AUSD Connection
News from Alhambra Unified School District
Message from the Superintendent
As we enter the last stretch of summer break, I hope this message finds you rested, rejuvenated, and excited about the upcoming school year. Most of our staff members will be back at work next week, and then believe-it-or-not, school resumes the following week.
For some of us, the work did not stop, even during the summer months. I’d like to start off by thanking our staff members who did not actually get a summer break, especially those on our Facilities and Construction teams. As you will see in the updates/photos below, they have been hard at work finishing up major projects and getting our sites ready to welcome everyone back. Many of our staff members worked at our various summer programs, and are finally taking a few days off, while others spent part of June and July in trainings, workshops, and collaborative sessions to prepare for the 2023-24 school year. I am always so impressed by the dedication and commitment of our employees!
Strong partnerships between our schools and families are important, and I encourage parents and guardians to stay involved in your child’s learning. Please join PTA, attend back-to-school nights and parent conferences, and volunteer at the school sites if you are able. Our district's success is built on collaboration and engagement. Working together, we can continue to foster a supportive learning community that nurtures each child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional potential.
I’d like to close by extending a warm welcome to our new students and families (and new staff members) who will be joining AUSD this year. I’m so glad you have decided to join the AUSD family.
I wish everyone a beautiful conclusion to your summer break and a fantastic start to the new school year. I am filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the year that lies ahead!
Warmest regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
In this issue...
- FEATURED EVENT: Summer Adventures
- July 25th Board Meeting Communication Item
- - Communication Item: Preparing for the 2023-2024 School Year
- Educational Services
- - Alternative Income Form (AIF)
- - Early College Program Enrollment Workshop
- - Technology News
- Student Support Services
- - Student Dress Code Policy
- - Medi-Cal Redetermination
- - Hazel Health Telehealth Mental Health Services
- - Registration/Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year
- Facilities and Construction
- - Facilities Updates
- - Construction Updates
- SMALL SPOTLIGHTS (News and Information from Around AUSD)
- Food & Nutrition Services (FNS)
- - FNS News
- - What's on the Menu?
- Parent Resources: Community Offerings & News
- - ATA Food Pantry Dates
- - Options for Learning Before-/After-School Childcare
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Non-Profit Partner Organizations (AEF, ALA, AAA)
- News from AEF
- News from ALA
- Human Resources
- - Employment Opportunities
- AUSD Calendar
- - Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- - High School Athletics Calendars
- FEATURED EVENT: Northrup School at Dodger Stadium
- Publicity Requests
- AUSD Featured in Local Papers
- Alhambra USD YouTube Channel
- FEATURED VIDEO: Career Tech Education Program
- AUSD Website & Social Media - Stay Connected with AUSD!
- "AUSD Connection" Archive
Throughout the newsletter, please CLICK ON IMAGES AND HEADLINES to access additional information, embedded links, and larger versions of the photographs/graphics.
FEATURED EVENT: Summer Adventures
Communication Item Presentation Slides
At Tuesday's Board Meeting, there were no "Staff Reports" on the agenda, but we did have a very important "Communications Item" on PREPARING FOR THE 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR. We have included a PDF of the presentation slide deck here, so you can review it at your convenience. The slides will give you an overview and basic information from the presentation. But we encourage you to attend our BOARD MEETINGS in the future so you can listen to the details and discussion as they are shared with the Board Members. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW to access a PDF of the presentation slide deck.
* Several of our departments have given more detailed updated in their sections below. For site-specific information (including student bell schedules), please visit your child's school's website, which can be reached through the AUSD website: www.ausd.us.
Alternative Income Form
Help us ensure that Alhambra Unified School District receives the maximum amount of federal funds for our schools. The collection of household income is a necessary step to receive millions of dollars in federal funds for the school that your child attends. REMINDER: Effective May 15, 2023, all parents will be required to respond to the Alternate Income Form (AIF) survey in order to gain access to other pages of Parent Portal. (Please Note: If you completed the AIF survey prior to May 15, 2023, we need you to respond again in order to accurately gather data for the 2023-24 school year.) Click Here for AUSD AIF Directions.
Technology News
We've Moved!
AUSD PowerSchool has officially moved to the cloud! Everything should look and feel the same. Our website address did change. Make sure to update your bookmarks.
The New AUSD PowerSchool for families & students is https://ausd.powerschool.com
TK-8 Schedules will be available in PowerSchool on August 7, 2023 at 4:00 pm.
