RBSMS Staff AVID Happenings
September 2022
WICOR Strategy of the Month
This month we are focusing on Focused Note Taking! Once students take notes, we know it is so important for them to interact with their notes. Here are a couple quick ways to encourage processing notes and connecting thinking.
Bell Work: As students enter the classroom, have them take out their notes and highlight the most important things they wrote down the day before. This is also a great opportunity for students to add those questions in the margins to connect thinking
Partner Share: After 5-10 minutes of your lesson or activity, take 1 minute to have students share one thing he/she wrote in their notes. Encourage partners to add what they heard if it is not in their notes.
Ticket out the door – Have students write one thing they wrote in their notes on a sticky note or exit slip prior to leaving the class.
AVID Tutorials in Action
Tutorials Every Tuesday & Thursday
Students Collaborate
Seeking Understanding in Tutorials
AVID Ambassadors
If you are interested, please call or email Amanda Hawk to schedule.
AVID Sparkle Student of the Month
These students do what it takes to excel in AVID, help others, and be models to others.
This Month's Sparkling Students are:
2nd Period: Nyla-Leroux Samuels
3rd Period: Taylor Jones
4th Period: Sameera Mangroo
5th Period: Olivia Fern
6th Period: Ella Streeter
Congratulations to this month's Sparkling AVID Students!
6th Grade - Nyla Samuels
7th Grade - Sameera Mangroo
8th Grade - Ella Streeter
WICOR Observations
This month the Site Team visited 19 classrooms. We were able to document students utilizing graphic organizers, processing information, marking the text, creating and using focused notes and more!
We thank you for allowing these visits and working so hard to implement WICOR into all your classes.
As a small token of our appreciation, each month those who are visited and caught using WICOR with their students will be placed in a drawing to receive additional recognition.
Congratulations, Ms. Frank, our first Outstanding WICOR teacher.