Titan Talk

September 12, 2022
- 9/12 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 9/13 - Jr. Beta Interest Meeting at 8:25 am in Ms. Young's classroom E-125
- 9/14 - Hampton Film Academy, after school until 5:30 pm in the Media Center
- 9/14 - Titan Soccer Game: Sandy Springs vs. Elkins Pointe (home) at 5:30 pm on the field
- 9/15 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves' classroom (D-103) @ 8:25 AM - 8:50 AM
- 9/16 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/16 - Titan Soccer Game: Ridgeview (away) vs. Elkins Pointe at 5:30 pm
- 9/16 - SGC Meeting on September 16, 2022, at 7:45 AM
- 9/16 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom (E-113) @ 8:25 AM (Interact meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month)
- 9/17 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 9/18 - 2022 Milton Junior Eagles Basketball Tryouts (Try-outs are on BOTH days - 9/18 & 9/25)
- 9/20 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM (Jr. Beta meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month)
- 9/20 - Parent Workshop in Spanish - ELL/ESOL Workshop at 6:30 pm on TEAMS with BCL Maria Shuford with ESOL teachers
- 9/21 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 9/21 - FCCLA Club meeting @ 8:00 AM in Ms. Thomas’ room (A-157)
- 9/21 - Katha Stuart Community Meeting @ Esther Jackson ES @ 9:30 AM
- 9/21 - Titan Soccer Game: Hopewell vs. Elkins Pointe (home) at 5:30 pm
- 9/23 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/23 - Titan Soccer Game: Haynes Bridge (away) vs. Elkins Pointe at 5:30 pm
- 9/26 - 2022 Milton Junior Eagles Basketball Tryouts (Try-outs are on BOTH days - 9/18 & 9/25)
- 9/25 to 9/27 - Rosh Hashanah
- 9/28 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 9/28 - PTSA Student Welcome meeting with the Principal @ 8:30 am
- 9/28 - Titan Soccer Game: Crabapple (away) vs. Elkins Pointe at 5:30 pm
- 9/30 - Band: Middle School Night at RHS (7th and 9th grade Students). This event takes place at Roswell High School.
- 9/30 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays!
- 9/30 - Reflections entries due to Media Center at the end of the day.
- 9/30 - Lost & Found donated at the end of the day.
Taller para padres de estudiantes aprendiendo el inglés
en Microsoft TEAMS a las 6:30 PM (taller virtual)
*Todos los padres están invitados
Technology Workshop at 6:30 pm on TEAMS
Come to learn about Microsoft Office365, the Harms of Copyright, and Infinite Campus.
*All parents invited!
Reflections Entries Due to the Media Center
Students can submit an entry in one or more categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
Greetings Titans,
The Guidance Department has partnered with the Connections teachers in their "Connecting with Wellness" campaign. This campaign features all the ways that students and teachers can enhance their wellness through music, clubs, gratitude, World Languages, and more. To kick off the campaign the band played in the atrium. The 6th grade Band had their start up clinic on Saturday. Thank you to Mr. Todd Wilson for creating an opportunity for our 6th graders to be paired with the instrument of their choice. The 8th grade Band and Chorus Night at Milton High School was rescheduled for Friday, October 14th. Let's hear it for the Band!
Clubs are in full swing. If your child has not joined a club, it worth looking into! The Yearbook Club is now taking applications. To complete a Yearbook application, click HERE. Jr. Beta is starting up this week, along with the Hampton Film Academy. Interact Club, Student Council Club, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) , and FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) have started up. It is not too late to join. We are looking for parent chair for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and for a dad to chair the Elkins Pointe Dads Club. Both of these clubs require parent involvement. Please email Parent Liaison, Lisa O'Hanlon Cowles at ohanlon@fultonschools.org if you would like to join Dads Club or are called to be a sponsor for FCA. To learn more about the Elkins Pointe clubs and sports, click HERE.
Another opportunity for your child to be involved is the Reflections Contest. Reflections is a National PTA contest where students can submit an entry in Dance, Film, Writing/Poetry, Music, Photography, and Art. The 2022-2023 Reflections theme is Show Your Voice! All entries are due to the Media Center on September 30th.
The co-ed soccer team kicked off their first game of the season last Friday. Although they were not victorious, we are very proud of their effort and sportsmanship. The played the game well and they represented the Titan spirit. The next soccer game is on Wednesday, September 14th at 5:30 pm. Come out to cheer for the Titans!
Thanks for all you do!
Damian Bounds
Principal of Elkins Pointe Middle School
"Every Day, Every Student, College & Career Bound: Go Titans!"
Thank you to the Band for kicking-off the first Wellness Wednesday with music in the morning. Titan students were greeted to the band playing as they entered the building.
"Team Up with the Titans," and help the Elkins Pointe PTSA reach our annual fundraising goal of $15,000. The PTSA is only $4,000 away from our financial goal. To donate to the annual campaign, please use this link: https://tinyurl.com/z3uc9w6r.
