Kennedy News
November Edition #KENNEDYBEST
Note from Mr. Rustad: Gearing Up for Winter
Kennedy Families,
We have now been back to school for two full months! It has been exciting to watch the classrooms become great little communities filled with relationships and learning.
Today we woke up to snow falling and it was a good reminder to let you know what your student will need during the winter season here at Kennedy. It is important to know that we value the opportunity for students to get outside and play, even if the weather is cold and snowy. Having the right winter gear is so important because it aligns with the B in Kennedy B.E.S.T. - Be Safe. We want all of our students to be safe and warm while playing outside this winter. Families, please make sure to send your student to school with the appropriate winter gear such as a warm jacket, a hat, gloves or mittens, and boots. As a general rule, we don't let students play in the snow unless they have boots and snow pants. Wet pants, shoes, and socks can make for an uncomfortable day and also can lead to unpleasant odors in the classrooms. If you are need of some winter gear for your student, I encourage you to reach out Kennedy School Social Worker Rachel McNamara. She would be happy to help connect you with resources. Click here to email her with any questions.
Additionally, if there are any Kennedy families with winter gear that no longer fits your child, consider donating it to the school. We are always looking for extra winter gear as back up items here at school.
Finally, as we head into winter, continue to mindful about your student's health. Please continue to follow the MAPS health protocols as you make the decision around whether or not your student should attend school for the day. Our goal is to be together as much as possible this school year and to make distance learning a distant memory. However, the health and safety of students and staff is always our top priority. One easy way to help with this is by making sure your student has a mask everyday. Please be sure to send your student to school with a mask and a back up mask in their backpack. Masks are important in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as well as the spread of other flu like illnesses.
Together We Are Kennedy!
Steve Rustad
Sign Up for Conferences
Lost and Found Items
September and October Students of the Month at Kennedy
Kindergarten - September
Kindergarten - October
First Grade - September
first grade - October
Second Grade - September
Second Grade - October
Third Grade - September
third grade - October
Fourth Grade - September
fourth grade - October
Fifth Grade - September
fifth grade - October
Mask Donations
Picture Retake Day
Job Opportunities at Kennedy
- Substitute Teachers: Do you have a four year degree and would like work the same schedule as your student? Consider applying to be a sub! If you are interested, you can choose to sub throughout the school district or only at KENNEDY! We are always looking for great people to work with our students and that are part of the Kennedy community. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY TO BE A SUB!
- Playground Supervisor: Looking for a couple of hours of work with kids each day? We have an open playground supervisor position at Kennedy. This position is 2.25 hours per day on student contact days. If this is something you are interested in, please click here to fill out the application or email Steve Rustad with questions.
Important Reminders about Arrival and Dismissal
- Crosswalk: Please remember that students and families should only be crossing the street at the crosswalks at the corners of Kennedy Street and East Main. There is crossing guard there and they will make sure you and your student can cross safely.
- U-Turns: Please do not make u-turns in the middle of the road. This can be a safety issue and can create traffic issues.
- Bus Lane: Do not drop off your student(s) in the bus lane. This lane is on the Kennedy Street side and in front of door 14. The bus loop is only for school buses and pre-school parents.
Click the button below to see all of the Kennedy Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
Schoolwide Title 1 Services at Kennedy
Kennedy is a schoolwide Title 1 School. In the past, Title 1 funds were available to
provide additional support to students who qualified based on their test scores. As a schoolwide Title 1 school we are now able to utilize those resources more flexibly to support any students that would benefit. This fits wonderfully with our small group instruction blocks when students receive acceleration or enrichment based on their specific needs. For further information, contact Steve Rustad, principal at Kennedy Elementary.
Upcoming Events at Kennedy
- Monday, November 15th - Conference Night - Masks required
- Tuesday, November 16th - Conference Night - Masks required
- Thursday, November 17th - Conference Night - Masks required
- Friday, November 18th - PTO Family Bingo Night - Masks required
- Tuesday-Friday, November 23rd-26th- No school
- Tuesday, November 30th - Picture Retake Day
It's a Great day to be a CUB!!!
Kennedy Elementary School
Steve Rustad
Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) is committed to working together equitably, with families and communities, so that each learner has the knowledge and skills to be a successful and contributing citizen in a diverse global society.
Email: ke@isd77.org
Website: https://ke.isd77.org/
Location: 2600 East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 387-2122
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISD77MAPS/
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS