Wildcat Press Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 13 ~ January 1, 2023
Hello Pride,
Happy New Year!!
I hope you all got some rest, enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to the New Year.
This year our pledge to you is that we will continue to try and improve our school, grow our students and be the place you are proud to send your kids each day. We look forward to partnering with you.
New Year's is such an interesting idea, we make it out to be an end and beginning, however it is really a continuation. We take this time to make new resolutions, to lose weight, save money or spend more time with family. I find it interesting that we pick these things and then do our best to keep it going as long as we can. However what we talk about is when we fail "How long did you keep your resolution?" I want to encourage you to not focus on when you fail, when you finally drink that soda or buy something with credit, but on recognizing that it isn't the failure that is important. What is important is that you get back up and try again. We have all heard of the people who failed and continued to try: Be an Abraham Lincoln, J.K. Rowling, Michael Jordan or Alexander Graham Bell. Be the change you wish to see, and don't worry about the stumble, worry about the getting back up.
Here is to a fantastic 2023!!
Rod Huston
Principal's Message
MHS Administrative Team!
Mr. Rod Huston
Mrs. Marguerite Brown
Assistant Principal
Grade Level: Juniors
Freshman F-N
Mr. Rudy Alvarado
Assistant Principal
Athletic Director
Grade Level: Sophomores
Freshman: O-Z
Mr. Kevin Swann
Activities and Clubs
Grade Level: Seniors
Freshman: A-E
MHS Events
Winter Break 12/21-School Resumes 1/4/22
1/4/23 - 1 hour early release at 1:20pm
BMDC Modpizza fundraiser 11am-10pm Mod Pizza, Cooper and Warner
Wrestling @MHS vs. Eastmark, Notre Dame Prep, Tempe 4pm-6pm
1/5/23 - Girl's Varsity Basketball vs. ALA @MHS 7pm-9pm
1/6/23 - Boy's Varsity Basketball vs. Poston Butte @MHS 7pm-9pm
1/9/23 - Boy's Varsity Soccer vs. Barry Goldwater @ MHS 6pm-8pm
Girl's Varsity Soccer @ Barry Goldwater 6pm-8pm
1/10/23 - Softball Chipotle Fundraiser 4pm-8pm-1084 S. Gilbert Road
1/11/23 - Early Release 1 hour @ 1:20pm
Boy's Varsity Basketball vs. St. Mary's @MHS 7pm-9-pm
Girl's Varsity Basketball @ St. Mary's 7pm-9pm
Boy's Varsity Soccer @Coronado 6pm-8pm
Girl's Varsity Soccer vs. Coronado @ MHS 6pm-8pm
Wrestling @ Shadow Mtn. 4pm-6pm vs. ALA, Cortez, Shadow Mountain
1/12/23 - Boy's Varsity Basketball @Seton 7pm-9pm
Girl's Varsity Basketball vs. Seton @MHS 7pm-9pm
Kibbles N Bits
Registration Season Begins!
On January 11th, students returning for the 2023-2024 school year were given a presentation about High School registration in their 'Paws and Reflect' Advisory Period. (Please see the video below.) That same day they were given a registration packet, that included the elective courses that they may sign up for. Selecting elective courses are not guaranteed, which is why we ask for every student to fill in at least TWO alternative selections. Additionally, some courses may require teacher initials for their recommendation, so make sure to help ensure the students are acquiring those initials.
These packets will need to be submitted to their English teacher by January 20th. Each student will then meet with their counselor through their English course. Those dates will be announced in their English class in the near future.
If you have any questions regarding this process feel free to reach out to your students Academic Counselor.
Foot Locker Scholarship
Foot Locker Scholar Athletes: The Foot Locker Scholar Athletes program honors student-athletes who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership skills in sports, in their schools, and within their communities.
Award: $20,000 - 20 Awards
Deadline: January 30, 2023
Be entering college in the Fall of 2023 as a Freshman at a four-year school for an undergraduate degree or two-year or four-year community college.
Be currently involved in high school sports, intramural sports, or community based sports.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident (you will be asked to prove citizenship and age if you win).
Go To Link To Apply: https://www.footlockerscholarathletes.com
Hot Chocolate!
After break, the Mesquite Student Council will be selling Hot Chocolate! Sales will take place in the courtyard before school on Fridays. $1 will get you a nice hot cup of chocolatey goodness :)
Coach Candice Gonzales has been our girls basketball coach since Mesquite opened and we are celebrating her 25 years at our game against Saguaro on Friday, January 27th. We'd love to have everyone come out and help us recognize her and this and all of the girls basketball programs amazing accomplishments. The game starts at 7 pm!
GPS Tip Line
About MHS
Email: mhsinfo@gilbertschools.net
Website: https://www.gilbertschools.net/mesquitehigh
Location: 500 S McQueen Road, Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA
Phone: 480-632-4750
Twitter: @MHSWildcat_News