KINDERGARTEN Ojibwa Elementary
Welcome to the Owls' Nest
Welcome to the Family
Kindergarten is an exciting time for all families. Your little one is now ready to begin their official elementary journey. At Ojibwa Elementary, we would love the opportunity for your family to join ours.
Kindergarten Information Form
Please complete this form to provide Ojibwa Elementary School with some information about your child.
Online Kindergarten Registration
Please click here for information on enrolling your child in Chippewa Valley Schools. An online enrollment link will be posted to this site soon, so that you can enroll your child digitally.
Ojibwa's Kindergarten Teachers
Mrs. Clor, Mrs. Leone
Mrs. Loeffler, Ms. Kovalcik
Kindergarten at Ojibwa
CVS Kindergarten Welcome Brochure
The attached publication below welcomes you and your family to Chippewa Valley Schools, and can provide you with additional information about our School District.
CVS Kindergarten Parent Guide
The attached Parent Guide below describes what your child will learn as a Kindergartener at Ojibwa Elementary School, and will provide you with an understanding of what Kindergarten curriculum expectations look like in 2022.
Ojibwa PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) Contacts
Feel free to reach out to our PTO for any information regarding activities, fundraising, and volunteering opportunities.
President- Amy Siler okerjelly8083@yahoo.com
Please visit our website at http://ojibwapto.weebly.com/
"A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener" Video
Below is a video production introducing you and your child to "A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener" at Ojibwa Elementary School.
A Day In The Life Of Kindergarten 2
Ojibwa Elementary School
Email: lkondziolka@cvs.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/schools/elementary-schools/ojibwa/
Location: 46950 Heydenreich Road
Phone: (586) 723-6400
Twitter: @OjibwaPrincipal