WHS: Nov. 2022 News You Can Use
News and events from the corner of Ainsworth & Tule!
Hard to believe that we're already one quarter of the way through the school year! Please read below for updates on happenings around campus!
WHS Events
- WHS Town Hall Collaborative Listening Session - Campus Safety, November 15, 5-6pm in the Ridgeway Room
- Winter Concert - December 13, WHS Theater, 6:30pm/Choir, 7:30pm/Bands.
Our Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles will be performing all your favorite festive tunes. Come hear the beautiful sounds of the season from our PATS musicians. All are welcome and this event is FREE!
Upcoming All School Events/Assemblies:
- 11/23 Fall Fest + 10:25am early release
- 12/2 Winter Pep
- 12/9 Assembly for the Arts (Formal Seating)
- 12/16 Winter Wishes
Winter Sports Calendar:
What's Happening at Washington HS
Attendance Matters: Absences Add Up!
Patriot Families:
We miss your student when they’re not here! We acknowledge that our students and community are struggling with life after the COVID pandemic and want to remind you that we are here to support you and your family! If your student is struggling with attending school regularly or arriving on time, we would love to hear from you. We have resources available and want to get tools in place that support your family and help get your student back on track!
Please do not hesitate to contact the Counseling Center or Attendance Office to get your family started in this process. We hope to hear from you soon!
Annie Jaquez, Attendance Coordinator
Kwesi Amoah-Forson, Assistant Principal
Did you know that you can see your student’s attendance online, in real time?! You can access their attendance through Skyward’s Family Access here: https://www2.saas.wa-k12.net/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wfrankls71/seplog01.w
Reminder: Procedure for early pick up
Due to District Policy, we are now requiring parents to show ID when picking students up early from school. Phoned in early dismissals will no longer be allowed. Parents will be required to come into the school and show ID to have their students released.
$$$ Purchase your yearbook & save! $$$
Reserve your Yearbook now for a discount - only $50!
Prices go up to $60 on February 1st (after end of 1st semester).
Homeroom Happenings
School Wide Expectations & Norms
With the multiple long breaks, we'd love your help and support to remind your students about our schoolwide expectations and norms. A PDF of those expectations are linked below. In particular, students need clarification about hall passes and a quick reminder there are no hall passes during Homeroom (first 20-30 minutes of the day).
Learning Lab
Students will have the opportunity to receive additional help from their content teachers during Homeroom on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Students should talk to their teachers about getting a Learning Lab pass to see them instead of going to Homeroom on those days to get extra help or catch up on missing work.
As the holidays approach, now is a good time for students to think about opportunities for community/volunteer service hours.
Community Service Requirements for graduation:
- Class of 2023/Seniors - 20 hours
- Class of 2024/Juniors - 25 hours
- Class of 2025/Sophomores - 30 hours
- Class of 2026/Freshmen - 30 hours
**There are limits to service completed in-school/at WHS; most hours should be completed out in the community. Need help finding opportunities? See Mrs. Moore in the Counseling Center.
Building Community
Speaking of service, we are prepping for our first ever Fall Fest on November 23rd (day before Thanksgiving Break/10:25am release). Students will have the chance to participate in several fun activities during the school day.
Then, on December 16, we will continue our tradition of Winter Wishes. Students were asked to provide a few of their favorite things as well as thinking about gifting a larger wish to others in our WHS community.
We are looking forward to these fun, community building events!
Class of 2023 - News & Updates
The moment you've been waiting for...Graduation Date & Time!
We have (as of yesterday, 11/14!) received confirmation that our graduation date will be Saturday, June 10th at 1:30pm at the Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup.
Seniors -- you will be required to attend rehearsal on Friday, June 9th at 1pm.
Jostens -- Be Sure to Order Your Graduation Items!
As of mid-November, only 55 students in the Class of 2023 had placed their cap/gown/Senior Items orders.
From Mr. Brimage, our Jostens Sales Rep --
Welcome Class of 2023 Students / Families:
We are excited to be a part of your journey this year and look forward to celebrating with you moments that matter. Early Bird Pricing on items is available until December 12, 2022.
Click here and go directly to your school ordering HUB https://jostensss.com/washingtonhub
College Applications: GPA, Class Rank, Current Courses - oh my!