High Schools will share out their release dates separately.
Lightspeed Parent Portal
Student Dress Code Policy
Welcome back to the 2023-24 school year. As our students prepare for their return to school, we want to be sure they are dressed for success. Please access the AUSD dress code policy HERE or by clicking on the image below. Note: The dress code applies to all school days regardless of the weather conditions.
Medi-Cal Redetermination
During the pandemic, the federal government waived the annual requirement for states to annually verify eligibility for Medi-Cal, a process known as redetermination. Because of that flexibility, millions of Medi-Cal members maintained their coverage. With the pandemic entering a new phase, the state of California has made this requirement mandatory again on April 1, 2023. Health Net and L.A. Care Health Plan strongly urge all Medi-Cal members to take steps to help families keep their Medi-Cal coverage by updating all contact information, report changes in household and answer all requests for information from the county office. Members can visit BenefitsCal.com to learn more, update their information, or enroll in Medi-Cal.
hazel health telehealth mental health services
We continue to partner with Hazel Health to provide telehealth mental health services for AUSD students. Telehealth mental health services are available at home for any Alhambra Unified School District student. We are also rolling out availability on our school campuses. Parents can reach out directly to Hazel to sign the e-consent and to arrange for services for your child. Get more information and/or sign up at: my.hazel.co/alhambrausd. This service is offered at NO COST to you. (Hazel will still need to collect your insurance information and/or verify your uninsured status, but you will not be billed.)
Registration/Enrollment for the 2023-24 school year
There's still time to register your child for the 2023-24 school year.
The new school year will be starting in just a couple of weeks. If your child will be a new student at an AUSD school, make sure you register him/her ASAP so s/he will be able to start on August 8th. (Please share this information with friends and neighbors who have school-aged children and are not yet enrolled in AUSD.) FYI: Some of our schools are still accepting permit applications.
Click HERE to access the online information page.
The Parent Portal is also ready for returning students to update their enrollment. (Reminder: Parents of returning students need to update their enrollment information in the Parent Portal ANNUALLY! Make sure you complete it before the new school year begins so you can receive Back-to-School information to the correct phone number/email address.)
Facilities updates
Privacy Fence Screens
Northrup and Ynez Elementary Schools received privacy fence screens that provide a secure space for students. The privacy fence screens also state school pride and inspire school spirit.
- Cafeteria, canteen, and lounge projects have commenced.
- Kitchen and serving lines have been repainted.
- Culinary classroom and millwork were repainted.
Construction Updates
Modernization, construction, and upgrades have occurred at many sites during the summer. They are included in the Communications presentation above, but we wanted to highlight the new Solar Arrays that have been installed round our district. More will be coming soon!
Solar Array Projects
Solar Arrays are being added to many of our schools. They will help generate electricity as well as provide much-needed shade.
Check out SGHS principal Debbie Stone and teacher Amanda Blackwood on the July edition of LACOE's podcast (Let Me Add to That...": https://bit.ly/letmeaddtothat
Thank you to all the AUSD team members who took time out of their summer to participate in the California Labor-Management Initiative (CA LMI) Summer Institute. This collaborative group of AUSD certificated, classified, and management employees worked together to strengthen their partnership and to build a more positive labor-management community, which in turn, strengthens our schools and benefits our students.
After 17 years with the City of Monterey Park, City Manager Ron Bow has retired. Over the years, we have enjoyed a strong partnership with Ron, who helped lead the community through the challenging pandemic years and the heartbreaking mass shooting in January. We are grateful for all Ron has done for AUSD and for the students and community of Monterey Park. Thank you, congratulations, and happy retirement, Ron!
During the summer, several AUSD administrators were together in San Diego for the annual NCEE (National Center on Education and the Economy) Leaders Collaborative. They had the opportunity to work with and learn from other education leaders along with national and international experts.
AUSD is grateful to Assemblymember Mike Fong for securing $1 million in state funding for upgrades to district athletic and recreational facilities. If you are a Southern California News Group subscriber, you can read more HERE. Mr. Fong will be at our August 8th Board of Education Meeting.
AUSD sent a team to the 2023 California MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) conference earlier this month. The team was led by Dr. Wendy Molina-Solis, AUSD Director of MTSS.
The theme for this three-day Professional Learning Institute was "Equity in Action: Every Student, Every Day" and focused on promoting the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional success of ALL learners.
