Hi-Lites week of October 30, 2023
Late Start on Nov. 1st. 9 a.m. arrival
Greenery Help Opportunity. Volunteer with a friend.
We would love your help. Be part of a Currier and Ives Christmas scene. You will feel surrounded by Christmas spirit while you lend a hand with greenery distribution. You will smell "piney," too.
No training needed just a generous heart.
Home & School Committee is looking for volunteers to help with Greenery Distribution on Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18.
If you are interested in helping on-site; loading up cars and helping with pickup orders sign up here: Home & School Committee: 2023 Highland Catholic Greenery Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
If you are interested in being a delivery driver, with an assigned route sign up here: Home & School Committee: HiC Greenery Delivery Drivers Signup (signupgenius.com)
Lost and Found: Hi-C Uniform Sweatshirts/Zip Ups
The Lost and Found has about 25 uniform sweatshirts. Stop by during Conferences to see if any belong to your student.
Please be sure to write your student's name on their sweatshirts and zip ups!
Mabel's Labels: Clothing Name Tags
Need help to get items labeled? We recommend the School Uniform Label Pack from Mabel's Labels for $20.50. Use your family last name and make those uniforms last from student to student.
Support Hi-C and order from Mabel's Labels fundraising page: https://mabelslabels.com/en-US/fundraising/support
Halloween Arrival Fun
The teachers and staff enjoy celebrating Halloween with our students. In years past, we have assembled on the front steps for arrival as Characters from Hogwarts, Shrek and Toy Story. Tuesday morning you will find us decked out as creatures from the Haunted House.
The music will be blaring and the fog machine working hard. Reassure your children that no one will touch them or feel free to park and walk them in. (We might grab grown ups!)
Students may be out of uniform and some classes will be in costume. The Office will hand out Halloween fruit snacks to all students throughout the day.
Wednesday, Nov. 1st, is All Saints Day. We will celebrate this Holy Day of Obligation with a mass at Noon in hte Main Church. Parents, Guardians and other family are welcome to join us. Many parishioners will be in attendance, too.
Thursday, All Souls Day, fall conferences begin at 3 p.m,. We are hoping for 100% participation.
There is no school on Friday. Conferences continue throughout they day.
Daylight savings starts next weekend, too. Prepare to be in your jammies by 5:30 p.m. every dark evening. At least we gain an hour of sleep!
Teachers and staff
Lumen Christi Directory Photos
It's time for a new Lumen Christi Directory!
Sign-up online here: Login (ucdir.com)
Church Code: mn427
Church Password: photos
Right now the Nov. 28-Dec. 2 dates are open.
We will open the January dates at a later time.
Volunteers Needed to Help with Photo Sessions
We will also be looking for volunteers to help with this important ministry, so if you are interested, contact Max Huber - mhuber@lumenchristicc.org
There will be two sessions each photo day to greet parishioners as they come for their photos. Tuesday-Friday volunteer sessions will be 1:45-5:15PM and 5:00-8:30PM, while Saturday volunteers will be 9:45AM-1:00PM and 12:45-4:00PM
Money Adding
First grade math students in the Resource Room are practicing adding money to $1.00 in a fast-paced card game. Future tycoons, perhaps?
Safety Tip - Daylight Savings
Daylight Savings Ends November 5
On Sunday, November 5 at 2 a.m., Daylight Savings Time officially ends. As we set our clocks to “fall back,” it’s also a convenient time to check the batteries in our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Conducting these battery checks in conjunction with the time change ensures this maintenance is built into your schedule. Your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries should be changed annually for optimal performance.
Note: If your smoke or carbon monoxide detectors are more than 10 years old, consider replacing them. Alarm sensors can wear down and become less effective over time.
7th Graders Helping Clean Up the School Garden
7th grade assisted with garden cleanup on Friday. They also helped move sand to the preschool sandbox. They displayed excellent team work as they served our school community!
Mental Health Webinars
Here are the links to Dr. Nolan's recorded webinar from October and the link to sign up for the webinar in November.
The link to register for November Webinar:
Nov 28
What Can We Save them From and What Must they Experience to Build Emotionally Strong Kids: https://calendly.com/drjulesnolan/necessary-experiences-for-parents
Recorded October Webinar:
Identifying Typical vs. Problematic Stress and Anxiety: https://youtu.be/3fGZUsdUOcA