For more in depth information, refresh your memory about College Applications: How To Complete - https://www.smore.com/98cfm-class-of-2023-get-it-started
Financial Aid
November 16, 2022, 5:30-7:30pm
12th Year Campaign Statewide Financial Aid Completion Virtual Event
- Hosted on Zoom - Register in Advance
- This event will include a short financial aid information session and assistance for students completing their FAFSA or WASFA.
- This event is for any high school student in Washington State.
Important Upcoming Application Deadlines
November 15
- University of Washington - Seattle
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A FIRM DEADLINE. IF YOU MISS IT, you will NOT be considered for admission.
- Northwest University (Kirkland)
December 1
- Gonzaga University
January 15, 2023
- University of Washington - Tacoma
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS A FIRM DEADLINE for MERIT/SCHOLARSHIP consideration. - University of Washington - Bothell
- Seattle Pacific University
- Whitman College
- University of Puget Sound
Purchase your Senior Tribute Page!
Honor your Senior with their own tribute “brag page” in the Yearbook! Use online design tools or your own assembly of photos and words to remember.
- $120 full page
- $60 half page
- $30 quarter page
Go to yearbookforever.com and find Washington High School, Tacoma. Click “Get Started” under “Create a Senior Ad.” Limited space, reserve yours now!
Senior Portraits DUE no later than December 31st!
If he does not receive one from you, the school photo from picture day will be used.
Counselor's Corner
Wow - hard to believe that we are already through Quarter 1. Progress reports were mailed home the first week of November; if you haven't received one, please check your "snail mail" (and ask your student!) or email Mrs. Wiklund for a digital copy (bwiklund@fpschools.org).
Please take some time to (re)familiarize yourself with TeacherEase for the most updated information about progress in classes. We would appreciate if you can remind your student(s) that grades do count! Students must earn 24 credits in specific areas to earn their diploma.
If TeacherEase lists INC as a grade, then your student is NOT passing that class at this point. We want to make sure that we work together to get students to standard/passing, so if you haven't already heard from teachers, reach out to make an action plan to get your student back on track. You can find a list of contact information for teachers here.
Counseling Center Contact Info
- Jamie Zapanta, School Counselor, students last names A-G, jzapanta@fpschools.org
- Eduardo Ortiz, School Counselor, department lead & students last names H-O, eortiz@fpschools.org
- Matt Summers-Smith, School Counselor, students last names P-Z, msummerssmith@fpschools.org
- Annie Plutko, Grad Coach & Running Start students, aplutko@fpschools.org
- Taneesha Jenkins, Social Worker, tjenkins@fpschools.org
- Brian Rice, School Psychologist, brice@fpschools.org
- Alyssa Vangundy, MTSS Lead & Instructional Coach, avangundy@fpschools.org
- Savali Tuivaiave, Intervention Case Manager/Family Resource Support, stuivaiave@fpschools.org
- Kimberli Pacheco, Records & Enrollment Specialist, 253.298.4744
- Bonnie Wiklund, Registrar & Data Manager, 253.298.4713
- Sheryl Moore, College & Career Specialist, 253.298.4871
Registration for Winter Sports
Did you know that you can already register for 2022-23 Winter Sports?
Register here:
Athletic Clearance Process for Student and Parent/Guardian
- Complete the online registration process. All information and policies must be reviewed.
- Purchase ASB card. ASB cards can either be purchased during the online registration process or from your school's bookkeeper.
- Obtain a current Doctor-signed Physical (physical examinations expire two years after the signed date).
If you are a transfer student, please contact the WHS Athletic office for eligibility. You may not practice without paying your fines or returning uniforms etc. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Winter Sports
- Girls Bowling - October 31
- Boys Basketball - November 14
- Girls Basketball - November 14
- Boys & Girls Wrestling - November 14
- Boys Swimming - practices at the Puyallup HS Pool (105 7th St SW, Puyallup, WA 98371 -- self-transport required)
2022 Washington Patriot Cross Country Season Summary
This year’s team continued with the program’s traditions of excellence. Although the team is losing 7 graduating seniors, including Marissa Romero, Isaac Monteith, and Victor Diaz Hernandez (4 Year Varsity Letter Athletes), the team should continue their successful ways as several talented and dedicated athletes are returning next year.
