St. Columba's Primary School
“Our Heavenly Father,
inspire us to distinguish between what is important and what is not,
and open our minds and hearts that we may always be people of good
will who bring life and joy to others. Amen.”
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to a term that will very quickly conclude due to it being a nine-week term. Christmas will be upon us before we know it. The students have a very full term ahead of them and I am sure will be looking forward to the Christmas Holidays, by the end of the term.
A reminder to families that there are still a number of school fees outstanding. Please finalise prior to the end of this term or advise the office of your payment plan for the remainder of the year.
I wish to advise families that classes will be shuffled in preparation for the start of the 2024
school year. The teachers looked at a number of criteria in determining the split. This will include academic, social, friendship and gender. The school will look at family requests however, requests for individual teachers will not be considered and the decision as to which student goes into which class rests with school.
The School Advisory Council (SAC) ACM will be held on Monday, 6 November, following the P&F ACM. There will be no elections as the existing members will continue on in their role as per the new CEWA SAC Constitution.
The P&F AGM will be on Monday, 6 November at 6:00pm in the school undercover area. There will be no elections as the existing members will continue on in their role under the new CEWA P&F Constitution.
The Year 5 students will be preparing speeches over the next few weeks in preparation for the student elections in November. I wish all the 2024 potential leaders well with their preparation and speeches.
There will be a Sacrament of Reconciliation meeting Monday, 16 October at 6:00pm in the Church.
I wish our interschool athletics team all the best at the interschool carnival in Week 3. I know they will be great ambassadors for our school.
A reminder, students will finish this term on Friday, 8 December.
Students will start school in 2024 on Wednesday, 31 January.
God Bless.
Allen McMahon
Important Dates
Monday 16 October
- Reconciliation Parent Meeting in Church - 6pm
Tuesday 17 October
- Pre Kindy Fire Engine Incursion
- CEWA Chess Competition Online
- P&F Meeting - 7pm
Wednesday 18 October
- Science Alive Incursion Y1-3 and Y5-6
- Science Farm Excursion - Y4
Friday 20 October
- Assembly - 2G
- School Disco
Tuesday 24 October
- CAPSS Athletics Carnival - Y3-6
Merit Award Winners - Week 2
Year 1G - Bodhi, Eliana
Year 1W - Georgie, Mason, Poppy, Savannah
Year 2G - Beth, William
Year 2W - Mischa, Matthew, Samuel
Year 3G - Cooper, Poppy, Emma, Lucas R
Year 3W Barbara, Evelyn, Alistair, Gabriella S, Eliana, Harvey, Cooper
Year 4G - Thomas, Athena
Year 4W - Miles
Year 5G - No Merits
Year 5W - Harry St, Olivia
Year 6G - Milani, Cleo
Year 6W - Samantha
Marshall's Tennis Academy
Lessons begin on Thursday, 19 October (Term 4, Week 2)
Click on the button below to register
Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent Night
Parents of those students in Year 3 who are making their Reconciliation this term are invited to the Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent Information Night next Monday, 16 October at 6pm in the Church. We look forward to supporting our Year 3 students as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation later this term.
School Disco 2023
The P&F are proud to present this year’s school disco, 'GLOW', taking place on Friday, 20 October, 2023 (Term 4, Week 2).
This year, we have split the disco into 3 sessions.
Session 1 Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary: 4:45-5:30pm (1 parent/carer must attend to supervise their child)
Session 2 Years 1-3: 5:45-6:45pm (no parents/carers inside the disco area, children are required to be signed in on arrival and are unable to leave until parents sign out at the end)
Session 3 Years 4-6: 7:00-8:30pm (no parents/carers inside the disco area, children are required to be signed in on arrival and are unable to leave until parents sign out at the end).
Please RSVP your child/ren's attendance by Friday, 13 October by clicking on the link above
A separate RSVP is required for each child please to allow easy collation of the data.
There is no cost for this event.
We kindly ask you to include emergency contact details for the night.
There will be a food truck available on the night to purchase light refreshments and ice creams.
Please note, this is strictly a no alcohol event.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your P&F rep if you have any questions.
Grandparents Day Morning Tea - RSVP by Friday 20 October
Calling all Grandparents or Grandparent Figures,
You are invited to our Grandparents Day, held on Friday, 27 October (Term 4, Week 3).
A Grandparents Day Mass for Years 3-6 students and grandparents will be held in the Church from 9:00am.
A Grandparents Day Liturgy for PP - Y2 students and grandparents will be held in the Church from 11:15am.
(Kindy students will hold their own Grandparents Day on Wednesday, 25 October. Communications will come from teachers regarding this event.)
Students will be able to sit with their grandparents at the Mass/Liturgy.
Morning Tea for grandparents only will be provided in Kalyara Mia from 10:00am, supplied by the P&F.
Once Grandparents are finished with morning tea, they may spend time with their grandchildren in the classrooms (10:00-10:50am) and then at recess time (10:50-11:10am).
We ask families to reply to our Expression of Interest form below to allow the P& F to ascertain numbers for catering purposes. We ask for this to be completed by COB Friday, 20 October (Term 4, Week 2).
We are excited to be able to offer this community event for our grandparents.
In the event your child's grandparent is unavailable, we encourage a grandparent figure to attend in their place.
Kidz 'n' Sport - Term 4
The P & F will sponsor the Kidz 'n' Sport sessions at lunchtime this term for students in Years 1-6.
Tuesdays, 1:20 -1:50pm Yr 4- 6
8 weeks starting Tuesday 17th October
Thursdays, 1:20 -1:50pm Yr 1-3
8 weeks starting Wednesday 19th October
Sessions will take place on the bottom oval at lunchtime and cover a range of sports and skills.
Students are welcome to wear their sports uniform on their Kidz 'n' Sport day for the remainder of the term.
Tea Towel Fundraiser
Our annual tea towel tradition is back! Your children have been very busy drawing their self portraits in preparation for the 2023 school tea towel.
Information is as follows:
Prices: $15 each or $14 for 3+
Ordering will close Friday, 20th October so get in quick!
A meaningful gift or a beautiful keepsake, the choice is yours.
P&F News
Hi everyone, welcome back to Term 4.
We have an exciting term ahead filled with a couple of events and activities for our children.
This term we have the P&F school disco, Grandparents Day and lunchtime sport options run by Kidz 'n' Sport for our children to opt in if they wish.
If you haven’t already seen, please check out the boys and girls toilets located opposite the school library. Over the holidays, we had a talented artist come in and paint a beautiful mural in each of these bathrooms to transform them into a much nicer space.
Our last P&F meeting is next Tuesday, 17 October at 7pm in the school staff room. If you would like to see anything specific on the agenda, please let me know.
Have a wonderful week, enjoy this glorious weather.
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
Entertainment Books
The year starts from the date of purchase of your Entertainment Book.
Scholastic Books - Issue 7 - Due Wednesday, 25th October
ISSUE 57 has been sent home today. Book orders are due on Wednesday, 25 October.
Did you know that every purchase you make on Book Club earns our school 15% of the order value in Scholastic Rewards? We use these to purchase more books and educational resources for the school. It all helps!
Cash payments are no longer accepted. Payments can be made by credit card - Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school's order. You do not need to complete the order form.
School Term Dates for 2023
Term 4: Monday, 9 October to Friday, 8 December 2023
Pupil Free Days for 2023
Term 4: None
Sacrament Dates for 2023
Reconciliation: Saturday, 11 November at 10am
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au
Website: https://www.stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au/
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/St-Columbas-Catholic-Primary-School-South-Perth-173160579973945/