At the Creek....
August 26, 2022
Coming soon:
Week of September 6th through the 14th-Fall MAP benchmark assessments in Reading and Math-individual classroom dates to come.
September 5th-Labor Day-no school
September 13th-PTA meeting 7pm at Rabbit Creek Library
September 28th-Picture Day! Info to come home soon with students
Our school is FULL!
On that note, our students in grades first through sixth are rocking school! Staff have been focusing on Social Emotional Learning and class building through the first few days, with the addition of review and initial curriculum focus. Communication is happening to teach routines, build skills and much more! We have large class sizes this year and combination classes at nearly every grade level. Hard work by our students is as important as ever, if not more. I do have to brag a bit-we did have a parent/staff member who complimented our school to share that our students and staff are doing GREAT things! We love hearing such good news!!
Thank you goes out to some of our Rabbit Creek parents who will be joining our Noon Supervisor team very soon!!! We can always use additional team members and encourage you to join. Spending time with children is the best!
We are off to a wonderful start to our school year and are enjoying the time with your children. Thank you for sharing them with us and partnering for their success in school.
Ms Peterson
Volunteers are a wonderful part of our school!!!
Types of Volunteer Opportunities
- Assist teachers in prepping for projects
- Chaperones
- Childcare Volunteer
- Classroom Volunteer
- Field Trip Volunteer
- Foreign Language Tutor
- Math Tutor
- Mentoring
- Parent Workshop Volunteers
- PTA/PTSA Volunteer
- Reading Tutor
- Science Fair Judge
- Special Events Volunteer
- Special Project Volunteer
- Usher/Greeter at family and school events
- Volunteers for school weekend events
- Volunteer to support school staff - example: library helper, office helper
- And more...
- Just a reminder: All volunteers need to be vetted by completing the application process with our district. This should be done online, using the following link. The team anticipates that they can complete your vetting in 7 days and will communicate with the school when finished.
Volunteer Application process information:
Online application:
From Nurse Debbie....
The 2022-2023 school year is off to a great start!
It’s so refreshing starting the year with smiling faces, laughter, and awesome summer stories. In addition, this school year is moving towards normal. I have included our current Covid guidelines below to help you navigate your students return to school following an illness.
Students absent related to illness: Our current Covid guidelines no longer requires staff or students to submit a negative molecular test or stay home for five days (day 0 is onset of symptoms) before returning to school.
Students absent related to a positive Covid test: ASD requires a quarantine for 5 days (symptom onset or Covid testing day is day 0). We welcome your student(s) return to school on day 6 then ask they continue to wear a mask from day 6-10.
Students who develop symptoms at school will be evaluated by the school nurse or designee (with school nurse support) to guide next steps including resuming school activities.
In hopes of keeping our school community safe while striving for a healthy learning environment. Please, keep your student home when they are sick. We welcome their return once they are feeling better and are ready to actively participate in all school activities. Healthy children make for better learners.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and healthful school year!
Debbie Heinsberg
School Nurse
Student Attendance Information
According to Anchorage School Board Policy 5113, the following conditions may result in an absence being coded as excused:
a. illness
b. death or serious illness in the immediate family
c. participation in a school function
d. extenuating circumstances approved by the principal, and
e. attendance at religious services
When determining whether a student feeling poorly should attend school, parents are encouraged to consult the “How Sick is too Sick” guide found at https://www.asdk12.org/Page/5587
Vacations are not considered to be excused absences according to Board policy. Frequently parents request the classroom teacher to provide work for the student to complete while away. While our teachers have instructional materials that lay out the curricula for the school year, decisions for weekly planning is based on student mastery of skills taught. Planning is typically done one week at a time as a result, making the preparation of work for an absence difficult to do. While teachers may provide some material for students, please know that it is the instruction that is missed while a student is absent that is vital. Our curricula builds upon itself, with skills taught being required for additional learning/performance later in the year.
If a student misses 10 percent or more of school days for any reason, excused, unexcused, or suspension, he/she is considered to be chronically absent. This amounts to about two days of school per month. The days add up quickly and we often don't even realize the total without stopping to count them up. Our district also has created an Attendance Tracker for our families to use to record time away from school-click the link below for your copy.
Thank you in advance for your support in having your child at school for learning.
