Hawk's View
November 24, 2023
Important Upcoming Events and Dates
November 29 - Navigating ADHD: Understanding, Managing, and Thriving session at Sherwood Heights School gym - 6:30 p.m.
December 1 - Report Cards Published
December 6 - Early Dismissal 2:11 p.m.
Reminder - Pay School Fees Online
School fee information for the 2023-24 school year is posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online.
Don’t forget to also log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of various school activities such as field trips, class projects, extracurricular activities fees and more.
If circumstances exist where you’re unable to pay your fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2023.
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit www.eips.ca/schools/fees and www.frhaythorne.ca
Alternatively, contact Karen Bidniak, Business Manager, at F.R. Haythorne at 780-467-3800.
Waiver of Fees Application deadline is Dec. 15, 2023
If circumstances exist where you’re unable to pay your fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2023.
F.R. Haythorne Winter Market!
Silent Auction Donations
The grade 9 French class is hosting a silent auction as a fundraiser for their trip to Quebec this spring and are looking for donations. If you have something to you would like to contribute, please email Mrs. Getschel at crystal.getschel@eips.ca.
Western Beef Jerky Fundraiser Last to Order is Sunday!
We are excited to be doing our annual fundraiser again for the upcoming Hawk Film Festival in April 2024. This is an exciting event for our school each year, and we are grateful to have a terrific business that supports our program each year with Western Beef Jerky.
The jerky comes in 4 delicious flavours: Regular, Teriyaki, Hot and Kippered. The jerky is sold in 1-pound packs (454g) for $30.00 each. Also available to order is Western Beef Jerky’s Garlic Sausage for $15.00/package.
Proceeds will be going to support the Film Production Program and the Hawk Film Festival! The order form is available on your PowerSchool Parent Portal from November 13th to November 26th. The orders will be processed and delivered before December 21st.
To place a Western Beef Jerky order, please log in through your PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
Once you are logged into your account:
- Select “Student Fees” from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Click on your child’s name.
- Click on the Western Beef Jerky icon and complete the order form.
- If you are using a credit on your child's account to pay for your order, please be sure to complete the confirmation process outlined at the bottom of the order form.
- You will receive a receipt as confirmation of your order.
- You can also view your receipt(s) by selecting “receipts” from the top right menu on the main page for student fees.
Should you have any questions or are having difficulties accessing your parent portal account, please contact the school office at 780-467-3800.
THANK YOU for supporting Hawk Film Production!
School Fundraising- Deadline to order is Sunday, November 26
Have a sweet tooth or someone on your list that’s hard to shop for? Purdys just might have what you are looking for! Get your holiday shopping done without leaving your home and support the school at the same time! All ordering is done online, and we will receive 25% of all sales. The last day to submit orders is Sunday, November 26th. All orders will be ready on or before December 12th (we’ll give you a call when they are ready for pickup). Haven’t had a chance to check out the catalog yet? You can visit it here. You will have to create an account with an email address. Thank you for supporting F.R. Haythorne! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Getschel.
Navigating ADHD: Understanding, Managing, and Thriving
Join us for a Parent session at Sherwood Heights Junior High on Wednesday, November 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Sherwood Heights school will be hosting ADHD Edmonton’s President Rachel Rogers who is a Psychologist that specializes in supporting families with children managing ADHD.
Rachel has worked with Edmonton Public Schools as a Teacher, Counselor, and Psychologist on multidisciplinary teams and is a wealth of knowledge to parents.
Rachel will be talking about the history of neurodivergences, what is ADHD?, and the brain. She will briefly talk about the role of medication, multimodal treatment, strategies, and self-regulation. She will also talk about ADHD Edmonton and the supports available (there’s a lot!) and finish with Q&A to address questions.
This session is open to caregivers and professionals; it will be held in-person at Sherwood Heights Junior High, as well as a virtual option.
To help us gauge numbers, please click on this link to RSVP to this event:
Caregiver Series: November sessions
Alberta Health Services offers free online programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth. Sessions are offered through Zoom. Upcoming topics include building executive functioning skills and supporting wellness in later years. The list of November 2023 sessions is now available.
Alberta Health Services Addictions and Mental Health Newsletter
The November edition of the Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter focuses on talking to children about drugs and alcohol. Newsletter
Themes include:
Hawk's Nest Menu November 27 - 31
Tuesday: Chicken Taco Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Thursday: Beef Stir Fry $4.00
Friday: Pizza 1 slice $3.50 or 2 for $6.00
Due to staffing changes, there will no longer be daily hot lunch options. Pizza Friday will continue. Please stay tuned for other exciting lunch options. The menu below will continue to be available.
Hawk's Nest Menu
Sparkling Ice $2.00
Chocolate Milk $2.00
Iced Tea $1.50
Oasis Juice and Bubly - $1.00
Juice Box and Water - $0.50
Microwavable Food
Pepperoni & Bacon Pizza Pop $1.50 or 2 for $2.50
Sausage and Egg Breakfast Wrap $2.00
Taquitos $1.00 or 2 for $1.50
Corn Dog $1.00
Beef Jerky and Twinkies $2.00
Famous Amos Cookies and Nutella to Go $1.50
Ritz Mini Bits Cheese and Goldfish Crackers $1.00
Hot Rod Sticks $1.00
Granola Bars, Dad’s Cookies and Wagon Wheels $0.50
Ice Cream
Haagen-Dazs $2.50
Drumsticks $2.00
Mega Sandwich and Ice Cream Bar $1.50
Worms & Dirt and Rice Krispies Treats $1.50 (when available)
Hawk Wear
School Council Information
School Council | F.R. Haythorne Junior High (frhaythorne.ca)
About F.R. Haythorne
FRH School Motto- Well rounded. Well grounded. Well respected. Committed to learning.
Contact Us and Report an Absence and/or Late
Email: general.frh@eips.ca
Website: frhaythorne.ca
Location: 300 Colwill Boulevard, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-467-3800
Twitter: @FRHaythorne