The Austin Gazette
January 19, 2024
Weather and Calendar Update
Did you know the CISD Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school calendars? Visit the CISD webpage to learn more.
Cell Phone Tip
Set Social Media-Free Days: Designate certain days for your family to unplug from social media and screens.
Do you know a teacher doing a great job? Create a TAE (Teachers Achieving Excellence)
Log in to your PAC account.
Click on your student.
Click "Teacher/Staff Excellence" on the Communication Tab
Select the teacher you would like to write the TAE for.
Upcoming Dates
Library & Recess Week B
Tuesday, January 23rd
- 4th Grade Honor Choir rehearsal at CCHS from 4PM-6PM
Things We're Learning
District of Innovation
As a District of Innovation, a school district’s board of trustees gains greater local control in its decision-making. DOI districts are also better positioned to be innovative and forward-thinking while continuing to comply with the state’s fiscal, instructional, and academic accountability requirements. The DOI Committee met on January 10, 2024, and approved the following plan for posting on the District’s website. Comments about the plan can be submitted for 30 days via the web beginning January 12, 2024. The DOI Committee will review the submitted comments and hold an open meeting on February 14, 2024, after which, if a majority of DOI Committee members approve the plan, the plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at its February 20, 2024, meeting.
Guidance and Counseling
There are two community events in January. These are really for older aged students but we wanted to share this information with you.
Healthy Relationships: Teen Dating Violence
Presented by the Montgomery County Women's Center
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The Jett Center
For the Sake of Our Youth: Parenting in a Tech-Obsessed World
Presented by Tessa Stuckey, LPC, Author, Parent
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The Woodlands High School-LGI
Cub Buck Store Wish List
Our students earn Cub Bucks for following school rules and being great Cubs! Every few weeks students have the opportunity to shop at the Cub Buck Store. We are always looking for items students would love. If you would like to donate, you can find our wish list here. Don't want to use Amazon? No problem! Purchase where you choose and send to our front office. Thank you for your support!
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Parent lunch visitors are welcome! There is limited space for parent visitors during lunch. Reserve your place to ensure you will be able to eat with your student. Please sign up using the link below. We ask that you limit your visits to no more than twice a week so other parents have the opportunity to schedule times with their students.
- Store bought treats only.
- When bringing birthday treats, please remember they must be left in the front office. The classroom teacher will distribute them at the end of class.
- If you have questions about what is allowed, please call the front office 936-709-8400.
Did you know?
You can receive notifications about your child's bus, including departure and bus stop arrival times? Sign up for the SMART tag Parent Portal!
Please note: replacement SMART tags and lanyards are $2.
Helpful Links
Do you need help with translation?
We have several translators available to help you with your language needs:
- Iris Cuevas, Receptionist
- Elena Ayala, Secretary
- Cindy Rubio, Secretary
- Gloria Barrera, Instructional Para
- Brianna Martinez, Clinic Aide
- Egla Reyna, Assistant Principal
Social Media
Are you following our social media accounts? We often send out helpful reminders, pictures of kids in action, and upcoming events...delivered right to your newsfeed!