Bell to Bell
Just a reminder: Instruction does continue right until the end of the school day, with many classes being out of their rooms in a special class or participating in content lessons. Please avoid picking up your child(ren) until 3:30 unless there is an appointment scheduled. Your teachers thank you!!!
Busing updates
We are thankful for our families who are working hard to ensure students are at school daily, even with the challenges. If your family is experiencing significant hardships regarding student transportation, please contact our school office or email Ms. Peterson at peterson_kristina@asdk12.org. Rabbit Creek will work to support our families in any way we can.
Thank you to Papa Murphys Huffman!!!
News from the GYM
After School Cross Country Running:
After school cross country running begins on Monday. Thanks to all of you who signed up online by the deadline. Mr. Pemble will email registered entrants directly about after school running information. If you did not get the original email I sent out on August 19th and are interested in signing up, please contact Mr. Pemble: pemble_dan@asdk12.org
Healthy Futures:
Rabbit Creek will once again be participating in the Healthy Futures Challenge during the following months:
1st Semester: September, October and November
2nd Semester: February, March, April
Look for the Activity Logs in September or print your own from the Healthy Futures website located here: https://healthyfuturesak.org/the-challenge/elementary-schools/
Soccer Goals:
PTA helped Rabbit Creek purchase brand new hand built soccer goals. The goals were built and delivered by the Anchorage Ironworkers over the summer and are totally awesome. We would like to dedicate these goals to our 6th grade students as these students are the ones who will have gone without soccer goals more than any other current student at Rabbit Creek. Thank you PTA and the Ironworkers!
Southside Jamboree: Tuesday, September 20th:
What: A cross country race open to all sponsored by Healthy Futures and ASD.
Where: Service High School
Time: 4pm-7pm
Typical schedule:
- National Anthem and Welcome, K-2nd grade girls, K-2nd grade boys, 3rd & 4th grade girls, 3rd & 4th grade boys, 5th & 6th grade girls, and then 5th & 6th grade boys
- Distances: ½ mile for K-2nd and 1 mile for 3rd – 6th
- Medals for all runners.
Biking in PE: October 3rd through 14th
· Rabbit Creek will have the ASD bike trailer
· Grades K-2: balance bikes
· Grades 3-6: pedal bikes
· We provide helmets but bringing your own is recommended.
· More info to come.
Mr. Pemble and Mr. Nees
From your PTA
On behalf of your Rabbit Creek PTA board, welcome back to Rabbit Creek Elementary! I hope that you and your families are starting to settle into the school routine. Thank you to all that came out to the Back to School Night event and stopped by the PTA table and signed up. For those families, who haven’t signed up, I would encourage you to strongly consider it.
PTA does so much for your school and our RC community. Our organization is involved in so many events at Rabbit Creek. We’d love for you to join us and possibly volunteer at these activities throughout the year. As a bonus we are hosting a pizza party for the classroom with the highest PTA membership. The contest ends October 28th with a pizza party on Halloween! We make it easy to join! Sign up online through our website or by scanning the QR code on the membership form.
New spirit wear is ready to order for the 2022/2023 school year! We have multiple youth and adult options available on the PTA website. The vendor has indicated improved shipment times over last year - so place your order by the 9/9 deadline and we will distribute the RC swag at school. The anticipated arrival is in mid October. We will have a limited supply of shirts available to buy for those who are not able to order by the deadline. ($18 youth shirt - red or gray option sizes XS - XL, $25 youth hoodie - XS - XL, $20 adult tee-- S- 2XL, $20 adult ladies cut tee- S - 2XL, and $30 adult full zip hoodie - S - 3XL). Please check the Rabbit Creek PTA website and order soon.
We are looking for a 6th grade liaison volunteer to help with planning the 6th grade ceremony held at the end of the school year. If you are interested, please reach out to us.
Our next monthly board meeting will be on September 13th at 7pm in the Rabbit Creek library. We hope you can join us!
As always, stay informed by visiting our website at www.rabbitcreekpta.org or by joining our closed Facebook group “Rabbit Creek PTA”. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Kelly Joy Quisenberry
President, Rabbit Creek PTA
Rabbit Creek Elementary
Email: peterson_kristina@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/rabbitcreek
Location: 13650 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5700