Northeast Elementary Newsletter
Home of the Roadrunners

December 22nd, 2023
Northeast Mission Statement
We are a community of learners that believes each and every student can and will achieve as we empower each of them today to take control of their future; because every child needs a champion!
Northeast Values
At Northeast we Believe in KIDS who are RUNning
Kids First
Impactful Community
Develop Learners
Seek Mindfulness
Never Stop Growing
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Wishing you and your family and wonderful and blessed holiday season. My this time create memories that will last a lifetime and be filled with joy as you spend it with friends and family.
We are so grateful for each of our Roadrunners and their families. You each bring so much to our school community through your support and partnership and we recognize that we couldn't do what we do with out you.
As we look back at this semester, so many great things have happened and students are growing. As we look forward to next semester we are excited for what lies ahead and to continue seeing the success that your Roadrunner will experience.
Enjoy these next two weeks and we look forward to seeing your Roadrunner on January 9th at 7:50am.
Warm Wishes,
Mr. Karr
Mark Your Calendars
- 12/25-1/8 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
- 1/9 - 1st day of 2nd semester
- 1/12 - Report Cards being sent home
Family Fireside Fun
Thank you to all who joined us for our annual Family Fireside Fun! We had an amazing turn out, welcoming over 150 people. It was wonderful to see so many families participating in this fun event, enjoying ornament making, hot cocoa and donuts. We hope that this was a wonderful memory for you and your family as well.
December Attendance Challenge
Thank you for your support throughout our December attendance challenge. We had over 200 students here every day throughout the challenge! Here are the winners of the drawing,
Preschool - C. Hernandez
Kindergarten - J. Aguilar
1st Grade - I. Herrera Cisneros
2nd Grade - M. Chaffin
3rd Grade - A. Gomez Aguallo
4th Grade - K. Ortega
5th Grade - A. Chilcoat
27J Inclement Weather Plan
We know that, despite a relatively mild fall, the potential for snow and cold weather that could impact school rises as we approach the winter months.
We want you to be prepared for when this happens and know how to stay informed.
School Closure/Delayed Start Decisions
We closely monitor any anticipated inclement weather and make our decisions based on the following options:
- Open: All schools will operate on a normal schedule.
- 2-hour Delayed Start: Schools will start two hours after normal time at every level, and morning bus pick-up times will also be two hours after the normal pick-up.
- Closed: All schools are closed. All scheduled activities in the school building are canceled and sports events and practices are postponed. This also includes all before-school programs and childcare programs.
Important notes:
- Families with students in charter schools should check their school’s website for schedule information.
- If schools are open but a parent feels, based on their own circumstances, that conditions pose a safety concern getting to or from school, they can call the school for an excused absence.
- We will make every effort to announce a decision about a closure or delay by 5:30 a.m. Decisions are rarely made the night before.
Communication - How will we keep you informed?
We will communicate about school closures or 2-hour delayed starts using the following tools
- District and school websites
- Phone call, email and text message to parents/guardians
- District social media, including Facebook (/SD27J) and Instagram (@sd27j)
- Local media outlets
Please remember you will only be notified if schools are closed or operating on a 2-hour delay. If schools are open and operating on a normal schedule, you will not receive communication.
Standards Based Grading
Traditional grading has drawbacks that have led 27J to implement standards-based grading (SBG) at the elementary level. Switching to SBG has been considered by many educators and experts as a way to improve the assessment and reporting of student learning. Below are the differences between SBG and traditional grading and highlighting the benefits of transitioning to SBG.
2023-2024 Student Fees
Student fees have been uploaded into Infinite Campus and can now be paid through IC or in the front office. For reduced fees, please complete our Free/Reduced Benefits form.
Fee Schedule:
Class Fee (for consumables and subscriptions) - $10.00
Technology Fee (Chromebook usage): - $30.00
Technology Fee (General software licensing) - $25.00
Total: $65.00
In order to qualify for reduced fees, a Free/Reduced Lunch Application must be submitted every year. This can be done at https://www.payschoolscentral.com/ We will have paper copies of the application available in the front office.
- Students that qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch also qualify for reduced or waived student fees.
- The federal government still covers the cost of meals for students that qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch. The new Colorado law covers the cost of the rest of the meals.
- Other school funding from the federal government is based on the number of students qualifying for Free & Reduced Lunch. It averages out to about $500 more per student that qualified for FRL.
- Northeast is a Title I school that receives significant funding for staffing based on our free/reduced percentages.
2023-2024 Assessment Schedule
Information about Northeast's Roadrunner Club
Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Student Handbook 2023-2024
Creating your Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account
2023-2024 District Calendar
Stay Connected with Northeast
Website: https://www.sd27j.org/
Location: 1605 Longs Peak Street, Brighton, CO, USA
Phone: (303) 655-2550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Northeast-Elementary-School-2104011836481948