BK Bulletin
Week at a Glance
Did You Know?
September 18-22
Mindful Monday, September 18 -
Bring Toonies For Terry
Healthy Hunger - Pizza
Together Tuesday, September 19 -
Bring Toonies For Terry
Gr. 6 Drug Awareness Class
Wellness Wednesday, September 20 -
Bring Toonies For Terry
Healthy Hunger - Subway
Thoughtful Thursday, September 21 -
Opening Mass & Grade 4 Bible Presentation @10:00am - St. Albert Parish (all are welcome)
Terry Fox Run (PM)
Welcome Back Event 5:30pm-7:30pm put on by School Council "Scoop and Screen" - Movie and Ice Cream Night! Purchase tickets on Healthy Hunger.
Fun Friday, September 22 -
PD/Staff Meeting Day - No School
September 25 - (PM) Terry Fox Run Rainout Day (if needed)
September 28 - Picture Day
September 29 - Orange Shirt Day
October 2 - Recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day - No Classes
October 5 - World Teacher's Day!
October 6 - No Kindergarten Classes Today
October 9 - Thanksgiving Monday - No Classes
October 10 - Thanksgiving Liturgy @ 1:15pm
October 13 - No Kindergarten Classes Today
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
To kick off our GSACRD faith theme this year, Growing in Love, with the Father, we will gather together as a school community for our opening mass and our Grade 4 bible presentation at St. Albert Parish on Thursday, September 21 at 10:00am. We will be walking from school to the Parish and will share this mass with Sister Alphonse Academy and Father Jack will be joining us to celebrate the start of this school year!
Please join us if you can!
The Annual Terry Fox will take place on Thursday, September 21st in the afternoon (our rain out date will be September 25th). Students are invited to bring “Toonies for Terry” (or any amount) to donate for cancer research. Please join us in supporting this worthy cause!
We are in need of volunteers to help supervise! If you are available to help us on this day, please email Mrs. Giacobbo @ lgiacobbo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Administration will be outside to greet students at the buses and in the parking lot as they arrive. Please note, our school bell rings to start the day at 8:55 and school is dismissed at 3:30. We ask that parents support their children in arriving at school on time and ensure they are picked up/bussed home at the end of the school day.
Parents are asked to notify the school using your Parent Portal on Powerschool linked here (under School Messenger) when a child will be absent.
Keeping In Touch
We value the importance of communication. You can expect to receive weekly “Week at a Glance” emails from the administration on Friday afternoons. As well, your child’s classroom teacher will provide you with regular updates and communication.
As a school we are committed to the health and wellbeing of our students, staff and families. Please know that your questions and feedback are always important to us and our staff are committed to responding to your emails during the work week (Monday-Friday) within a 24 hour period. We do want to ensure that your communication is not missed during the school day while our teachers are engaged with your children. We invite you to call the office if your child has an appointment, change in pick up, or any immediate concerns that may require assistance before the end of the school day. We will ensure that your child’s teacher receives the necessary information.
Stay tuned for some fun upcoming events and initiatives! A reminder that all parents are welcome to join this dynamic team who will be involved in organizing events, activities and fundraising ideas for our amazing school community!
School Fees
School Picture Day!
School Picture Day is THURSDAY, September 28 *For Both Individual and Class Photos.
After Picture Day, we will receive proofs and you will be able to order pictures on mylifetouch.ca using your Portrait ID and Access Code.
School Picture Retake Day is THURSDAY, October 26.
Specialized Supports and Services
Parish News - St. Albert Parish
Sacramental Preparation - First Holy Eucharist
First Eucharist is usually celebrated with children age seven or grade two in the Archdiocese of Edmonton. First Reconciliation is normally celebrated before First Eucharist. Each child and at least one parent/caregiver must attend all 5 sessions: one in October, one in November, one in January, one in March, and one in May.
Each Session there are two days to choose from, usually Wednesday or Thursday evenings, so families can choose the evening that works best for them. Please arrive 10 minutes early so we can begin on time.
If your child is not baptized, or was baptized in another Christian denomination (e.g. Anglican, Lutheran etc.) or for any other inquiries please contact Rebecca.Sakowich@caedm.ca or 780-459-6691
Registration & Session 1
For parents and children in church basement 6:30pm- 8:00pm
*Please bring a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and $55
registration fee payable by cash or cheque to “St. Albert Parish” or
e-transfer to stalbert.stalbert@caedm.ca clearly labeled Sacrament
Prep October 4 or 5 (select one date)
Session 2
For parents and children in church basement 6:30pm-8pm
November 29 or 30 (select one date)
Session 3
For parents and children in church basement 6:30pm-8pm
January 24 or 25 (select one date)
Session 4
For parents and children in church basement 6:30pm-8pm
March 13 or 14 (select one date)
Session 5
For parents and children in church basement 6:30pm-8pm
May 8 or 9 (select one date)
Celebration of First Reconciliation
St. Albert Parish church
Friday, May 31th at 6:00pm
Celebration of First Holy Communion
June 1 @5pm, June 2 (Outdoor) @11am, June 9 @ 9am
Sacramental Preparation - Confirmation
Confirmation is usually celebrated with children in grade six in the Archdiocese of Edmonton. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Confirmation is an important sacrament of strengthening for your child and it equips them for their spiritual journey.
Each child and at least one parent/caregiver must attend all 4 sessions: one in September, one in October, one in January and one in February. Each session has two days to choose from, a Wednesday or Thursday evening, so families can choose the evening that works best for them. Please arrive 10 minutes early so we can begin on time. Additionally, each child must attend one retreat & Reconciliation Celebration. Other requirements will be explained at Session 1.
If your child is not baptized, or was baptized in another Christian denomination (e.g. Anglican, Lutheran etc.), if your child has not yet celebrated their First Holy Communion, or for any other inquiries please contact Rebecca.Sakowich@caedm.ca or 780-459-6691
Registration & Session 1
For parents and children in the church basement
* Please bring a copy of your child’s baptism
certificate and $40 registration fee payable by
cash or cheque to “St. Albert Parish”
6:30-8pm September 27 or 28
(select one date)
Session 2
For parents and children in the church basement
6:30-8pm October 25 or 26
(select one date)
Session 3
For parents and children in the church basement
6:30-8pm January 10 or 11
(select one date)
Session 4
For parents and children in the church basement
6:30-8pm February 28 or 29
(select one date)
Confirmation Retreats
Retreat for children only in the church basement
10:30am – 2pm April 13 or 27
(select one date)
Celebration of the
Sacrament of Confirmation
at St. Albert Parish Church
Tuesday, May 7 @ 6:30pm.
Reception to follow; all are invited to attend.