Parents, if you have a gmail address, you may not be receiving emails from your teachers. This is because gmail has strong spam filters to block out mass emails. If you have a gmail address, our Device Coordinator, Mr. Gamba has created instructions for you to allow emails from your teachers from Infinite Campus.
Click HERE for the instructions to allow teacher emails to come to your inbox.
Sponsor a Titan on the 8th Grade Georgia Trip
If you would like to help out a student who cannot afford to go on the 8th Grade Georgia Trip, please make a check payable to "A Plus Tours" and drop it off at the front office.
Calling ALL Dads to Be a Hero in the Dads Club!
Elkins Pointe is looking for dads to be part of the Dads Club. Please get in touch with Kristen Patterson at k.patterson@bellsouth.net to join Dads Club.
The Dads Club helps with Bus Driver Appreciation Week in October by passing out donuts and coffee. They also help clean up around the grounds, the Youth Day Float building, and other projects.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Needs Parent Sponsors!
Are you called to be a parent sponsor for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes? FCA is looking for parents to Co-Chair the club with teachers Mr. Billups and Mr. Mendy. Parent sponsors help to organize the speakers and to pick up Chick-fil-A biscuits for the early morning meetings. Parents from previous years would be happy to help guide the parents from this year. If you want to get this club going, don't hesitate to contact Mr. William Billups or Ms. Lisa O'Hanlon Cowles.
Order Your Yearbook Today! Purchase an Elkins Pointe Yearbook now for $50. The price of the Yearbook goes up the longer you wait.
Link to order:
Come to a Parent University Workshop
Parent Workshops are held throughout the year to help connect parents information they need to help their children at home. To see the Parent University Workshops, click HERE.
Upcoming Parent Workshops...
Please join us for our family engagement workshops designed for parents and families!
Reflections is a contest for students to express their creativity in various ways. The 2022-2023 Reflections theme is Show Your Voice! Students can submit an entry in one or more categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
All entries will be due to the Media Center on the last day of September. It's time to get creative, Titans...AND show YOUR voice!
Clubs and Sports @ EPMS
Elkins Point clubs and sports have started up. If you would like to know all about the extracurricular offerings, please look on the school website, under TITAN HEADLINES for "Clubs & Sports."
Jr. Beta Club!
Jr. Beta Club will host an Interest Meeting on Tuesday, September 13th. All students and parents are invited to meet Ms. Young, the new Jr. Beta Chair. The first official meeting will be on the following Tuesday, September 20th. We are very excited about Jr. Beta Club starting up!
The Yearbook Club will assemble the Elkins Pointe Yearbook. The club teacher sponsors are Ms. Alyssiah Vicente and Ms. Carly Freeman.
To complete the application use link: https://forms.office.com/r/66ycgXqQtb
Get in line. Being a photographer is cool, but while this tends to be one of the more popular positions on yearbook staff, it really isn’t for everyone. A photographer needs to be available to attend events regularly during AND after school (after school participation is a MUST). They also upload, sort, and edit photos, write photo captions and conduct interviews.
This is a job for someone with a good sense of adventure, because reporting is fun. These students should have their finger on the pulse of the school—meeting and interacting with students and teachers. Reporters conduct the bulk of our interviews and therefore determine the content of our book—they basically choose the stories we write. They may also write and photograph.
Get ready to never look at anything in print the same way again. Designers determine the look
and feel of the publication, from font and color to layout and presentation. They apply our design style and create pages that deliver our content in a way that is innovative and contemporary, yet still readable.
You like numbers and managing a budget? Then this job is for you. You will manage all things related to selling all the glorious copies of our glorious book. From managing accounts to fundraising, you probably have the most important job on our staff!
You’re a people person, right? You know someone who knows someone? Good. Share the wealth. Spread the word. We want people to know exactly who we are. Why? Because yearbook is a student-run business and every business needs good marketing and publicity.
People think yearbook stories are boring... well think again. Not with master writers on our staff. Staff writers are our masters of the English language. These heroes will interview, write, edit, proofread, and ultimately be responsible for polishing our book till it shines like a gem, hence all those gold medals!
Not afraid of a little responsibility? I like that in a person. An editor is a staff boss. Typically we have editors in each content area (copy editor, photo editor, design editor), and then one overall Editor-in-Chief. Student editors lead the class, from decision making to just setting a good example, our editors run the show.
2022 Milton Junior Eagles Basketball Tryouts - 9/18 & 9/25
The Milton Basketball program is again hosting tryouts for the Junior Eagles Teams – here are ALL THE DETAILS! We will PLAN to host the following teams for Junior Eagles:
- 4th Grade Boys – 2 teams
- 5th Grade Boys – 2 teams
- 6th Grade Boys – 2 teams
- 7th Grade Boys – 2 teams
- 8th Grade Boys – 2 teams
- 6th Grade Girls
- 7th Grade Girls
- 8th Grade Girls
Tryout Dates will be as follows: Every player should plan to show up for BOTH TRYOUT DATES
on Sunday, September 18th and Sunday September 25th at Milton High School Main Gym.