Mark Keppel High School had 20 students compete in the 2023 FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) National Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to compete at Nationals, the students had to qualify at the state level competition. They were accompanied led by advisors Benny Heredia and William Martinez, and accompanied by Josephine Quach, Asst. Superintendent of Business Services.
Thank you to the community and the readers of the Pasadena Star-News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, and Whittier Daily News for voting for AUSD for Readers Choice Awards in so many categories:
- AUSD has been named FAVORITE SCHOOL DISTRICT as well as the BEST WORKPLACE in the San Gabriel Valley!
- FIFTEEN of our schools were named FAVORITE PUBLIC SCHOOL!
- The Alhambra Educational Foundation was named FAVORITE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION!
You can read more about the Readers Choice Awards by clicking HERE or the link below. (See pages 42-43 for AUSD & pages 94-95 for AEF.)
FNS News
We are grateful for that the State of California continues to enable us to provide one free breakfast and one free lunch every school day, but please be aware that most schools are required to enter student ID number. The lines will go faster if students know their ID numbers! (Although schools will assist younger students by providing a written ID number and/or barcode, we would appreciate it if parents could help their child memorize their ID number.)
- We have several new menu items this year!
- We are working toward having 40% of our meals freshly-prepared!
- Students in grades TK-8 will now have a CHOICE of two entree items for lunch each day. To help the lines go quickly, we encourage families to review the published menus each month (see below) so students enter the cafeteria already knowing which entree they want for lunch.
Clarification about School Meals Applications:
You should have received a Blackboard Connect-Ed message about School Meals Application. That notification is a federal requirement. But since California provides free school meals for ALL students, we encourage families to complete the Alternate Income Form (AIF) instead (see above). Families will still receive the same benefits (eligibility for certain programs, fee waivers in high school, etc.), but the AIF determines supplementary funding allocation, and completing it will financially benefit individual schools and AUSD.
ATA Food Pantry
Options for Learning
We are sharing this information from Options for Learning for those AUSD families who may be looking for before-/after-school childcare during the school year. Options for Learning is offered at many of our elementary school campuses. For more information, please visit www.OptionsForLearning.org or call 626-699-8070.
non-profit partner organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation
Alhambra Latino Association
Asian American Association
If you would like more information about the Asian American Association, please go to the AAA WEBSITE.
News from AEF
Alhambra Educational Foundation has been voted San Gabriel Valley's FAVORITE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION!
AEF's annual Service to Education Dinner & Gala will be held on September 16th. Sponsorship/donation opportunities will be listed on the AEF website: www.aef4kids.com.
news from ala
AUSD Named Best Workplace in the San Gabriel Valley!
Thank you to our employees (and readers of the Southern California News Group papers) for voting Alhambra Unified School District as the BEST workplace in the San Gabriel Valley! See our employment opportunities below and join the AUSD Family!
Employment Opportunities
Join the AUSD Team! Please click HERE for full-and part-time positions. We have competitive salaries and excellent benefits! AUSD posts all job opportunities at EdJoin.com/alhambrausd. Make sure to check back often.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- August 1: Elementary School Offices Reopen
- August 1: Early College Program Enrollment Workshop 4:00pm-5:30pm (RSVP)
- August 1: Alhambra Police Department National Night Out 6:00pm-8:30pm (Flyer)
- August 8: First Day of School
- August 8: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- August 9: ATA Food Pantry 9:00am-12:00pm (Flyer)
- August 11: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
- August 18: AUSD at AAEDE Job & Career Fair at Almansor Court (more info. to follow)
- August 20: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- August 23: ATA Food Pantry 9:00am-12:00pm (Flyer)
- August 27: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- August 29: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- September 1: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
Student Calendar 2023-2024
Save the Date: Park School Centennial
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: Northrup School at Dodger Stadium
Last September, the LA Dodgers, LA Dodgers Foundation and Playworks thrilled Northrup School when they brought Dodgers catcher Will Smith, utility player Chris Taylor, and relief pitcher Evan Philliips to play with the students on their playground and field. The Dodgers also generously offered two tickets to each student and staff member to enjoy a 2023 summer day at Dodger Stadium. Northrup students, families, friends, and staff members gathered together on July 26th to watch the Dodgers take on the Toronto Blue Jays.
Read about AUSD in these Local Papers:
Featured Video: CTE Program
About AUSD
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (@AlhambraUSD)!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Website: www.ausd.us
Location: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alhambrausd
Twitter: @alhambrausd
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on Friday, August 11th!
All issues of "AUSD Connections" are archived on our website. Click this button to access them.