Weekly Update of Events and Happenings at SRMS
January 1st, 2024
SRMS will be a hub to develop academic and social success for our diverse population, where all students and faculty matter and have a gift to contribute to our school and community.
Message from the Principal
Happy New Year Harriers!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful break and I am so excited to see you all back in the building tomorrow. Let us not forget that the end of the second quarter is right around the corner so stay on top of your academics. Here are a few key dates to keep in mind for the month of January:
- January 2 - All schools reopen
- January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr Day - All schools closed
- January 26 - End of 2nd quarter /No School for students
WHAT's NEW........
Weis 4 school helps SRMS Students
Earn money for SRMS every time you shop! Register your Weis Rewards card at weis4school.com. You only need to put in your name, club card number, and pick SRMS as your school. Then every time you scan your Weis Reward card you will earn cash for SRMS students with each qualifying purchase.
You still have time to send in your pictures!!!!
"Life Outside of SRMS"
The yearbook committee is looking for photo submissions of students outside of Spring Ridge. Examples include sports teams, clubs, Boy Scouts or Girls Scouts, volunteer work, cool trips, etc. Submissions will be taken until February 9, 2024.
If you would like to showcase your child, please email photos to Ms. Doering at cbdoering@smcps.org
School Pictures Are Ready Online by Lifetouch
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Harris Teeter gives back to SRMS
SRMS Car Rider Information
If you are a car rider student please complete this online form to get a pass.
Drop Off and Pick-Up Instructions:
Drop off is at 7am. When you enter the south entrance to SRMS you will drive straight ahead (passing the ball fields and trailers) and follow around to the stop sign where you will have your student exit. You will exit straight ahead. Students will walk up the sidewalk to the building entrance.
Pick up takes place in the same location.
All afternoon car riders must complete the online registration. A pink placard will be made for
each student. Placards must be visible on car dashboard when picking student(s) up. Students
will be dismissed to the cafeteria at 1:57pm. Staff will radio names of students from placard to
cafeteria- student(s) will exit building and enter the vehicle. Exit straight ahead.
Note: If you do not have a PINK placard you must pick your student up in the front office after
showing a valid photo ID.
SMCPS Student Accident Insurance Available
Spanish version:
Carta de información para padres
Información de inscripciónALERT: Beware of Phishing Attempts on SMCPS Student Accounts
In recent weeks, phishing attempts have been targeted at SMCPS student accounts using methods outside of SMCPS managed services.
Phishing is a method where malicious individuals attempt to trick you into providing them with information about you and your online account information. These methods can take many forms, so staying vigilant for anything that seems out of the ordinary when online is important.
Additionally, please note that SMCPS IT support will never contact you on Discord, Steam, or any other application that is not managed by SMCPS and will never ask you for your account password. If you are contacted on any outside application stating to be SMCPS IT, please DO NOT respond, block/report the individual and inform your site administration so that it can be escalated. Contact your building-level tech or the Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) at your first leisure for more information.
SMC Health Dept. School Based Health Center
Harriers SOAR
Attention Military Families
Student Resource Accountability
"Everybody Eats" Program at SRMS
It is our lunch donation fund that ensures all of our Harriers have access to a nutritious
lunch to make it through their day. Please consider making a donation to our lunch fund.
Donations can be made online, by visiting MySchoolBucks. Go to www.myschoolbucks.com. Go to your profile and make sure that your student is added as a student. Then click on the School Store link at the top of the page or the school store icon in the middle of the screen, and browse all items. At this point all items that are available for your student will show.
Always S.O.A.R. like a HARRIER!!
Box Tops for Education
Directions for the Box Tops for Education Application --
The Physical Education department uses the funds to replace equipment and purchase additional sporting gear.
School Store
About Us
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/srms/
Location: 19856 Three Notch Road
Phone: 301-863-4031
Twitter: @SRMS_SMCPS
Acceptable Use Policy for Technology
Please click the link here: https://www.smcps.org/offices/assessment-accountability/student-device-resource-accountability