The Buzz Newsletter
Friday, August 12, 2022
Fairview High School
Location: 2595 Fairview Boulevard, Fairview, TN, USA
Phone: 6154724400
Twitter: @wcsFvHSclb
Campus Clean Up
You are invited to help us clean up our campus tomorrow from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM! Details coming this afternoon from Mr. Butler. We will meet in the FPAC at 8:00 AM.
Sat, Aug 13, 2022, 08:00 AM
Fairview High School, Fairview Boulevard West, Fairview, TN, USA
Attendance & Tardy Policies
When a student accumulates a total of 8 excused absences, all other absences will be considered unexcused unless a doctor’s note is presented within 48 hours of returning to school.
In accordance with state guidelines for schools related to truancy, Williamson County Schools has implemented a three-tiered system to monitor attendance. Parents/guardians will be notified as unexcused absences accumulate (recorded) to proactively help with truancy concerns.
● 3 unexcused absences - parents/guardians will be notified via email or phone.
● 5 unexcused absences – a meeting will be held with family and school personnel. The team will create a plan to support the family and ensure subsequent school attendance. Follow-up meetings will be planned to monitor progress.
● If the student continues to accumulate absences, additional interventions will be established.
● The Tennessee Department of Education Accountability Regulations (ESSA) defines students as "chronically absent" after 18 absences per year, regardless of excused or unexcused. Students who accumulate 18 or more absences will be considered “Chronically Absent” and reported to the state.
Written Documentation for Absences
The Williamson County School Board Policy 6.200 requires written parental or medical documentation for all absences, tardies, and early dismissals. This documentation ensures that school personnel are fully and accurately informed about your child. All absences are considered “unexcused” until a note is sent, preferably within 48 hours of the student’s return to school. When a student’s absences exceed 8 days, a doctor’s note will be required to excuse all future absences. Notes are kept on file for the school year. Parents/guardians may also send an email with all appropriate information to the school’s front office.
Notes should state:
o Child’s name
o Teacher’s name
o Date(s) of absence
o Reason for absence
o Doctor’s note attached (if applicable)
o Parent or guardian signature.
Students with an unexcused tardy to school or class will be assigned an after/before school detention. Detention is held Monday afternoons from 3:15-4:15, Wednesday mornings from 6:45-7:45, and Friday afternoons from 3:15-4:15. Students who are habitually late may be required to complete Friday Opportunity School or potentially ISS.
Fairview JROTC Marksmanship Team Training
Fairview JROTC Marksmanship Team Training begins Tuesday, Aug 16th at 3:00 PM. We will have a short orientation session and begin Marksmanship Safety training. We will dismiss around 4:15 pm.
Senior Parent Night
We will be hosting a Senior Parent Night next Wednesday, August 17th at 6:00 pm in the Fairview Performing Arts Center. We will be explaining state scholarships, Senior timeline, Senior fees, college information, and more! Columbia State will also have a representative in attendance to talk about college related matters. We hope you can join us for this very informative night to kick off Senior year!
Wed, Aug 17, 2022, 06:00 PM
(Athletes that pay the fee will receive a coupon code for $25.00 off the $50.00 Student All Sports Pass)
(2 Adults & 3 School Age Children)
Williamson County Schools Medication Guidelines
Over the counter, prescription and emergency medications must have an updated Medication Authorization on file for this current school year. Students that self-carry emergency Inhalers and Epi-Pens also must have these forms and the physician must indicate that they can self-carry the medication. These forms can generally be emailed or faxed to the physician to be completed. If you have any questions regarding medications, please contact Leslie Hammon RN (School Nurse) or 615-472-4418.
Senior Picture Retake Day
Fri, Oct 7, 2022, 08:00 AM
Free & Reduced Meal Program
Contact Your Counselor
Last names A-Gi – Sunnie Dickson,, 615.472.4406
Last names Gl-Mo – Melissa McNabb,, 615.472.4407
Last names Mu-Z – Stacey Helmbrecht,, 615.472.4408
Counseling Secretary & Registrar, Robin Harrison,, 615.472.4413
Social Worker FHS/FMS Melissa McGuire,, 615.472.4447
STARS Counselor Ashley Higgins,, 615.472.4419
STARS Counselor Meredith Weis,, 615.472.4424
Child Find
Is it hard for you to:
• see the whiteboard clearly?
• hear or understand what people say?
• read?
• do math?
• understand what the teacher tells you to do?
• keep your grades up?
• keep your supplies/backpack organized?
You can get help! Fairview High School has many ways to help students who find it hard to see, hear, or learn. Contact Principal Chris Butler (, Assistant Principal Laura Hall (, or speak with one of your teachers or school counselors to see how we can help you.