Focus On Education

Thursday, December 21, 2023
Brickie Tip #18: Reflections
Catch Me at my Brickie Best!
Click here to nominate a Brickie you catch being EXCELLENT ON PURPOSE!
Hobart High School Students' Success Highlighted at Hobart Chamber of Commerce
From our HHS Business Department Chair and Dual Credit Business Instructor, Mrs. Torres:
"I am thrilled to share an exciting update about our business students who recently had the opportunity to present at the Hobart Chamber of Commerce. This was a significant event for our students and a proud moment for Hobart High School.
Our students delivered an insightful presentation on why local chambers and small businesses should embrace the gig economy. Their well-researched arguments and clear articulation of the benefits of the gig economy resonated strongly with the audience. The Chamber members were particularly impressed with the depth of our student's knowledge and ability to effectively convey complex ideas.
This event was more than a presentation; it was a testament to the practical skills and academic excellence our students have achieved. They confidently showcased their business acumen, supported by the impressive slide decks they prepared. Additionally, their ability to share their academic achievements, including earning business certificates and technical certificates as well as associate degrees from Hobart University, added a personal and compelling touch to the presentation."
Pictured left to right; Mrs. Torres, Bojana Kolundzija (11th), Lali Enrique Estrada (11th), Piper Ellenberger (11th), Roxy Dominguez (11th), Addy Williams (11th), Grace Obajtek (12th)
8th Grade Engineering Essentials Class Wows with "Amusement Ride Expo"
The 8th Grade Engineering Students at HMS did an amazing job presenting their amusement ride projects to staff and students alike. Their teacher, Mrs. Pratt, commented, "It was amazing to see them present with pride and excitement. I'm truly impressed with this group of 8th graders at what they had accomplished this past semester."
Check out the poster below, where you can scan the QR Codes to watch the full presentations from each group! We are so proud of their hard work!
Liberty Students Partner with HHS PLTW Class to Create Snow-tally Awesome Gifts!
With the help of Dr. Buffington, Mr. Schultz and his HS PLTW class, and Hobart Lumber, Mrs. Purcell’s 1st grade class and Mrs. Palichuk’s second grade class created “My Size Snowmen” as a gift for families. Dr. Buffington and Hobart Lumber provided us with wood planks. Mrs. Purcell and Mrs. Palichuk measured their students’ heights and send the measurements to Mr. Schultz’s PLTW class. His students measured the boards, cut them to size, and painted them for students. Then, our first and second graders chose a hat and scarf and made faces out of their fingerprints! With lots of help and support, they made a memorable gift for families to enjoy for years to come.
VEM Celebrates New Playground With Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony!
Last year, Veterans' Brickie Leaders recognized that all of a sudden their new school did not have enough playground equipment! They have grown in the number of students, and some students never get a chance to use the equipment. They proposed a solution to Dr. Buffington and The Director for Support Services, Felix Perry. They were action-oriented and professional in their approach. We celebrated their playground addition today! Way to BEOP, Brickie Leaders!
Legacy Foundation Partners With SCOH to Host Senior Citizen Dinner and Concert
On Tuesday evening, our community senior citizens were invited to a holiday dinner followed by an amazing concert from our Hobart High School choir. It was a beautiful evening! Dinner was provided by the generous grant from The Legacy Foundation for the Maria Reiner Center. Thank you to everyone who made this magical night possible!
"Pits and Peaks" with Mr. Reno
The Brickie Parent Café is a collection of podcasts for Brickie parents on a wide variety of subjects. Check out this week's featured cast from our Hobart Middle School Dean of Students, Mr. Josh Reno, where he dives into Social-Emotional Learning and how parents can connect with their children.
HTV Showcasing HHS Students’ Experiences with Early College
HU Receives Second Early College Endorsement!
Click here to read about HU's Early College Endorsement!
Career Pathway and Course Description Guide
View the HHS Career Pathway and Course Description Guide by clicking here!
Hobart University Writing Center
Click here to learn more about the new HU Writing Center!
HHS Scholarship and Financial Aid Newsletter: December 15, 2023 - January 12, 2024
The School Counseling Department at HHS has compiled this newsletter which contains scholarship and financial aid opportunities for our Brickie students. Scholarships that are new to the newsletter will be posted at the TOP: after the new scholarships, they will be listed by order of deadline. Check it out here!
HHS 2023-2024 Career Newsletter #4
Check out the latest issue 2023-2024 career newsletter here! The goal is to show our students how many opportunities are available to them to earn transferrable skills and earn money at the same time!
