu, Jude, Kimberly, Lenyx, Lio, Olivia M., Olivia R., Presley, Ximena
Kindergarten ~ Addy, Anastasia, Belle, Isabella, Isaiah, Jarett, Julian, Kate, Liam, Mackenzie, Maggie, Mili, Nathan, Olivia, Parker, Peyton, Turner, William, Zyah
1st Grade ~ Adaline, Caleb, Chelsea, D.J., Harley, Hudson, Isa, Kenzi, Leia, Max, Melodee, Paige, Reagan, Rohan, Vale
2nd Grade ~ Arturo, Ashlee, Bradley, Carter, Emiliano, Emma, Kingston, Matewa, Mia, Miguel, Noah, Silas, Thomas, Vanessa, Zara
3rd Grade ~ Able, Alexander, Aria, Austin, Beau, Brayden, Claire, Danika, David, Davina, Dawson, Ethan, Kameron, Keiry, Landon, London, Lucas, Mason, Norah, Peyton, Rayna, Ryan, Sophia, Tory
4th Grade ~ Addie, Ahmed, Ayliana, Cameron, Cash, Elliott, Hannah, Ione, Jack, Jackson, Kalynn, Kaylee, Kinsley, Lily, Logan, Paola, Paulina, River, Vance
5th Grade ~ Angela, Ayla, Camila, Dalton, Dayana, Diamond, Emily, Greyson, Hayden, Holland, Jason, Jazzmine, Jessica, Julian, Kyler, Liam, Mahina, Mason, Saphy, Scarlett
The Fryelands Spring Spirit Wear Sale is live!
Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You'll save 25% off the entire site! New product lines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/101165.
- Dates: March 13 thru March 27th
- 25% off all merchandise
- $5 shipping on orders under $75
- Free shipping on orders over $75
Orders will be delivered directly to your home and 10% of the purchase comes back to support our school!
The Dads of Great Students WATCH D.O.G.S. program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations designed and developed by educators, experts and parent & guardian volunteers over more than two decades.
Our programs for Elementary and Secondary School campuses help provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning and instruction.
Who are Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)?
Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures serve on campus for one day or many each year under the leadership of a program coordinator and under the guidance of a school principal or designated administrator.
If you are interested in signing up for a day, please stop by our office to check out our Watch D.O.G.S. calendar.
2022-2023 Lunch Prices:
Elementary (P-5): $2.00 for breakfast | $3.25 for lunch
Secondary (6-12): $2.15 for breakfast | $3.50 for lunch
Adult: $2.50 for breakfast | $4.50 for lunch
For menus and more information, please click here: https://www.monroe.wednet.edu/departments/food-service
Free and Reduced Lunch Application:
Chris Mayer, Assistant Principal
Austin Talbott, Counselor
Julee Baca, Office Manager
Cindy Snider, Office Support
Sherah Bustamante, Nurse
Jodi Mullen, Health Room Para
Kathy Jackson, Family Engagement Liaison
360-804-3517 - jacksonka@monroe.wednet.edu
Fax: (360) 804-3499 | Attendance Line: (360) 804-3401
Email: bacaj@monroe.wednet.edu
Website: https://www.monroe.wednet.edu/fre
Location: 15286 Fryelands Boulevard, Monroe, WA, USA
Phone: 360-804-3400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FryelandsElementary/
Twitter: @monroewaschools
MSD Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Monroe School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator, Compliance Coordinator for 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW
Dan Johnston
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2530
Title IX Training Materials
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
David Paratore
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2609
The Monroe School District will also take steps to assure that national origin persons who lack English language skills can participate in all education programs, services and activities. For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact:
Chris Cronas
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2558