- For the 16th consecutive year, the team earned the Distinguished Academic Award from the WIAA.
- For league honors, the girls’ team and the boys’ team were both given the Sportsmanship Award.
- Over the course of the season, the girls’ team beat 114 other teams and the boys’ team beat 42 other teams.
- At the League Meet, the girls’ team placed 5th and the boys’ team placed 7th.
- At the District Meet, the girls’ team placed 8th.
- 11 athletes qualified for the District Meet.
- 3 athletes qualified for the State Meet.
All-League Athletes:
- Vaughn Shimko – 1st Team
- Damia Pearson – 2nd Team
State Meet Placers:
- Vaughn Shimko – 72nd
- Damia Pearson – 130th
- Diana Olsen-Adams – 137th
New Records:
- Ben Pulido – Boys Team Season Personal Records (7)
- Vaughn Shimko – Girls Team Season Personal Records (7)
Girls Team Leaders:
- Points – Diana Olsen-Adams (31)
- Varsity Races – Vaughn Shimko, Diana Olsen-Adams (10)
- Personal Records – Vaughn Shimko (7)
- Attendance Points – Diana Olsen-Adams (15)
- Fastest 5K Overall – Vaughn Shimko (21:10)
- Fastest 5K Senior – Marissa Romero (25:04)
- Fastest 5K Junior – Vaughn Shinko (21:10)
- Fastest 5K Sophomore – Diana Olsen-Adams (23:08)
- Fastest 5K Freshman – Nova Bledsoe (28:21)
Boys Team Leaders:
- Points – Ben Pulido (25)
- Varsity Races – Victor Diaz Hernandez, Fenton Stormo (9)
- Personal Records – Ben Pulido (7)
- Attendance Points – Isaac Monteith (12)
- Fastest 5K Overall – Ethan Frett (18:16)
- Fastest 5K Senior – Victor Diaz Hernandez (18:52)
- Fastest 5K Junior – Ethan Frett (18:16)
- Fastest 5K Sophomore – Fenton Stormo (19:15)
- Fastest 5K Freshman – Julian Martinez (19:06)
Varsity Letter Recipients:
Nova Bledsoe / Gisselle Corioso / Amarisiella Hampton / Faith Kamau / Diana Olsen-Adams / Damia Pearson / Rachel Rosario / Marissa Romero / Vaughn Shimko / Addysen Williamson / Domenick Brown / Victor Diaz Hernandez / Ethan Frett / Adam Mangas / Julian Martinez / Isaac Monteith / Rome Power / Ben Pulido / Fenton Stormo / Althea Arabala (Manager) / Sophie de la Torre (Manager) / Angelina Nguyen (Manager) / Kennedy Nungari (Manager)
Team Awards;
- Perfect Attendance – Nova Bledsoe / Diana Olsen-Adams / Rachel Rosario / Isaac Monteith
- Most Improved – Nova Bledsoe / Ben Pulido
- Most Inspirational – Gisselle Corioso / Brennan Healy
- Rookie of the Year – Diana Olsen-Adams / Julian Garcia
- Athlete of the Year – Vaughn Shimko / Victor Diaz Hernandez
- Coach’s – Diana Olsen-Adams / Brennan Healy
- 2023 Captains – Vaughn Shimko / Ben Pulido
Check Out the Patriot Athletics Website
For up-to-date information on games, scores, rosters and more, go to https://whspatriotsathletics.com/
General Information
WHS Office Hours & Contact Info
Office Hours: 7:00am-2:30pm
Closes at 1pm on Early Release Wednesdays
- Phone: 253.298.4700
- General Email: washington@fpschools.org
- Office Manager: Nancy Barber, nbarber@fpschools.org
- Assistant Principals' Secretary: Madison Phipps, mphipps@fpschools.org
- Attendance Coordinator: Annie Jaquez, ljaquez@fpschools.org
*Report an absence - 253.298.4714 - Financial Coordinator/Cashier: Lana Pedrique, lpedrique@fpschools.org
- Fax: (253) 298-4715
2022-23 FP Schools Calendar
Semester One Bell Schedule
A-B Rotation Schedule
A Day = periods 1-4 // B Day = periods 5-8
Click picture to view the PDF or download from the file below.