Weekly Cadence
August 30, 2023
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Bands program right now.
Schedule at a Glance
Sync the Calendar to your phone!
*Please note, as of May 18, 2023 we have a new calendar. If you linked the old band calendar to your personal calendars/phone you will need to update!
Show Swag Store is Open!
Exciting news! The MB Show Swag store is open!
All marching band students will receive one white show shirt as part of their registration but consider purchasing an extra as having a spare will come in handy! Students will also receive a show patch toward the end of the season.
The spirit committee needs your help!
One of our tasks is to supply our Marching Flashes with snacks for each competition. We are seeking donations to help make this happen. If you are interested in making a donation please place it in the storage tote outside of the prop room located inside of 3W. If you prefer to make a monetary donations we can do the shopping for you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact christysmith714@gmail.com or jlhancock679@gmail.com . Thanks you so much for your help!!!
Band Dinner - Donations and Volunteers Needed!
Hello Marching Flashes Families! We will be providing a pasta dinner for our marching band students and staff prior to the home football game Friday Sept 8th.
- Donations are to be dropped off FRIDAY, SEPT 8 at 4:15pm in the cafeteria (enter door 3W).
- Dinner service starts at 4:45pm.
- Please mark all dishes (pots, lids, and any serving utensils) with your last name. Dishes will be placed inside door 3w; you may pick them up before or after the football game.
Thank you in advance for your help with donations and your time to make the dinner a success. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. We are feeding close to 200 people and couldn't do it without you! Thank you!
Guard Shoes
Guard members and families -
Each guard parent should have received an email being billed for shoes. You should have also received a follow up email from our treasurer, George Hewitt, on how to pay. Please follow the link provided in the invoice and pay the fee or go directly to the store and select guard shoes.
Band Fees
Our monthly marching band fee is due this Friday, September 1. With competitions right around the corner, we need to prepare for our extremely high transportation costs. Please send in your payment or communicate with our treasurer if accommodations need to be made. We have an eLearning day this Friday! If paying via our deposit box or mail, you can send in a check tomorrow post-dated for September 1, or send in payment the Tuesday after Labor Day (September 5). See below for methods to pay and a breakdown on this season's payment plans.
Questions? Contact our Band Boosters Treasurer, George Hewitt, at treasurer@fcbands.org!!!
Thank you for your time, and GO FLASHES!!!
Payment Methods
- Deposit Box
- White Box on wall next to band office door
- Cash/Check/Money Orders Accepted
- Checks payable to "FC Band Boosters"
- Include your student's name with the payment.
- Mail
- Mail To: Franklin Central Band Boosters, PO Box 39029, Indianapolis, IN 46239
- Cash/Check/Money Orders Accepted
- Include your student's name with the payment.
- Online Payment
- Visit "FCBands.org"
- Select "Store"
- Select Appropriate Fee or "Fees - Custom Amount"
- PRO TIP: We can now process automatic payments through our website! Reach out to our treasurer at treasurer@fcbands.org for more information!
-Includes volunteering 4 shifts at one of our hosted events
$100 - June 1
$200 - July 1
$200 - August 1
$200 - September 1 - Current Payment
$200 - October 1
Volunteer Commitment Buyout
-No volunteering needed at our hosted events
$100 - June 1
$600 - July 1
$600 - August 1
Arranged Payment Plan
-Includes volunteering 4 shifts at one of our hosted events
-As arranged, in writing, with Band Boosters Treasurer
We need Chaperones!
We are looking for parents to help chaperone during our upcoming marching band competitions. There are separate sign-up slots for band and guard parents so please make sure you're signing up for the right one! We are asking that only those with students currently in the band program sign up for these spots.
All chaperones must have a SafeVisitor background check on file in order to volunteer. Please visit https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/ to complete this step or email Tatia Kortepeter at secretary@fcbands.org to confirm that your background check is still current. Any other questions can be directed to our marching band liaison Heather Long at marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org.
Booster Hub
REMINDER - All Parents and Students need to have a complete profile in BoosterHub; please login to BoosterHub to make sure you finished setting up your account!
If you are unable to log in to BoosterHub you may contact George at treasurer@fcbands.org or use the chat feature on the bottom of the website and talk with a live rep.
FC Bands Hosted Events
Volunteer sign ups for our hosted events are now open!
