RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary School
Principal's Weekly Update - 11/14/22
Translation of the Principal's Weekly Message/Traduccion Del Semanario Del Director
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- Select the language you would like the newsletter to be translated into and it will translate on the webpage.
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- En la parte superior hay una barra de menú negra y elige la opción que dice "Traducir".
- Selecciona el idioma al que quieres que se traduzca el boletín y se traducirá en la página web.
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Our News This Week...
Girls on the Run!
All race proceeds went to Western Mass GOTR!
Very Important - Scent Free Building
With that in mind, it may be necessary for us reach out to caregivers when students come to school having worn strongly scented perfume, cologne, deodorant, and hair/body products that impact our learning spaces.
REMINDER - Lost Clothing?
Thank you to Mrs. Michon and Mr. Barnes for this great idea and for putting together the rack!
RK Finn Ryan Road Student Leadership Opportunities
As a reminder, Ms. Minton has shared forms with students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 to complete if they would like to help us make these announcements, select a song, help with breakfast, and help with various leadership activities throughout the year!
Below is the link to the document or your child can ask Ms. Minton if they need another copy!
RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary School - 2022-2023 Meeting Dates
Website: https://ryanroadpto.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RKFRRPTO
Meetings (via Zoom - link sent on the day-of-ish) 6:30pm to 7:00pm:
No December Meeting
No June Meeting
In Appreciation
After School Options
- YEP will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week!
YMCA: The YMCA. Hampshire YMCA runs an afterschool program at the school until 6pm. Space is limited. Contact the Hampshire YMCA directly for more information.
School Calendars (NPS and RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary School)
Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!
Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday, November 15 - Photo Retake Day - If you wish to have your student's photo retaken, send in the old photos with your student on Tuesday. Retakes will happen first thing in the morning.
- Wednesday, november 16 - 6:30 - PTO, link sent directly from PTO
- Wednesday, November 23 - Half Day - 11:30 Dismissal
- November 24 & 25 - No School
November Lunch Menu
Information Session - IEP Page by Page with Joshua Dickson, Director of Student Services
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) can be a daunting document. The document is filled with educational jargon, terminology and acronyms, which can be confusing and overwhelming to even the most experienced parents, caregivers, and educators. The IEP Page-by-Page workshop is designed to breakdown each section of the IEP, to highlight key information that should be included, and to highlight information you should be looking for. There will also be a short Q&A session at the end of the session. While this workshop is designed for parents and caregivers, it would also be appropriate for educators and staff.
When: Thursday, November 17, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Meeting Host: jdickson@northampton-k12.us
Join Zoom Meeting:
- ID: 84925078704
- Passcode: 784020
Join by Phone:
- (US) +1 386-347-5053
- Passcode: 784020
Planet Aid - Clothing Drive - October 31st through November 18th
Northampton Board of Health - Pop Up Flu and Booster Clinics
The Northampton Board of Health has scheduled some pop-up clinics to try to meet the need of our community, based on the limited number of appointments in local doctor's offices.
The clinic dates and locations are as follows:
Tuesday, 11/15, 2-6pm at the Chester Senior Center (15 Middlefield Rd, Chester MA) - covid and flu
Wednesday, 11/16, 10am-1pm in the Northampton Council Chambers (212 Main St) - flu only
Monday, 11/21, 12:30-3:30pm in the Northampton Council Chambers (212 Main St) - covid only (ages 12+)
Wednesday, 11/30, 4-7pm at Mountain View School (200 Park St, Easthampton) - covid only (ages 12+)
Thursday, 12/1, 3-6pm in the Northampton Council Chambers (212 Main St) - covid only (ages 6 months-11 years)
Appointments are encouraged, which can be made at https://home.color.com/vaccine/register/northampton or by calling 413-587-1314 for assistance.
Walk-ins will be accepted if people are unable to make an appointment, but the wait times may be longer.
2023 Youth Performance Festival (Approved for Distribution)
In Closing...
As always, we hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you or we can talk on the phone anytime.
Karen Albano, Principal
RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary School