Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.
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September 4/4 de Septiembre del 2023
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
We are looking forward to school starting this week! We have a fun day planned for Freshmen on Tuesday and look forward to see all Spartans on Wednesday. Our seniors are planning to watch the sun rise on their first day of senior year, and we are a looking forward to sharing an amazing school year with everyone.
Wednesday, all students will start at 9:00am for our normal Wednesday Academic Seminar Schedule. It will be a Day 1, so students will attend periods 1-4. Bring your Chromebook!
Thursday will be an 8:30 start and Day 2, periods 5-8 and Advisory/Spartan Academy.
Finally, Friday will be a Day 1 schedule with an all school assembly during Spartan Academy. We'll end the week with our first home Football Game Friday at Hare Field at 7:00pm - ID cards required for student entry.
Thanks for answering our connections calls last week. If you shared a need we'll be getting back to you on those in the coming days. If you didn't get a chance to connect with someone, it's not too late! Please ensure we have your latest contact information so we can reach you (see enrollment verification instructions below). You can also request resources by completing this needs form.
Our Counselors are hard at work responding to schedule change requests, as well as enrolling new students. Thanks for your patience as we work through these needs. Students and families can see updated schedules in StudentVue and ParentVue. We will only be printing schedules for 9th graders, everyone else should access theirs on StudentVue.
Finally, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 27th from 6:00-8:00, as we'll host our annual Back to School Night. Parents are invited to learn more about opportunities at Hilhi and have a chance to meet teachers and see classrooms.
Welcome Back!
Cary Meier
Welcome, Ninth Graders!
Freshmen only need to bring personal items and a backpack if you have yet to get a Chromebook. No Chromebooks or school supplies are needed until Wednesday.
Here's what 9th graders will be up to on Tuesday:
- 8:00-8:30 - Arrival & Check-in in front of the gym
- 8:30-8:45 - Staff welcome tunnel into the gym
- 8:45-9:45 - Welcome Assembly - We are Hilhi!
- 9:45-10:00 - Break & move to small groups
- 10:00-11:30 - Link Crew small groups in classrooms - games & get to know you
- 11:30-12:15 - Campus tours & scavenger hunt
- 12:15-12:45 - Lunch - Free for all students
- 12:45-1:45 - Pictures & schedule pick up
- 1:45-3:00 - Walk through your schedule
- 3:10-3:30 - Closing Assembly in the Auditorium
- 3:30 - Load buses (be sure to know which one is yours!)
September is Attendance Awareness Month
What is Online Registration/Verification and why is it important?
Throughout the year, your student’s school and the district will be reaching out to families via emails, phone, and Remind messages/texts when there is important information to share, so ensuring that we have your current contact information is extremely important. Beginning on August 16, you should login to your ParentVUE account, open Online Registration, then select the 2023-24 Verification option to review and update your family information. You can access Online Registration/Verification in both the web and mobile app versions of ParentVUE. Instructions are linked here.
Where's the Bus?
Busing information is now available on the “MyBus” app. Please note that as students continue to register for school, route times will be adjusted. Please check the app frequently through the first week of school for the most current information.
Services for Talented and Gifted (TAG) students
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who perform exceptionally beyond regular instruction on a universal screener measuring overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, can be identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact your Tami Van Slyke (vanslykt@hsd.k12.or.us), our Hilhi TAG Coordinator.
Cell Phones at School
Cell phones and other personal electronic devices such as headphones and earbuds are commonplace items in our daily lives. And while they do serve a useful purpose in certain circumstances and/or for certain students, in general they are disruptive to our learning environment.
Therefore, we are enacting tighter protocols and procedures for the times and places where cell phones and other personal electronic devices can and cannot be used. We are also detailing the consequences to students for violating these rules after first trying gentle reminders and redirection.
Students will be provided with guidelines specific to their classroom by each of their teachers. If there are questions about expectations for a certain class, students and/or their parents/guardians are encouraged to talk to teachers first. If additional information is needed, please speak to the administrator who oversees the student’s grade level.
We know this represents a bit of a change to past practice, but we all agree that limiting students’ access to cell phones and other personal electronic devices during the school day will not only enhance learning environments, but will also encourage students to build positive interpersonal relationships outside of social media.
Thank you very much for your partnership and support.
Community Curriculum Advisory Committee (CCAC)
The Community Curriculum Advisory Committee (CCAC) is currently accepting applications for both Community Member and Student positions. This Committee serves as a resource to the Board and Superintendent in setting the direction for long-range curriculum development and assisting in the development of the schools' curriculum and instructional programs. Committee responsibilities include reviewing curriculum, instructional programs, proposed new courses, and study team recommendations and reporting findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors for discussion and action. Members of the CCAC consider a wide range of curriculum and program development topics.
Committee members are appointed to two-year terms by the Board of Directors. Candidates must reside within the boundaries of the Hillsboro School District, and be available to attend committee meetings, which are conducted on the first Monday evening of each month, November through June. Committee members are also invited to participate in sub-committees and special projects as opportunities arise.
Application Deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 15, 2023. Download the application here: English | Español
Dates to Know/Fechas para marcar en sus calendarios
Tuesday, September 5 - First Day of School for Freshmen (only 9th graders attend)
Wednesday, September 6 - All students attend, first day for grades 10-12
Saturday, September 9 - Freshman Dance
Monday, September 25 - No School, Professional Development
Wednesday, September 27 - Back to School Night, 6:00-8:00
Friday, October 6 - Homecoming Parade and Game
Saturday, October 7 - Homecoming Dance
Thursday, June 6, 2024 - Graduation @7:00p.m. Hillsboro Stadium
See the calendar on our website for updated events.
2024 Grad Party
The 2024 Graduation Party Committee is busy planning fundraisers to throw an epic all-night grad party! We could use your help to make this year a success.
Contact us at:
Facebook: Hilhi Class of 2024
All School Upcoming Events:
Saturday September 23rd Hilhi Car and Motorcycle Show
Tuesday September 26th Mod Pizza Night
Saturday December 2nd Hilhi Holiday Bazaar