A few things to note:
We have 11 dates that will need volunteer shifts:
October 13, 2023 ISSMA Setup after Football Game
October 14, 2023 ISSMA Marching Band Scholastic State Finals
November 17, 2023 Craft Fair Setup
November 18, 2023 Craft Fair
February 9, 2024 IPA Setup
February 10, 2024 IPA Invitational
March 1, 2024 WGI Setup
March 2, 2024 WGI Percussion Regional Day #1
March 3, 2024 WGI Percussion Regional Day #2
March 8, 2024 IHSCGA Setup
March 9, 2024 IHSCGA State Semi-Finals
Shift times will change. Allow for a 2 hour difference for either the start or the end time. For instance, most events have start time listed as 9 but it may change to 8am or 10am once we receive additional information.
Job descriptions are included on each event’s date.
The volunteer commitment requires 4 adult shifts per family. Student shifts do not count towards this requirement.
To sign up for a shift:
Go to the calendar at FCBands.org or via the BoosterHub app.
Find the event on the calendar and select the date.
Select the job and shift you prefer to work.
Thank you in advance for making these events great! Franklin Central is always given high praise for our events, from our friendly and helpful volunteers to how well each event runs. YOU are a part of that success!
Questions? Please reach out to events@fcbands.org
Thank you, and GO FLASHES!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Updates! Take a Look 👀
Do you or a family member or friend own a business? Would your employer be interested in donating towards a Band Booster sponsorship?
For every sponsor you are able to secure, you will receive 10% of the donation to your student’s band account. Franklin Central Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
Check out recent updates to our Sponsorship Program
- Updated Sponsor Landing Page on Booster Hub
- New perks and advertising added to each sponsor level.
- Student Packet to assist in reaching out to our community businesses to acquire new sponsors!
- Band Student Sponsor Resources - all the details and support needed to speak to potential sponsors
Questions? sponsor@fcbands.org
Current Opportunities
Fall Mum Sale
Volunteers are needed to unload the truck and organize mums the day of pick up. Pick up location is Indian Creek Christian Church North Lot. Many hands make light work, please consider signing up to assist!
Students that have sold mums must pick them up, to deliver to their customers, on September 7.
To volunteer and/or select your mum pick up time:
Go to the calendar at FCBands.org or via the BoosterHub app.
Find the event on the calendar and select the date.
Select volunteer and/or pick up and time.
Dine & Donate
Save the Date for our next Dine & Donate opportunity - Hot Box Pizza, September 14!
General Fundraising
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy to sign up and start earning for the band. Ask your friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone you know to sign up as well!
Log in to your Kroger account and search for our organization:
Organization Name: Band Boosters Club of Franklin Central H. S. Inc.
Organization Code: 10100
Now is the time to get started (if you haven't already) earning for the 2023 Marching Season! Get a jump on those payments by earning rebates while you shop. It's so EASY!
RaiseRight is running some AWESOME back to school bonuses right now! Old Navy = 18%, Bath & Body Works = 17%, Foot Locker = 11%, Aerie 12% and so much more! You can get back to school shopping done while paying off band fees!
Don't have an account? Want to learn more? Visit the RaiseRight™ page.
Background Checks
Reminder for all parents and volunteers! ⭐
Please make sure you have a SafeVisitor background check on file with FTCSC. A cleared background check is required for all of our volunteers. Background Checks are good for 2 years.
To complete a background check: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
We're starting a new section here where you can submit your questions and we will answer them! Just remember, there's no such thing as a silly question - most likely, we have all had the same question in the past! Have a question you'd like to submit? Email us here!
Q My student does not pass along a lot of information from band. How can I be more informed?
A Great question! The Weekly Cadence and the fcbands.org website should be your first stop to find info! The booster board will also utilize email for any immediate pertinent information. Be sure you are on BoosterHub and have opted to receive emails! Any class-specific information will be sent via ParentSquare. We will also post things to social media (Facebook and/or Instagram).
So, to recap, to stay connected:
—Weekly Cadence
—Facebook parent groups (linked at bottom of this WC!)
—emails via Booster Hub
Q What is protocol when my student will be absent from band practice (or any required event)?
A Inform the directors ASAP! While there is no formal attendance form this year, your directors expect good communication from the students! It is also highly recommended for MB students to communicate with their section leaders.
Derek Ellinger, Director of Bands, derek.ellinger@ftcsc.org
Jackie Nason, Associate Director of Bands, jaclyn.nason@ftcsc.org
Chris Hodgson, Percussion Director, chris.hodgson@ftcsc.org
Adam Faircloth, Guard Director, adam.faircloth@ftcsc.org