Winona Elementary
September Newsletter Every Kid, Every Day
Hello Winona Families!
Thank you for sharing your children with us each day! In August, we had an attendance rate of 93% as a school. The grade level with the highest attendance rate was 5th grade with a rate of 95%. Our goal is to have a monthly average of 95% or higher. Research shows that students who attend school regularly have:
- An increased chance of learning at grade level
- An increased growth rate of learning for 1 year
- A decreased chance of dropping out of school
- Feel more connected to their peers and teacher
Setting up a good habit of attending school begins when students are in Kindergarten. If there is anything that Winona staff can do to support you with your child regularly attending school, please reach out to your student's teacher or the front office.
If you have not already joined our Facebook group, I encourage you to do so! We post important updates, dates on school events, and pictures of learning happening at Winona!
Let's have a great year!
Kim Tymkowych
Throughout the school year, it is important to our staff to have relationships and to collaborate with all of our families. These opportunities to build relationships happen through our 2-way communication tool (Class Tag), in person at drop-off or pick-up, during our family events, and at our parent-teacher conferences. We also would love to have our families volunteering in our classrooms when possible. If you are interested in this, please reach out to your student's teacher.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions that would help Winona continue to support families and help our students succeed, please reach out to any of our Winona staff members! They are all rockstars!!
Let's have a great year!
Kim Tymkowych
Birthday treats at Winona
Birthday Treats at Winona: We can only allow pre-packaged individually wrapped treats for
birthdays this year. Some healthy ideas include granola bars, yogurt sticks, applesauce packets,
and string cheese. If you would like to send a birthday treat, we ask that you send it on the last
Friday of the month (please see dates below).
September 29th
October 27th
November 17th
December 15th
January 26th
February 23rd
March 29th
April 26th
May 17th
Picture Day coming September 19th
Winona Coats and Boots 23/24
If you are in need of this resource please complete this form by 09/20/23. Please sure you enter the correct size or larger as there are no exchanges.
If you have any questions please reach out to Ashley Crossland Winona School Counselor (Ashley.crossland@tsd.org)
Winona estara recibiendo una cantidad limitada de botas y chamarras nuevas para los estudiantes.
Si usted esta en necesidad de estos recursos, por favor llene este formulario antes del 20 de septiembre del 2023. Por favor llene la información correcta ya que no se pueden hacer cambios o devoluciones.
Por favor comunique se con Marisela Varela si tiene alguna pegunta- marisela.varela@tsd.org
Meal Benefit Applications – Do I need to fill it out?
All families are still asked to fill out an application. Why? The Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program is funded in partnership with federal nutrition programs that rely on income information to support meals for all students. Other state and federal grants are awarded based on free and reduced meal eligibility rates.
Additionally, families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at www.myschoolapps.com.
Applications need to be completed annually (after mid-July) for the new school year. The information provided on the application is confidential and is not shared without your consent.
A message from Miss Crossland
Hello Winona Families,
My name is Ashley Crossland, and I am the proud new School Counselor at Winona Elementary. I believe that all children have the potential and skills to achieve great things and become great contributors to our community. I am committed to providing to all our students with the skills, knowledge, and exposure of what it is to be a human being of character.
I graduated from The University of Texas in San Antonio with a Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies, and taught kindergarten for 8 years. My passion for teaching social emotional learning grew and I decided to get my masters in School Counseling at The University of Northern Colorado. This will be my fifth year as school counselor. My 3 year old Bernedoodle therapy dog Kibou, will be joining the Winona staff this fall. This will be his 3rd year working in a school setting with students.
You students will be seeing me in class every other week for the whole class Social Emotional Learning lessons. I can also support students through group lessons and individual lessons. If you would like to connect with me or if you would like to refer your student you can complete a parent referral form linked here or contact me at my Google Voice number (720)-580-2563
3rd-5th grade families, your students will all be receiving an application for a student leadership group starting at the end of the month and meeting every Friday morning. Please reach out with any questions.
Important Winona School Counselor Links:
Referral: https://forms.gle/gYEFNZazMgPoohiN8
If your student has allergies or an aversion towards dogs please reach out to the office to let us know you would not like your student to interact with Kibou the therapy dog.
Are you in need of a coat and/or boots for the colder weather?
Winona is receiving a limited amount of new coats and boots for students.
If you are in need of this resource please complete this form by 09/20/23. Please make sure you enter the correct size or larger as there are no exchanges. If you have any questions please reach out to Ashley Crossland Winona School Counselor (Ashley.crossland@tsd.org)
Link to complete: https://forms.gle/pQbYGUGYHXcigWoz6
Annual Family Check-in OPEN
Via Parent Portal
(must be completed every year)
The Annual Family Check-In (AFC) Link is available on the Parent Portal from March through September. A parent/guardian in the student’s primary household must review and sign the permission forms for the upcoming school year. The parent/guardian must also review (and update as needed) the student’s household information, emergency contacts, and health information. The AFC will show the Attendance Boundary school, IF you have received and accepted a Choice Enrollment seat, please complete the AFC and the registrars will update the enrollment.
Log in to your Campus Parent Portal account
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
4th- No School Labor Day
5th- No school Staff Work Day
9th- Grandparents Breakfast
19th- Picture Day & Bingo Family Night 6-7pm
29th- September Birthday Treat Day
Need to report an absence???
Sale ENDS Sept. 7th
How sick is too sick?
How sick is too sick? Does your Child need to stay home?
Yes – The child or staff member may return to school or child care 24 hours after their
last episode of diarrhea.
Fever is a temperature of
100.4°F or greater.
Yes – The child or staff member may return to school or child care if the fever has
been resolved for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
Flu-like Symptoms
Sore throat
Runny nose or congestion
Yes - Children and staff may return to school or child care as long as they are
fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving.
We are seeing a lot of flu-like symptoms since the start of school. Please do not send your students to school with symptoms that could be contagious. Call the health office to excuse an illness or if you have any health questions.
Thank you!
Mrs. Ashley
Winona Office Hours
Our Office is open from
7:30am-3:30pm M-F
Office Number
Attendance Line
Fax Number