Willow Parent Bulletin #15
December 3, 2021
welcome back
December is a busy month for all. Teachers start really delving into new curriculum and it starts to become more challenging. You can see what will be covered by looking at the curriculum maps on the District's webpage. You can find them under "departments," and then "curriculum." These will give you a good sense of what's covered and the expectations at each level.
Please continue to check the District website and the communications from Dr. McAlister regarding Shield testing. We will continue to test our students every Thursday. You will be personally contacted should your child have a positive result or be a close contact.
We've decided to finish out the year with spirit week. You can find the description for each day below.
book blurb: "Carter Reads the Newspaper"
Dec 13-17: Spirit Week
Dec. 17: EARLY RELEASE at 1:35
Dec 17: winter parties 9-10AM
Dec. 20- Jan. 3: Winter break
Jan. 4: Students return to school
Jan 10-14: STAR testing
Jan 17: NO SCHOOL- in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday
Feb 1: EARLY RELEASE at 11:40AM
Feb 14: Valentine's parties 9-10AM
Feb. 21: NO SCHOOL- Presidents' Day
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook,com/homewoodschooldistrict153