- 1pm to 2pm – all 4th and 5th Grade Boys
- 2pm to 3pm – all 6th Grade Boys and Girls
- 3pm to 4pm – all 7th Grade Boys and Girls
- 4pm to 5pm – all 8th Grade Boys and Girls
All information concerning player fees, game schedules, uniforms, gear, and practices will be shared at tryouts. So, we can plan ahead all players must register to tryout out using the link. There is a $20 fee to tryout: https://miltoneagleshoops.sportngin.com/register/form/408024538.
NOTE: High Schools Tryouts will begin on Monday October 24th – Please Contact Coach K with any questions. Any questions - please contact Coach K at koudeler@fultonschools.org or text to 404-583-5164.
2022 Junior Hornet Girls Basketball Tryouts
2022 Junior Hornet Girls Basketball Tryouts- open to 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Scan QR code below to register. There is a $10 tryout fee collected at tryouts to cover court rental fees. Cash or make checks payable to: Roswell JR Hornets. Follow Roswell basketball on Twitter @roswellgbb and feel free to retweet! All information will be communicated through team app. Girls Tryouts Dates and Times:
- Sunday, September 18th: 3:00-5:00pm, All Teams
- Monday, September 26th: 6:30-8:30pm, All Teams
Location: Roswell High School, 11595 King Rd., Roswell, GA 30075
Junior Hornet Director: Eric Halpern, roswelljuniorbasketball@gmail.com
Come to a Parent University Workshop
Parent Workshops are held throughout the year to help connect parents information they need to help their children at home. To see the Parent University Workshops, click HERE.
Title I Elkins Pointe Information 2022-2023
SGC MEETINGS 2022-2023
School Governance Council at Elkins Pointe
The Elkins Pointe School Governance Council (SCG) meets monthly at 7:45 am on Microsoft TEAMS. SGC is composed of parents, teachers, and the principal. Members are elected and appointed. SGC meeting are open to the public. To join a meeting please, click HERE to view the school website or click on the box below. If you have any questions about SGC, please feel free to reach out to any SGC members by using the SGC Council Member Directory.
Katha Stuart Community Meetings 2022-2023
- 9/21/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Esther Jackson ES
- 10/19/2022 at 6:30 p.m. at Roswell HS
- 11/16/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Mountain Park ES
- 12/7/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Vickery Mill ES
- 1/18/2022 at 9:30 a.m. at Holcomb Bridge MS
- 2/15/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Sweet Apple ES
- 3/22/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Mimosa ES
- 4/19/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Crabapple MS
- 5/17/2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Elkins Pointe MS
Redistricting Information
Redistricting meetings scheduled for North Fulton:
- Round One - September 12, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
- Round Two - October 3, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
- Round Three - October 18, 2022 (6:00 to 8:00 P.M.) at Alpharetta High School
- 10/3 to 10/7 - National Custodian Appreciation Week
- 10/3 to 10/19 - Band Fundraiser
- 10/3 - PTSA Meeting in the evening @ 7:00 PM in the Media Center
- 10/3 - 10/5 - Yom Kippur
- 10/4 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/5 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 10/6 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/6 - Math in the Morning Parent Workshop & Principal Chat from 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
- 10/6 - Fall Chorus Concert in the Gym @ 7:00 PM
- 10/7 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/7 - Interact Club in Ms. Chapman's classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/8 - Roswell Youth Day Parade @ 9:30 am - Come walk with the Elkins Pointe float!
- 10/10 - Columbus Day Holiday (Schools Closed)
- 10/11 - Professional Development Day (Student Holiday)
- 10/12 - Teacher Workday (Student Holiday)
- 10/12 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 10/12 - PTSA Surprise & Delight for the Teachers the Staff on Work Day!
- 10/14 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/14 - 8th Grade Band & Chorus Night at Milton High School!
- 10/15 - Orchestra1 – All State Round 1 (offsite)
- 10-17 to 10/21 - Bus Driver Appreciation Week!
- 10/18 - Jr. Beta Meeting in Ms. Young's classroom @ 8:25 AM - 8:50 AM
- 10/19 to 10/21 - 8th Grade Georgia Trip - Journey Around Georgia
- 10/19 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 10/19 - FCCLA Club Meeting @ 8:25AM in Ms. Thomas’ Room (A157)
- 10/19 - Katha Stuart Community Mtg @ Roswell HS from 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
- 10/20 - Student Council Meeting in Ms. Graves classroom @ 8:25 AM
- 10/21 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/24 to 10/28 - Red Ribbon Week
- 10/26 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 10/26 - Orchestra Fall Concert
- 10/27 - Picture Day. October 27th
- 10/28 - College Swag Day - Wear jeans & college t-shirt on Fridays! We are AVID School-wide!
- 10/30 - Connect with Wellness Wednesday: All faculty and students wear Titan blue (blue jeans & Titan blue t-shirts)!
- 10/31 - Lost & Found donated at the end of the day