The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: January 8, 2024
Midterm Mania
Dear Atholton Families,
Midterm exams are about a week away and whether it's your first time dealing with HS exams or your fourth, here's some information to help you and your student get through this next week:
- Midterm exams count for 10% of a course grade (final exams are 10% and each marking period is 20%.
- For semesterized courses, each marking period counts for 40% and the exam next week is a final exam worth 20% of the final grade.
- All teachers have shared/ are sharing review materials with students to help them prepare for the exam format and content.
- Some class time will be spent reviewing for the midterm, but students will also need to study independently.
- Studying is not cramming. Students should spend a little time each day before the exam reviewing the material.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher and/or counselor.
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
11th Grade HCC English at Atholton HS
Great news--through our partnership with HCC, we are pleased to offer a limited number of English 11 HCC classes at Atholton HS next year--no need to go to HCC. The course will be taught by Mr. Criscuoli and there will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, January 10th during Raider Time for students that are currently enrolled in English 10 Honors or G/T. This meeting will be held in the cafeteria. During the meeting we will discuss the information provided on the program flier and provide information on how students can express their intent. There are only 60 spots available so students/families need to sign up quickly once the intent form "goes live." Everyone who signs up will be added to the wait list.
Food Pantry Distribution on January 31st
The Atholton Wrestling Team is sponsoring our next food pantry distribution--January 31.
Currently our shelves are looking bare. Please help support our food pantry and the families at AHS by donating items. If you would like to donate, you can purchase here and have the items delivered directly to Atholton (choose Erin Bourque as delivery option).
Below is a list of our most needed items:
(all non-expired, non-glass items only please):
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Pasta sauce
- Canned protein (tuna, chicken, salmon)
- A variety of canned fruit
- A variety of canned vegetables
- Canned soups and/or gravy
- Canned pasta
- Canned beans
- Dry pasta
- Macaroni & cheese
- Shelf-stable milk
- Juice
- Dry cereal
- Oatmeal
- Baking mixes
- Dry beans
- Rice
- Ramen noodles
- Boxed stuffing
- Potato products
- A variety of snack foods (to include raisins, nuts, granola bars, chips, fruit snacks, cookies, crackers, etc.)
- Diapers (all sizes)
- Baby wipes
Thank you for your support!
Leadership U 2024
Leadership Howard County is opening up applications for the 2024 Leadership U program to current sophomores. This student leadership program is an excellent opportunity to learn key leadership skills while collaborating with students across the county on a community service project. There will be information sessions to find out more about the program in January, February, and March. Check out the website to learn more about the program or check with Atholton's 2023 Leadership U "graduates"--Jayson Clarke and Kiren Mahadevia. These two young men did an outstanding job both presenting on their fundraising efforts and participating in the program. Kudos!
Important Information-Reposting
Course Registration Information
We are a day away from our Scheduling Information Night. Although this event is primarily focused on students and families who are entering 9th grade in the 2024-2025 school year, you may find the program useful if you are relatively new to Howard County or just have some questions about course offerings that you would like to discuss in person.
We sent out a standalone scheduling message on Canvas to students and observers as a follow up to the Raidertime lesson. Check out the agenda for next week's session and start mapping out your plans for next week and next year!
PTSA Reflections Contest Winners
On behalf of the AHS PTSA, it is my pleasure to announce the 2023-24 Reflections Art Program winners. The student submissions have been advanced to the Howard County Council of PTAs and we will keep you posted about possible county level winners. We thank all of the students for their participation and wish them luck at the next stage of competition.
Jayson Clarke - Outstanding Interpretation of Theme
Art Category: Visual Arts
Adrian Tepper - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Visual Arts
Rhema Yang - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Literature
AJ (Andre) Clark - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Dance Choreography
Included below is the submission by Jayson Clarke entitled "Soaring into Excellence" to inspire us all as we embark upon the new year!
Affordable & Convenient SAT & ACT Prep at Atholton HS and Online
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered at many HoCo high schools and are open to students from all high schools.
GET READY FOR THE NEW DIGITAL SAT on March 9, 2024 and beyond!
AHS Virtual Prep for the Digital SAT: Sat./Sun. April 27 & 28 from 9 am - 1 pm
Register for your Summer College Essay Writing Workshop Now & Save!
Juniors: Now's the prime time to receive your Personalized College List - Introductory Rate of $199 through 12/31.
Each college prep class is only $149 (through 12/31), or choose a College Prep Combo Package and save up to $75. Visit www.theanswerclass.com to view all the college admissions support offerings and class schedule, and to register your student.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
1/9 Course Scheduling Night
1/15 Schools & Offices Closed
1/16 Period 1 Midterm Exam (Full Day of School)
1/17 Period 2 & 3 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/18 Period 4A & 5 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/19 Period 4B & 6 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/22 No School for Students