Director's Pen
Holiday Season 2021
English Translation
Spanish Translation
PARENT WORKSHOP through SPAN: A Parent's Involvement in Special Education
Parent Involvement in Special Education: Overview of Rights / Participación de los Padres en el proceso del IEP: Resumen De Sus Derechos - November 30 and December 1, 2021 /30 de noviembre y 1 de decembre
Part 1 / Parte 1: November 30 / 30 de noviembre
Part 2 / Parte 2: December 1 / 1 de decembre
Time/ Hora: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
This virtual workshop provides families with an introduction to their rights and responsibilities as parents of children with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the New Jersey Administrative Code. Parents will begin to identify dreams and goals for their children, gain knowledge of the special education process, and learn advocacy strategies. Parents of classified students and children who are having difficulty in school, but may not be classified, will benefit from this workshop. / Este taller virtual proporcionara a las familias una introducción a sus derechos y responsabilidades como padres de niños con discapacidades bajo la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA) y el Código Administrativo de Nueva Jersey. Los padres comenzarán a identificar sueños y metas para sus hijos, obtendrán conocimiento del proceso de educación especial y aprenderán estrategias de abogacía. Los padres de estudiantes clasificados y/o de estudiantes que tienen dificultades en la escuela, pero no han sido clasificados, se beneficiarán de este taller.
Para registrarse, vaya a:
Whole Child Resource Fair ~ Save the Date!
Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
SEPAG Distribution List: To receive email updates from SEPAG leadership, please reach out to Lauren Bielski at This is a great communication venue for upcoming parent workshops and support group sessions!
SEPAG School Liaisons: If you need someone to speak with, check out the SEPAG Liaisons on the district special services webpage. They have shared their emails in the event you are new to having a child with an IEP.
Parent Workshop - "Lunch and Learn" 1/11/22
See flyer below for information and RSVP!
Child Study Team Members 2021-2022
In addition, Eleene Gallagher, a Speech Language Pathologist at Robert Hunter will be retiring at the end of December. Interviews are taking place to hire an SLP for Eleene's services. We will miss Eleene and thank her for her service and dedication to the students of FRSD.
Extended School Year Dates for Summer 2022
Flemington-Raritan's Department of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education
Location: 100 Everitts Road, Ringoes, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-284-7680
Twitter: @DAHamblin