B.O.L.D. Airways
March 2022
Congaree Families,
We are entering our final learning quarter for the 2021-2022 school year in two weeks. Grades are very important, but sometimes there is a difference in how students do in the classroom and how they are moving toward knowing what each student in a grade level should know (standards). As a principal, I am interested in their learning growth from the beginning until the end of the school year and whether a student can do what the state says a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader can do by June. This is the time of the year that students should be even more focused on their learning whether in the classroom, at an assembly program, or on a field trip. High levels of learning for all is what our focus should be. As we move forward into spring, please talk with your students about why they should be focused on their learning and why they come to school.
As we get into the warmer months and students get older, we ask that you continue to talk with your children about personal hygiene. See the blurb about daily hygiene below. Be sure to get your students to school before 7:30 am and allow them to stay all day until 2:10 pm. You are doing an amazing job! Let's continue to work through this together as we really start to crank up more normal activities at the school.
Finally, we thank you for choosing Congaree Elementary as your child's school. We are committed to making our school a place where learning takes flight!
Chris Dickey
Thurs., March 3
Important Dates
1-4: Read Across America
3: Group/Class Pictures
8: Last Day for Kids
Heart Challenge
11: Weather Make-Up
eLearning Day
17: SIC Meeting @ 5 pm
23: Early Release @ 11am
Friday, March 11
American Kids Heart Challenge
Our School Has Heart! Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school!
In addition, Mr. Dickey has agreed to an Ice Cream Sundae Party, for the class that raises the most money. Our fundraiser ends on March 8th. To donate online, use the following link: http://www2.heart.org/goto/congaree.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Clean and Neat is Hard to Beat
These hygiene tips will help to keep you healthy:
· Wash your hands before eating or preparing food.
· Wash your hands after using the bathroom.
· Take a bath or shower every day. Avoid strongly scented bath oils and bubble baths.
· Keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed and clean. Trim toenails straight across.
· Wash your hair to keep it clean. How often you should wash your hair will depend on the type of hair that you have. If your hair is oily, you might wash your hair every three to four days. If your hair is dry, you might wash your hair every seven to ten days. A basic gentle shampoo usually is best for your hair and scalp.
· Comb or brush your hair twice a day and as needed with your own comb and brush set. Do
not share combs, hair clips, hair pins, hats or brushes. This is important to remember because sometimes people get head lice from sharing these items.
· Change your underclothes and socks every day. Cotton underclothes are best because cotton absorbs moisture and lessens the chance for skin infections.
· Wear clothes that are clean and do not smell.
· Brush your teeth and tongue using fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush at least two times during the day and at bedtime. Clean between teeth once a day with dental floss.
· Flush the toilet after every use. Wipe carefully after using the bathroom.
Attend School "All Day, Every Day"
Getting your child to school on-time, every day, unless they are sick, is something that you can do to ensure your child has a chance to succeed in school. While others can help, you are the bottom line.
Parents can Promote Good Attendance By:
1. Establish and stick to the basic routines (going to bed early, waking up on time, etc.) that will help your child develop the habit of on-time attendance.
2. Talk to your child about why going to school every day is critical and important unless they are sick. If your child seems reluctant to go to school, find out why and work with the teacher, counselor, or administrator to get them excited about going to school.
3. Come up with back up plans for who to turn to (another family member, a neighbor or fellow parents) to help you get your child to school if something comes up (e.g. another child gets sick, your car breaks down, etc.).
4. Reach out for help if you are experiencing tough times (e.g. transportation, unstable housing, loss of a job, health problems) that make it difficult to get your child to school. Other parents, your child’s teacher, principal, school counselor, school nurse, after school providers or community agencies can help you problem solve or connect you to a needed resource.
5. If your child is absent, work with the teacher to make sure she or he has an opportunity to learn and make up for the academics missed.
Lex2 Attendance Policy
Parents, please regularly check your student’s unexcused (unlawful) absences via parent portal here: parent portal, and familiarize yourself with Lexington 2 Attendance Policy here: Lexington 2 Attendance Policy and Laws.
Padres, por favor revisen regularmente las ausencias injustificadas (ilegales) de su estudiante a través del portal para padres aquí: portal para padres, y familiarícese con la Política de asistencia de Lexington 2 aquí: Política y leyes de asistencia de Lexington 2.
Nurse News
March is Brian Injury Awareness Month:
Brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death in children and adolescents in the U.S. There are more than 5.3 million children and adults in the United States who are living with a permanent brain injury-related disability.
The greatest challenges many children with brain injury face are changes in their abilities to think, learn, and develop socially appropriate behaviors.
Ways to Prevent a Brain Injury Are:
1. Focus on Your Surroundings.
2. Make Safe Choices.
3. Always Wear a Seatbelt.
4. Don't Text and Drive.
5. Wear a helmet
6. Use proper sports safety equipment
7. Take it easy after a head injury/concussion
8. Wait until the doctor says it's OK before returning to rough play or sports. If the brain gets injured again while it's still healing, it will take even longer to completely heal.
Book Drive Competition
If you're interested in learning more about EdVenture's Book Bank, please use the following link: https://www.edventure.org/book-bank.