Supt's Corner
August, 2023
It’s hard to believe that we are back to school in just a few days, on Monday, August 21, 2023. We are excited to have students and staff back in the classrooms.
This year, we have created a Back to School webpage to find all the information you need for the start of the 2023-24 school year. This webpage includes information on School Open Houses and Orientations, School Supply Lists, Handbooks and Policies, Building Phone Numbers, and etc. Our building administration is back in buildings preparing for students and getting building-specific information out to you.
It is with great excitement, on behalf of Linden Community Schools, that we welcome each and every student to the 2023-24 school year. I look forward to working with each of you this year as we continue success toward our Vision: Learning, Creating, and Succeeding.
Important Reminders
LCS Bond Program Updates
LCS continues to move forward with the community-supported LCS Bond Program. We have seen great strides over the past year, and I want to personally thank everyone for their patience and continued support. Phase 1 of the LCS Bond Program is nearing completion. We are in the process of fine-tuning the enhancements made during Phase 1. Those enhancements included a new media center/collaboration center at Linden Elementary, renovation of all Linden Elementary classrooms which included new instructional technology, flooring, electrical, HVAC, student lockers, security cameras, classroom door locks, and a secure front entrance. Phase 1 also included the construction of the Multi-Purpose Building and an expansion of the parking lots at Linden High School and Central Elementary.
Phase 2 of the LCS Bond Program is underway. Projects include the renovation of the north end of Linden High School (academic wing). Classroom updates include new carpet, paint, instructional technology, teacher and student desks, electrical and HVAC, etc. Other renovations include updates to the main office, a secure main entry, enclosing the courtyard to create collaboration areas, a new STEM Lab, enhancements to the Linden Advancement Academy, renovated kitchen and serving area, etc. LHS renovations will take about two years to complete. Other Phase 2 projects include the renovation of the old gymnastics area at Hyatt Elementary. This area, when completed, will be the new home of our Early Childhood Development Center.
LHS Classroom Renovation
LHS Classroom Renovation
LHS Future Site of STEM Lab
2023-24 LCS School Year Calendar
Michigan Meals Program- Linden Community Schools
All Linden Community School students (Y5 through 12th grade) are eligible to receive one (1) breakfast mean and one (1) lunch meal (school days only) for the 2023-24 school year at no cost to families. This is part of the recently enacted Michigan School Meals Program. Each meal must be a complete reimbursable meal.
Linden Community Schools is asking all families to complete the 2023-24 Application for Summer EBT and Educational Benefits with the Michigan School Meals Program (formerly the Free and Reduced Priced Meal Application). Completing this application could help LCS families with Summer EBT, discounts on pay-to-participate fees, testing fees, college application fees, and additional funding to the district. This additional funding helps with instructional supports (after-school programs, supplies and materials, etc.), non-instructional supports (counseling, social work, health services, etc.), parent and community engagement activities and supplies, and technology. Applications can be found on our website at www.linden.familyportal.cloud.
Everyday Educators- Linden
Every Wednesday, TC Times will spotlight a selected individual in their "Everyday Educator" Column. Meet the Everyday Educators from LCS.
Everyday Educators: Meet Dawn Yankley (Jan. 4, 2023 TC Times)
Everyday Educators: Meet Kathy Haycock (Feb. 1, 2023 TC Times)
Everyday Educators: Meet Aimee Bush (March 1, 2023 TC Times)
Everyday Educators: Meet Megan Skergan (March 29, 2023 TC Times)
Everyday Educators: Meet Kristen Crumm (April 26, 2023 TC Times).
Everyday Educators: Meet Heidi Pfifer (May 23, 2023 TC Times).
Everyday Educators: Meet Debbie Brindle (June 20, 2023 TC Times).
Everyday Educators: Meet Jenny Smith (Julyl 18, 2023 TC Times).
Everyday Educators: Meet Nicole Carter (August 16, 2023 TC Times).
Linden Community Education
We are excited to announce registration for our programs is now open in Eleyo, a convenient mobile-friendly online platform for registration, payments, and account management. Please see below for some helpful information.
To access Eleyo simply click here! This will allow you to look at our new enrichment brochure to find classes suitable for the whole family.
If you have any questions about registration please contact Debbie Brindle, Linden Community School's Community Education Director at 810-591-0281. The LCS Community Education is available from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
LCS Multi-Purpose Building
Linden Community Education is now located in the new Multipurpose Building located to the south of Linden High School. Our hours are now: 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. The Multipurpose Building is open to the public Monday thru Friday during the following hours: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Daily, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm will be set aside for Linden athletic events and activities.
Linden Community Schools
Email: rciesiel@lindenschools.org
Website: www.lindenschools.org
Location: 7205 Silver Lake Rd, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-0983
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/
Twitter: @LindenSchools