Andover High School News & Events
November 15, 2022
End of Trimester 1 Reminders
We have approximately 2.5 weeks to go until the end of Trimester 1 which falls on Thursday, December 1st. Please continue to encourage your student to keep up the great work and if they are feeling in a crunch to please connect with their teacher(s) now before it gets to close to the end of the Tri.
Remember the next 2 Mondays (Monday, November 21st and Monday, November 28th) we have no late start with the end of the Trimester coming up. 1st hour classes are scheduled to begin at 7:40 AM.
Important Calendar Dates
- November 16: Tri 2 Parking Permits Opens for Sophomores 7:00 AM
- November 18-20: Fall Play
- November 21: No Late Start; Classes begin at 7:40 AM
- November 23: No School
- November 24-25: No School; District Closed
- November 28: No Late Start; Classes begin at 7:40 AM
- November 29-30: Parking Permit Distribution
- December 1: End of Tri 1
- December 1: Cafe Onstage Performance 7:30 PM (AUD)
- December 2: No School; Staff Planning
- December 5: No School; Staff Development
- December 6: Trimester 2 Begins
- December 7: Report Cards Available on AH-Connect
- December 8: Fall Activities Celebration (GYM) 9:36 AM
- December 12: Orchestra Fall Concert (AUD) 7:00 PM
- December 15: Band Fall Concert (AUD) 7:00 PM
- December 19: Choir Fall Concert (AUD) 7:00 PM
You can also view a District Calendar here.
Tri 2 Parking Permits
Trimester 2 parking permits went on sale Monday, November 14th. Please access School Pay to purchase a permit for your student if they still need one. The window to purchase permits will open at 7:00 AM. Trimester 2 permit distribution will be on November 29th and 30th in the cafeteria during lunch time. For questions you can contact Emily Fonder at
School Play Information
Tickets can be purchased ahead of time for any of the showings on the Andover High School Theatre Website.
Order Your Yearbook!
Attention students and parents! Now is the time to order your 2022 - 2023 Yearbook! You can view details and ordering information through the Jostens website. The deadline to order a personalized yearbook for your student is Sunday, January 1st, 2023.
Congratulations to the Andover Chess Team!
Congratulations to the Andover Chess Team who took 1st place in the SCA Fall Grade Level Chess Tournament last weekend in New Brighton. An additional congratulations goes to Junior Joe Schendel as he finished 3rd place overall as an individual. Pictured left to right: Joe Schendel, Carlo Leisdon, Ryan Vu and Connor Sweet. Not pictured: William Henning
Girls' Swim and Dive at State!
Good luck to these members of the Girls' Swim and Dive team that qualified for the State meet this coming weekend!
200 Medley Relay - Keira Elliott, Cate Pawlaski, LeeAnna Seward, Eva King
200 IM - Cate Pawlaski
100 Breast Stroke - Cate Pawlaski
Christmas Committee, Inc. - Food Drive
Native American Heritage Month
Indigenous artists from across the U.S. and Canada created beaded states and provinces for the Bead Your State/Bead Your Province challenge. (Kooteen Creations)
Sharing Culture & History
November is Native American Heritage Month! As we start to slow down for the colder months ahead, take time to explore and celebrate the contributions of Native
Americans in Minnesota and across the nation.
Minnesota is home to 11 tribal communities: 4 Dakota and 7 Ojibwe. Did you know that Minnesota got its state name from the Dakota People? As you visit family and friends, explore the local areas that you pass on your drive with an Indigenous lens. Learn more about Mni Sota Makoce and
places names in the featured links.
This Thanksgiving, we hope that Native and non-natives alike can dismantle barriers and celebrate the good things in life while acknowledging historical truths. Gratitude for all things, including gifts from the land, is central to Native American philosophy.
Minnesota is home to many Native American Changemakers who are addressing social issues and bringing positive change by sharing indigenous knowledge through art and community activism.
Let this be your starting guide to celebrate the culture, community, and contributions of Indigenous peoples during Native American Heritage Month!
Miigwech, Pinagigi, Wopida
This Month: Friday, November 25th is Native American Heritage Day! (click here to learn more)
Featured Videos:
Featured Links:
Cafe Onstage Variety Show
Counseling Office Information
Stress Less - Change to Chill
With school, sports, and activities in full swing, it's common for students to experience stress. You may feel like you are being pulled in many different directions to perform at your best. Recognizing symptoms of stress may help identify the things in your life that are causing them. Visit this site to identify symptoms of stress and connect you with resources to manage stress.
Career Center News
These newsletters/updates come from the Andover High School College and Career Center. This resource is here for students and families to help guide all things “life after high school”. To learn more about the services provided by our College and Career Center, click here.
The Anoka-Hennepin Career and College Specialists are excited to be hosting our first annual Education, Employment, and Enlistment Palooza on Saturday, December 10 from 8:00-11:15 am. This event will highlight a variety of career and college planning options for students and families. The format will include a mix of scheduled sessions and open fair times.
News from the Youth Services Coordinator
The Andover Leos Attend Multiplying Good’s Annual Gala in New York City
Last spring, the Andover Leos competed in Multiplying Good’s Public Service Pitch Day competition. The students put together a presentation on all of the service work they had completed throughout the school year around mental health. The Leos walked away with a win, and were set to head to Indianapolis, Indiana in June to compete nationally. Sadly, the flight to Indianapolis got canceled, and the students were not able to attend. Generously, Multiplying Good offered to host the team at their fundraiser in New York City. Last week, five members of the Leo Club (Anna Slavik, Reya Hadsall, Anna Sorensen, Addie Naughton, and Corryn Larsen) headed for New York City to attend Multiplying Good’s annual gala. What a great reminder of the power of service, and what a deserving group of young people!
The Andover Leos Donate to the Sandwich Project
At the Andover Leo meeting on Thursday, October 27th, students assembled over 250 sandwiches for the Sandwich Project of Minnesota.
Veteran's Day Assembly - November 11th
A huge thank you to those of you who donated to the Leos' fundraiser to benefit Haven for Heroes in Anoka at this year's Veteran's Day Assembly. Through your kindness and generosity,
Civics students volunteer at Second Harvest Heartland
On November 1st, 24 Civics students took a field trip to Second Harvest Heartland. At Second Harvest the students repacked food that was then sent to local food shelves to be distributed to families in need. Together they were able to pack 26,366 pounds of food, equalling 21,972 meals!
Promoting Health and Wellness in School, Early Influenza Season
Minnesota is starting to see an uptick in flu cases, according to new data from the state department of health. Now is the perfect opportunity to remind your students about healthy habits to prevent the spread of germs and illness. Use these conversation tips at home to stay healthy this school year:
Wash hands frequently: Scrub hands and fingers with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds.
Cover coughs and sneezes: Use an elbow or a tissue.
Avoid touching your face: Germs can enter your body through your eyes, nose and mouth.
Practice healthy eating habits: Food is your body’s fuel. Choosing well-balanced meals boosts energy and health. Avoid sharing food/drinks/utensils with others.
Get plenty of rest: Sleep is important and restores your mind and body.
When to stay home
Ensuring schools are safe and healthy for all students is the first priority for Anoka-Hennepin. If your child does get sick, keep them home from school so they don’t share their illness with others. Reference school district guidelines to help with this decision:
If a student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student must stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
If a student has vomited or had diarrhea, the student must stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If a student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
If a student is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness.
For more resources and information contact your school health services office or visit
This e-newsletter is published by Andover High School. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.