Here at the School City of Hobart, we take pride in making sure all of our students have the means to succeed. Sometimes this requires extra study time outside of the classroom. Click the button below for a list of some great websites for assistance and tutoring info!
Indiana Learning Lab Parent and Family Support Hub
The Parent and Family Support Hub is now available in the Indiana Learning Lab. This site features resources to support parents and families of students in preschool through high school. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.
Rose-Hulman Homework Help-Line
Free Homework Hotline and Video chat for students in grades six through 12 covering math and science is provided by Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Rose-Hulman has provided this service for more than a decade and asks that the link and homework hotline be shared with math and science departments, students, and parents. Call the Homework Hotline: 1-877-275-7673 or visit http://askrose.org to get started.
Outsmart Your Brain Podcast!
Check out these amazing Outsmart Your Brain Podcast episodes from some of our awesome Brickie educators and student leaders, inspired by the book by Dr. Willingham! Click the links below to listen to the episode!
Podcast Introduction: Listen Here!
How to Understand a Lecture ー Miss Alexander
How to Take Lecture Notes ー Mrs. Franco
How to Learn from Labs, Activities, & Demonstrations ーMrs. Parrish
How to Reorganize your Notes ーMrs. Torres
How to Read Difficult Books ー Miss Bartsch
How to Study for Exams ーBrett Herrin, HHS Senior
How to Judge When You’re Ready for an Exam ーBrett Herrin, HHS Senior
How to Take Tests ーDominique Zepeda, HHS Senior
How to Learn from Past Exams ーDominique Zepeda, HHS Senior
How to Plan your Work ーMackenzie Eberle, HHS Senior
How to Defeat Procrastination ーConner Niemann, HHS Senior
How to Stay Focused ーAngelina Zepeda, HHS Senior
How to Gain Self-Confidence as a Learner ーMadelyn Burton, HHS Senior
- How to Cope with Anxiety ーElla Freimuth, HHS Senior
Social Emotional Learning in the School City of Hobart
Check out the SEL page for great tips and advice for Social Emotional Learning for students, parents, and families! Lots of great information with what we do in school with students and what you can do at home.
December Wellness Calendar
December Kindness Calendar
Check out the Kindness Calendar for December!
Calming Cards: English and Spanish
These are images that can be used for all ages.The images may be suited for younger students; however, the practice is essential for all ages. Click here to check them out!
Toss That Thought!
Writing our drawing our thoughts helps us to address challenging feelings. Check out this video from Sanford Health on how you can use this technique to "Toss That Thought!"
Free Christmas Printables!
Click here for printable Christmas This-or-That, jokes, scavenger hunts, and more!
Family Games and Fun!
If you go to the game aisle at the store, you’ll see more games than you could play in a month. There are some really fun board games out there, but who says games have to include a board, dice, or complicated rules? Some of the best family games are super simple and involve nothing but the people around the table. Check out these family games for your next game night or lazy afternoon!
How to Make the Holidays Work With Teens!
They’re growing up, but we can still make the holidays with teenagers great! To survive and thrive this Christmas, here are 5 ways to make merry if you have teens.
Check out this month's Safety Beat from Officer Damian Serrano, The Early Learning Center's SRO, where he shares tips on how to be safe this holiday season!
Indiana has several FREE resources for adults and students.
Additional information and resources:
*Contact the SRO officer at each school
*Vape Free Indiana
*Indiana High School Athletic Association and Indiana Department of Health partnership
January's Nurse's Corner
Check out this month's Nurse's Corner to learn about the immunizations, sports physicals, and what to do when your student is sick.
How to Report an Absence!
If your child isn't feeling well, please keep him or her at home. You must report the absence to the school before 10:00 AM. Click the link below to learn how to report an absence.
Check Out Our STATE Recognized Brickies from the Start Program!
The School City of Hobart Building Brickies' goal is to strengthen families by empowering parents as their child’s first and best teachers. Every day, we advocate for families so every child-in every neighborhood-can thrive.
Hobart High School Alumni Association
Click here to check out the HHS Alumni Association website!
Do you need assistance with Technology?
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/techhelp for information on how to report absences and check grades in Skyward, receive assistance with Canvas, and much more!
To contact our Technology Department, please call (219)942-1388 ext.8963.
Canvas and Skyward
We aim for a great partnership with our parents! That is why we utilize CANVAS and SKYWARD! Learn how to access them both at www.hobart.k12.in.us/partnership
2023-2024 School Calendar
Click here for the 2023-2024 SCOH Calendar!