OGMS Weekly Update

Principal's Message
Hello Ockley Green Families & Partners -
This continues to be a difficult time and I am saddened for the tremendous impact the school closure is having on the well-being of our students & staff. I continue to prepare for their re-entry and look forward to welcoming back our students & staff soon.
It has been confirmed that the earliest students would be back is Monday, November 27th since originally Conferences were scheduled for next week. Please reference the email notice from PPS regarding the postponement of Conferences. Our staff is excited to support Student-Led Conferences and the additional time will allow them to provide opportunities for our students to reflect on & prepare for sharing their academic growth with their families.
You can access resources & information, including supplemental learning activities by grade-level, student enrichment activities in the community and mental health services, through the Buttons included in the Strike Resources section of this newsletter.
In Partnership,
Julie Rierson
Pronouns: she/her
Principal, Ockley Green Middle School
New School App
We're excited to announce our school partnership with the Trivory App!
Available in multiple languages, please download it on your preferred device for easy access to everything Ockley Green!
Strike Resources
At Ockley Green, we will be serving the Grab & Go Meals at the door of our Main Entrance that faces Montana Avenue.
Times - Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM.
2 days worth of meals on Tuesdays (for Tuesday and Wednesday)
1 day worth of meals on Wednesday (for Thursday)
2 days worth of meals on Thursdays (for Friday and Monday)
Picture Retake Day
Click HERE for ordering information for Retakes.
New Air Purifiers
During the October OG Supporters meeting, it came to light that Ockley Green would not be receiving a second air purifier for each classroom, which we were originally slated to receive over the summer. Given the history of environmental concerns at Ockley, both radon levels and, more recently, the air quality concerns that have closed our Portables twice in the past year, I advocated with Facilities to be reconsidered for receiving additional air purifiers. I am happy to report that each classroom now has 2 air purifiers. Thank you OG Supporters for your ongoing partnership and feedback on school-related needs.
OGMS Calendar
Upcoming Dates
- Picture Retakes - Monday, Nov. 27
- 8th Grade Parent Information Nights
- Benson - Tuesday, Nov. 28, 6:00 p.m.
- Roosevelt - Thursday, Dec. 7, 5:30 p.m.
- Dance Winter Showcase - Monday, Dec. 6, 6:30 p.m.
- Band Winter Concert - Monday, Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m.